Saturday, 29 September 2007

food for thought

a school for eating fruits?

By Dr.Gauthama Bhat, Kulamarva

( Vienna,29-09-2007:Internet communication has
permitted every one easy communication
world wide.
The communication line is open to the informed and
as well as semi informed. When informed
and uninformed use the opening
for interaction the semi
informed use the life for interruption and causing

confusion.The targeted audience should be careful. It
should first identify
the aggressive intruder and his
intentions.Undesirable elements should be
as junk mail. All questionable, should be segregated
until they
are validated. It is in this context,I am
publishing the
comments of Dr.Gautham Bhat,my
guest author,who is bombarded
by a questionable
intruder on the organic acidic ill effects of natural
fruit diet,
without undergoing an =eating school=)


Eating lot of fruits is good for health, I support this.
But to say we don't know how to eat it fruit is wrong.
The intruder tries to say that to save fruits from
encountering acidic environment of food eaten earlier,
saying we have to eat fruits before meals, it is wrong.
If we give it a thought, when we don't eat food,what
is left in the stomach is Acid!! The normal HCl, with
a pH of approximately 0.9 !! I don't think any acid
produced by putrefaction can be as strong an acid as
after all they are all organic acids and are less stronger
as compared to inorganic acids like HCl. So that theory
goes into dust.

If it is said that the bread can coat the intestines
and block the absorption of fruits, I differ with it. The
entire surface area of our absorptive surface in the
intestines if displayed on a surface is comparable to
a football field area!!How many bread blocks will we
have to eat to cover all of this area and block the fruits
from being absorbed?

Fruits though important for health, if taken alone in an
unbalanced way, will only cause harm. I'll just give a
personal example of this. When Ashay,my 18month old
son,was weaned off his mother's milk, we were giving
him fruit purees/pulp as he was very fond of them. After
a while, we started realizing that he was not getting
enough in the way of nutrition and was growing
thinner! That's when we started feeding him
carbohydrates and fats and milk, causing him gain
weight afterwards.Fruit by itself doesn't have much
"food" value speaking medically. It mainly provides us
with the volume and fibre, essential vitamins and
minerals and hardly any fat or proteins. Therefore,
it can't be used as growth building blocks in our body.
If we understand the purpose of the fruits existence,
they are there with their own purpose.They are there
to attract other species of "mobile" animals so as to
propagate the seeds and advance in nature the
particular race of the plant. The plant has only one
intention in producing the fruit and that is to
propagate its own family. It doesn't care for our
nutrition. In the bargain, it gets its seeds dispersed
and propagates its own family. It is a way of
paying us the dues for propagating its family.

Roots tubers and seeds

The fibres,tubers and roots are different.They are
rich in carbohydrate and proteins and are
good in the form of food. That is why, rice and
wheat and potatoes are great food based on which
nearly all our population of six billion plus
survive.Yes there are advantages in eating fruits
as everyone knows. Apart from providing us with the
essential 'micro nutrients' they help us reduce the
consumption of "Unnecessary food" If we are living
like animals like Tiger/Lions who don't eat more once
their stomach is full, we don't have to follow any of
these fads. It is our different way of "modern" living
which is making us hungry for such information
hoping to rectify our years of wrong doing by following
some small tips. By nature we as humans tend to find
comfort in things which says that =if only we were to
do and act as X way rather Y way we also would have
been equally good like others. In essence, majority of
people who do not have healthy life style tend not to
agree with their wrong habit and tend to seek short cuts
or easy solutions for things the only solution is nothing
but well thought out hard work,pure and simple. (end)

Thursday, 27 September 2007

children of seven mothers

love & affection for women

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,27-09-2007:(I read this morning in
=arab news= two articles one by Ms.Abeer
Mishkhans =if women are intruders?=
another from Priyamvada Gopal
in the east=,both welcome pieces
concerned women.I feel touched by
My response to them were sent.Below
the adjusted copies for readers to
as it is the theme of the survival
of humanity
as a healthy single family.
I welcome your

Ms.Abeer Mishkhas,=arab news=

Dear Ms.Mishkhas,

I am like your fan, keep reading you in
=arab news=.I send the copies to my niece
for further reading.May be in one of these
days I will approach Mr. Khalid Al-Maeena
permit me to republish your articles on my
website.Remember one thing this human
civilization exists inheriting its gens from
seven mothers as proved by Prof. Brian Sykes
of the Oxford University by his studies
covering almost ten thousand years.Women
are not intruders.They brought us into
this world and made us men.Without the
Queen bee there are no honey bees and honey.

You should reach larger than Arab readership.
Interact with women especially young ones
from other countries developing a net work
in the days of communication revolution.If
you send an e mail
to = =
appealing for Indian citizenship for Taslima
Nasrin,45, the brave medical doctor of Bangla
Desh, who single handedly fought off mobs
from attacking minorities,rescued many sexually
abused female Bengali children it would help
not only a single individual but the entire

This morning I also read Ms.Priyamvada
Gopal´s article also in =arab news= may
peace be upon arab news! I am enclosing my
response to her article I sent her.I intend
publishing it with this one on my website since
the matter is of great public interest need to
be openly discussed by intellectuals all over.

Do feel you belong to us, the whole human
family not as an intruder but a distinct part
and parcel of it.We do need your help to keep
the family of six billions or more safe,secure
and prospering at a time girls like Sunita
Williams are set humanizing space.

With all the best wishes from me from
personally and on behalf of the whole human

Kulamarva Balakrishna

Ms.Priyamvada Gopal,Cambridge

Dear Ms.Priyamvada,

I hope you would permit me address by
your name.I happened to read your article
on women appearing in =arab news=.

But let me point out for one missing link.
It was Pandita Ramabai Saraswati 1858-1924,
who made it possible for oriental women
including Indonesian and Australian to get
due recognition, education, and full civil rights.
It was a girl rescued by her,Godutai Karve,
who with her husband, revered as Maharshi
Karve, who worked for women´s education
and emancipation in India by establishing the
=S.N.D.T.= Womens Only University in Bombay.
That apart, the Pandita´s work in sheltering
and giving the rightful respect to child widows
even before Miss Mayo arrived in India, can
not be ignored.The great Pandita was more or
less banished her into Christianity by none
other than the late Bal Gangadhar Tilak
because of his conservative views.
In Europe itself, in a feudal society of Imperial
Austria, 1843-1914 Baroness Bertha Suttner
persuaded Alfred Nobel to found Nobel Peace
Prize.Her own individual contribution to the
world peace remains the Inter-Parliamentary
Union (IPU), and thereby the International
Court of Justice at the Hague.

Her field work and novel =Down with Wars=
got her Nobel Peace Prize during her life time.

There are great many Saudi girls with hopes and
aspirations.When they are freed from misguided
fundamentalism,which dumped Prophet maker
greatest of Arab woman of Islam, Khadija into
dustbin to throne the last and gossiping eleventh
and the Child wife of the Prophet as
=Lady Ayesha= (she is the source of 25% all
=hadiths=) the concept that =every terrorist is
a muslim= would disappear.

I write this with full knowledge that many
misguided (H)Indologists,who are working
overnight revising Valmiki´s Ramayana,
launched a campaign against the re-organization
of Cambridge Department of Oriental Studies,
especially South Asian Studies.We need to
address growing intolerant fundamentalism
among the so called upper caste Hindus, who
import all their camel bones from the Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia to attack and kill innocent law
abiding citizens.We have to stop them.It is they,
who are opposing a courageous woman medical
doctor Taslima Nasrin being made into an
Indian citizen. Taslima fought for Hindus in
Bangla Desh and rescued so many sexually
abused muslim female children.

She is now 45, and alone needs a sense of
belongingness, which is being denied her by
the beneficiaries themselves! I appeal women
in all countries to write to
= = by e mail
to give Taslima Indian citizenship and protection.

Female pregnancies are terminated by upper
caste wealthy Punjabis, Marwaris,Gujaratis,
Sindis bringing down the sex ratio to almost
8-10 (female-male) as they went on raping
spree even in hospitals in India´s capital.They
went about promoting murder on funeral fire
of widows and the setting up illegal =sati temples!=
It was not by accident that Phulandevi, a
female child,grew up to become a =bandit queen=
only to be murdered as a member of Parliament,
by the cowardly so called ruling =Singh=
(carcass eater) castes.The world today needs
to show more respect to women and heed
their advice.

I hope, you will permit me to publish this letter
on my website humans austria
With best wishes,-Kulamarva Balakrishna (end)

Wednesday, 26 September 2007

yoga & pranayama

to be unobtrusive

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,26-09-2007:Pranayama is considered a part
of certain ceremonials beginning with a brahmin
initiate who is empowered to conduct distinct
morning, noon and evening sun worship,
recognizing him to be the soul of everything in
the world,the moving and unmoving.
The ceremony ordains the worshiper,to inhale,
retain, and exhale in particular ways. These last
no more than minutes.Just as a sportsman or
athlet gets ready it is meant to get in readiness
to be attentive.
There is no intention of manipulation of human
breathing process involved.When eight part
exercise of the mind, known as yoga system
came into being breathing became the fourth limb
of the system.
Here the breathing is done consciously but not
demonstratively observing the three processes
meaning inhaling,retention and exhaling
plus a subtle adjustment of the breathing
to suit space and time is taken to mean
In Buddhism,which came into being in parallel
to the yoga system the observation is
called =minding=, in rather low key attention.
All this is meant to indicate we should be
natural in breathing to be attentive.No undue
importance to bend the ways of breathing
is meant.
However,as yoga system was called upon
by the supernatural power hungry to advance
their causes manipulative experiments in
breathing began and such attempts were
If one goes to Patanjala yoga sutras, five fold
yama and niyamas, suitable and comfortable
sitting posture as asana and similar unobtrusive
breathing practices are prescribed as
preparatory for leading mind to its steadiness.
The comfortable sitting and comfortable
breathing are advised to get mind on focus,
nothing more.To these preparedness added
a mode of holding back all senses from
distraction so the mind is ready to engage and
occupy a targeted subject before fully
possessing by a concerted attack.
All deviations to the process are misguided
and contradictory to the very fundamental
aims of the yoga.It is unfortunate yoga
preachers go overselling themselves to
harm yoga by commercializing a great
cherished tradition.A pity indeed for a
great culture to be sold in crudest ways.

Tuesday, 25 September 2007

do not meddle with breathing

normal is the best

By Dr.Gauthama Bhat, Kulamarva

Kasaragod,Kerala, India

(Dr.Gauthama Bhat is an Ear Nose Throat
Some half-wit circulated a message
suggesting deep breathing as the sure road
to greatness.He has answered it,in his
to curtail such false propaganda among
the ignorant would be patients,showing his
moral responsibility of a doctor.)

normal breathing & deep breathing

What has been portrayed as =shallow breathing=
in the passage is the real =normal= breathing.
When a person is at rest, he exchanges about
500mls of air in each breath cycle.The rest of
the lung volumes remaining unused. But they
are there for a purpose. Should a person start
running or exercising, he requires a lot more
energy or in other words oxygen to perform
that sport. That is when the reserve lung
volumes come into play and the person is
able to cope with the physical stress. Just
imagine that a person is already breathing to
his full capacity when he is at rest utilizing all
his reserves, and then he is forced to run to
escape from some danger, where will he be
able to harness the energy/oxygen from.
He has already used up all his capacity!

Even though the deep breathing suggestion
looks intelligent on paper, the fact that nobody
can do it in real life.It is simply impossible
to breathe so deeply throughout life,
consciously.This is because of the "original
architecture" of the body is to breathe
shallowly at rest and breathe deeply only
momentarily, only when required.
The way a normal human breathes during
sleep is the true breathing.It is inadvisable to
change that rhythm.We can never exhale more
than inhaling or inhale more than exhaling.
Because when one breathes at least 12times
in a minute and does it for the entire life, even
a slight discrepancy in the order of micro liters
can cause either an excess or a deficit in the lung
volumes in a matter of few days- therefore
again this theory I would reject.
Lungs will remain normal only when the inhaled
and exhaled air volumes are perfectly balanced
which it done with such great fidelity!

Last line for the one who suggests reorganizing
human breathing on animals model:
If one wants to emulate a dog or an elephant,
I think there are better ways like - starting to
bark or snouting like a pig or sporting a tail, that
is if you want to show your sense of humor!
Great men didn't become great by doing
whatever with their breathing or washing their
hinds.To represent it that way displays nothing
but stupidity of the person,who does it claiming
to be clever.Do not follow such advice and suffer.
Our body is the best machine ever made. Let
us not meddle with the "Factory settings" it
comes with and down grade our lives.(end)

Monday, 24 September 2007

kambala at katpadi

honnamma presiding
a buffalo race!

By kulamarva Balakrishna

Honnamma,my late sister told me not very
long ago, she had visited our old grandfather´s
house, at Karyadu where I was born and
marked the room. It was an occasional visit
she used to refresh her memories of childhood.
It meant her so much,our childhood.Her siblings
were her Barby toys.If Barby plays were passive
and one sided, we siblings responded that made
us different and loving.It meant a lot for her,
enough to decide giving up going to school to be
able to help mother.
Looking back almost seventy five years,she said
=if only I had continued in school, I would have
been like you, a free bird=.
I was touched to note there was no difference
between male or female dreams.Pains and pleasures
are similar as desires for accumulating experiences
remain irresistible for the sensitive.
That was the secret for her ignoring bodily strains
to go with me on diffilcut tracks and streams
bridged by mere bamboo sticks involving descents
and climbs of minor hills to reach an old aunt or an
uncle,who had rocked us as kids.
When I said to her at Katpadi not far away from
Padubidri on Highway 17 en route Udupi there was
a =kambala= buffalo race with some 60 pairs
participating,she felt like witnessing it.
She had seen as a child with us at our own field,
half a dozen pairs running in sticky mud for a
bunch of coconuts or bananas and a few coins
by flashing mud higher and higer!
But Katpadi annual race of buffaloes is only
surpassed by the one held at Kadri, at the
center of Mangalore city.
In both the places the atmosphere is that of
festivals.Large crowds of men and women,
special tents of shops selling sweets and spicy
crumbs of food.Participating athletic men with
masted buffaloes =pre-teens and teens= with
full of spirit.The excitement seniors tend to avoid.
But Honnamma was a game full of sportive
spirit.=Let us go there=,she said.I asked Elias
to drive us there.
A crowd of several thousands.Excited young
buffalo pairs lined up by half dozen young men
behind each pair with turban ends flaying like
individual flags!
The spirit of enthusiasm, and of course a display
of animal and human health in prime of youth.
We were total strangers to the village crowd.
But welcomed with reverence.We got the best
of seats as we both were rare seniors in the
midst of so many young.I felt more than
flattered at the reception given us by the
kambala organizers.
We spent there no more than forty five minutes.
We felt young once again, we were proud our
distinct culture of the district was lving and vibrant.
We had a restful night.But next day calls after calls
of telephone ringing from relations and friends
to say =we saw you presiding over Kambla at
Katpadi!= (end)

Sunday, 23 September 2007

pampers for dogs

Langoti for Monkeys

by Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,23-09-2007: Hope like us in Vienna,
Bangaluru (pronounce it if you like in the
district dialect of the former Prime Minister
with a =hu= between bengal and uru)
introduces pampers for dogs, including stray
ones to keep the city clean.

Here with us it is now mandatory for dog
owners taking plastic bags to collect dog´s all
cure (ayurveda medicine prescribed by seers
and sava seers of various global mathas!) on
grass and deposit it in dust bin safely to
avoid environment being polluted.

After all the headquarters of Karnataka
has been showing off its =silicon= breasts
for a decade now attracting =foreign=guests!
The dogs mouths are of course to remain
gagged to prevent them from attacking
school going or garbage picking children.

In the next few days,Karnataka will have a
=fatva= (kannada pronounciation not
Tamil) Chief Minister, hopefully under his
=kishkindha= rajya Karnataka does not
come under a tsunami pralhaya with its
epicenter from Udupi Pejawara matha.

Now the CM will also explain under the
Hindu culture why the counted tenth
incarnation is still absconding.

It is a matter of faith meant to be respected.

After all, religion is not a joke.

But make sure in =kishkindha= monkeys
wear langotis, shave clean, use lathis,
match sticks and petrol cans against
interstate bus services! (end)

Friday, 21 September 2007

story of a brahmin beast

inspired by sorrow
of a bird´s killing

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,22-09-2007:This story of Ramayana
is meant to expose Mr.Lal Kishan Advani, India´s
cruelest politician of post independence era and
followers, who indulge in killing their own
voters, by their unacknowledged

Ramayana is a creative poetical work inspired
by the sadness caused by the shooting down of
the male krauncha bird engaged in mating.The
first poet, sage Valmiki, could not contain his
anguish seeing the cruelty inflicted on the bird
by the hunter.

That caused him burst out:= Oh hunter, you will
remain infamous for long because you killed one
of the loving pair of krauncha birds=.

With his molten heart, the sage sang the 24,000
verses strong composition where sadness
and compassion shown by animals and birds are
key components.

One of the three wives of the king, hungry for
power, insists with her husband Dasharatha that
her son inherit the crown instead of the senior
most wife´s son, Rama.

In order to secure the throne of her son from the
rightful Rama, she imposed a condition that he be
banished to the woods for a period of fourteen
years. Thus begins the story of Ramayana,
=Rama´s road=.

Wearing birch tree bark as substitute clothing Rama
sets on his march in wilderness with his princess wife
Sita and his younger step brother, Lakshmana.

As the young prince arrives in the forest, Ravana,
the depraved brahmin king of Sri Lanka, adorned
with ten heads and insatiate lust, therefore with
twice the number of heads as that of god five headed
Brahma himself, finds the princess Sita irresistibly

He persuades, his uncle Mareecha to dance as a
golden deer deceptively in front of the princess
with a view to separating her from the Prince
so he can kidnap her.

As prince Rama follows the dancing the deer to
capture and bring it as a pet to the princess,
Ravana kidnapped the young beauty appearing
before her as a brahmin beggar!

Sita got perplexed at the turn of events.She began
to cry in despair as she was being carried off
for help.

The cry melted even the hearts of birds. One
bird, a giant vulture used by nature eating
carcass, named Jatayu, challenged the monstrous

In a deceptive duel that followed Ravana got
Jatayu fatally wounded. It was this dying bird
which later gave the clue on who had kidnapped
the princess.

To trace her whereabouts Prince Rama was
helped by mere monkeys.One of them called
Hanuman was strong and clever who jumped
from India to Sri Lanka to locate the princess
imprisoned in a beautiful garden.

Later Rama invaded Sri Lanka with the
monkeys to destroy Ravana and his army to
liberate Sita.

A moving story of human lust for power
contrasted with animal compassion that
became so popular, it became a classic
literature, as the first poetic work.

Its various versions spread all through the
South and South East Asia for more than two
thousand two hundred years!

It is this great literary work of all times
misused by the cruel politician
Lal Kishan Advani
and his followers
to grab power in New Delhi.
of his obscurantist mob.

Thursday, 20 September 2007


holdback langoti monkeys
before it is late

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

( this is dedicated to those two
individuals who were burnt alive
in the name of Rama in a bus by
langoti monkeys on its way
to madras-chennai earlier this
week !)

= ma nishada pratishtam tvamagamah
shashvatih samah; yat krauncha
mithunad ekam avadheeh kamamohitam
=valmiki ramayana. Valmiki Ramayana
is the first known creative work,that
means =kavya= not history.It is described
that the poet Valmiki´s witnessing the
shooting of a loving krauncha bird led
him sing the verse.(=shokah shlokatva

The cited shloka, verse, is considered the first
spontaneous expression of the first Indian poet,
Valmiki as he saw a hunter shooting down a
krauncha bird engaged in love with its mate.
The poet felt sorry and sad as he cursed the
hunter = may you remain infamous for long as
you killed a bird making love=.

That was his inspiration to write the poetry
=ramayana=.He wrote this long creative work
almost about 24,000 verses,and taught it to the
twin children of Rama, Kusha and Lava who were
said to have performed the poem singing
and dancing as the King Rama visited the
hermitage of the poet, where they were born
to their abandoned mother Sita ,by the alleged
god himself for frivolous reasons.

They were brought up in the hermitage by the

The story continues to grow even today, as new
versions of the the so called =history= are being
added. The latest ones being in Kannada is
penned none other than Veerappa Moily, a former
Chief Mninister of Karnataka state of the
murders in the name of god!

The original Ramayana by the sage Valmiki
was written soon after Buddha´s time around
the fourth century before Christ. The new
versions of the story had been added from
Burma, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and

In the Indian subcontinent Arabic origin
Muslims of Kerala made their own version
calling it =Mapillapattu=, according to

The version is popular among the Muslim
of Laksha dveepa (lakdivis) islands as well.
The Malaysian version, said to cite the
origin of the story to Allah himself!

So which version is the authentic one?
It is upto the langoti monkies led by Mr.
Lal Krishna Advani to clarify. In any
case Mr.Advani followers have no
justification to get excited and kill innocent
people traveling to Tamilnadu simply
because the langoti monkies did not
like the remarks made by Tamil Nadu
Chief Minister, M.Karunanidhi
questoning the authenticity of the Rama

If I am not mistaken, In Kannada language
itself there is a Jaina version of Ramayana
=Ramachandra charita puranam= written
by the great tenth century poet, Pampa.
Then in 16th century Torave Narahari
wrote a version of Ramayana,which became
popular as =Torave Ramayana=.

In Tamil, poet Kamban wrote a Ramayana.
In Hindi Saint Tulsidas wrote the story
of Ramayana as =Ramacharitamanas=.
Kannada´s poet K.V.Puttappa has written
a free verse Ramayana with the title
=Shri Ramayana Darshanam=. A Telugu
contemporary Satyanarayana has
received Bharatiya Jnanapith Award
established by a trust deed by the late Rama

The original poetry written by Valmiki
is in simple Sanskrit language.The quality
of the poetry is unsurpassed even today
by new award winning poets. Particularly,
the fifth book of Sundarakanda depicting
the langotiless Hanuman hopping
into Sri Lanka in search of kidnapped
heroine Sita is very profound.

Later,the playwright poet Kalidasa,
has written the Ramayana story as
if it is a historic poetry, naming it
=Raghuvamsha= (like shanama).
Raghu was the great grand father of
Rama traced to Sun clan of princes.

Hindu vertical gossip, later known
as Bhagavata Purana counts Shri Rama
is considered the seventh incarnation
of god.It took place about 880,148 years
ago in the second era of (treta) the so
called four =yugas=.

It is a matter of belief.Belief is voluntary.
The conviction those who do not believe
should be beheaded or killed is new to
Hinduism. But langoti monkies of today
practice terrorist violence inviting the
next round of global anti-terrorism
campaign against themselves!

I would not be surprised after the
anti-Al Queda campaign ends, the world
is led to launch a war against Hindus
represented by langoti monkies.
I hope the human smuggler Hindus
choose to avoid this eventulaity.(end)

Wednesday, 19 September 2007

shame on rama

The world can not afford it

by Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,19-09-2007:It is a shame on Rama
that innocent interstate bus passengers
had to die in god´s name.Some times, I am
ashamed to identify myself as an Indian.
Why on earth the government of Karnataka
did not restrain its langoti monkies from
committing the =terroristic= murders?

As we fight terrorism unleashed on India from
across the border in the name of a religion,how
come we ourselves indulge in terror against our
own people in the name of a religion that has done
no good to its followers.

Let us count once again the crimes of Hindu
=langoti monkey= religion:
1.It treats poorer sections of the people as out
caste and untouchables.
2.It treats women as second class citizens.
3.It lets men,who claim to have given up stake
in the society, go naked and on rampage trampling
women and children under slightest pretexts.
4.It shaves a monkey clean, adorns it as a
club wielding wrestler, then calls its visual
presentation as god, Bajrangabali!
5.It keeps women as prostitutes around its places
of worship.
6.It holds prostitution festivals on special temples
dedicated to =yellamma =, mother of all.
7.It maintains homo sexual temples, rat temples
and what not!(more)

The list of crimes of Hinduism as it is practiced
today would remain endless as long as we call a
class of mentally retarded people as brahmins,
and approve their status as individuals, who are
incapable of indulging in crimes against humanity.
We give this class of people exceptional
status of indemnity.They are free to beg, travel
free on public conveyances in some parts of the

This lawlessness should stop, if India to be
recognized as a civilized modern nation state.
The constitution need to be amended, if necessary
to exclude those religious fanatics,who seek political
role for themselves by contesting elections.There
should be no exception in prohibiting religions
running amok.

No religious places should be allowed to preach
hatred and discrimination on the basis of race,
color,faith,sex or similar considerations.At a time
the earth is set to become the master of the outer
space, we can not afford to set up barriers against
our own people and boot out those who do not
confirm to blind beliefs, causing a disaster that
world may not be in a position to handle.

Imagine a hundred million Indians fleeing the
country because the langoti monkey governments
deny them basic human rights!Who can give them
refuge? (end)

Saturday, 15 September 2007

Could it be Sheshappa Iyer?

who was real shakespeare?

by Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,15-09-2007:Could it have been an Indian
from Kerala,who wrote the English plays? The
assertion was made about fifty years ago in Bombay
a group of articulate waiters of South Indian eateries
at the inauguration of "Society for the Promotion
of English Everywhere". Since they were the founders
of the society, I had concluded they were only trying
to pull the legs of Bombay´s two politicians. The city´s
Mayor Dr.Mayur Shah and the State´s Chief Minister
the late Marotirao Kannamwar.
But reading a BBC news report that almost three
hundred British theater personalities have pleaded
for research on who was real William Shakespeare
made me recall the incident and give a moment´s
thought that when the door is open for investigation
the possibility of an Indian chef cooking spicy food
being the author could be also checked.
The BBC report
had said the theater personalities
included Sir Derek Jacobi and Mark Rylance,who
doubted that Startford-upon- Avon born William
Shakespeare in 1564, had left no traces of his
literary faculties other than his will which he left
his wife "my second best bed with furniture".
The Shakespeare Authorship Coalition felt that it
is not possible the plays could have been penned
by the 16th Century commoner raised in an illiterate
The most of Shakespeare plays are set among the upper
classes and there is no mention of Startford-upon-Avon
to be found.The unanswered question remains:
"How did he become so familiar with
things Italian so that even obscure details
in these
plays are accurate?"
Speculation existed since the 18th Century who
could have used Shakespeare as pen name pointing
out playwright Christopher Marlowe, nobleman Edward
de Vere and Francis Bacon.Now would it not be
correct then also examine the possibility of Kerala
chef Sheshappa Iyer´s candidacy?

The brahmin master cook,who landed in Venice
to teach the use of spices in culinary art, may have
observed with his sensitive eyes as a foreigner the
European nobility,to record them in the plays.

Back to Bombay´s St.Xavier High School Auditorium,
where the Society for the Promotion of English
Everywhere was inaugurated by Chief Minister
Kannamwar,which I had witnessed.There was no
dicernable audience other than two press reporters,
myself and colleague Behram Contractor of The Times
of India with two of our photographer colleagues.
We reported the news in weekly edition of The
Bharat Jyoti and The Times of India that the Chief
Minister inaugurating and the Mayor presiding

had addressed over six hundred fifty empty chairs
in the auditorium!
But in the light of new questioning who could indeed
have been the English playwright,we should note
the great tradition of playwrights India had from
Bhasa and Kalidasa onwards.Indeed Kalidasa was
nicknamed by Indologists as Indian Shakespeare,
who lived during early Christian era!
According to BBC , the Coalition had presented
Dr.William Leahy,head of English at London´s Brunel
University and convenor of the first MA in
Shakespeare authorship studies, to be launched
later this month. (end)

Thursday, 13 September 2007

Bilin ! Bilin!

Down with all Fences

Vienna,14-09-2007:As I read this piece of writing
in the Arab News by Uri Avneri, an Israeli peace
now activisit, I was reminded of the late early
teens diarist, Anne Frank.I reprint it here with the
kind permission of Arab News Editor in Chief,
Mr.Khaleed Al-Maeena, with the hope both
Palestinians and Israelis would soon need no
barriers between them to live in peace.
-Kulamarva Balakrishna

WHEN MY friends fall prey to despair, I show them
a piece of painted concrete,which I bought in
It is one of the remnants of the Berlin Wall,which are
on sale in the city.
I tell them that I intend,when the time comes,
to apply for a franchise to sell the pieces of the
Separation Wall.
Some times, when I give a lecture before a German
audience, I ask:=how many of you believed, a
week before the fall of the wall, that this would
happen in their life time?= No one ever raised their
But the Berlin Wall fell.Last week it happened in
Israel too-true,only in one place,to a small section
of the fence,when the Supreme Court decided
that the government must dismantle the obstacle
(which at this place consists of a fence,with ditches,
patrol roads and razer wire) and relocate it near
the Green Line.
The Bible commands us:=Rejoice not when the
enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when
he stumbleth= (Proberbs 24.17).It is a very hard
commandment to obey.
The enemy,in this case,is the= separation obstacle=.
It is hard not to rejoice,even when it is a limited
joy,a conditional joy,because we have won a battle,
not the campaign.
First of all,a part of the land of Bilin has been
redeemed,but not all of it. The new fence will still
be far from the Green Line.The length of the
section to be dismantled is less than two
Second,Bilin is only one of many villages whose
land has been stolen by means of the wall.
Third,the wall is only one of the means of
occupation,and the occupation gets worse
by the day.
Fourth,in many other places the Supreme Court
has confirmed the path of the fence,even though
it steals Palestinian land no less than at Bilin.
Fifth,the Bilin decision also has a negative side:
It gives the court an alibi in the eyes of the world.
It confers on the settlers an apparent legitimacy
in many other places.It must not be forgotten
for a moment that the Supreme Court is essentially
an instrument of the occupation,even though
it tries sometimes to mitigate it
As if to underline this point,the court itself hastened
this week to issue another ruling,giving retro-
active authorization to another neighborhood
that has also been built on Bilin land.
Yet in spite of all this, in this desperate struggle,
even a small victory is a big victory.Especially
since it happened in Bilin.
For Bilin is a symbol.In the past two and half years,
it has become a part of our life.Here,every Friday,
for 135 weeks without exception, a demonstration
against the fence has taken place.
What is so special about Bilin, a small remote village
whose name was known before to just a few
outsiders, if any?
The struggle there has become a symbol because
of an unusual combination of traits:
(a) Steadfastness.The courage of Biliners. In other
villages,too, the demonstrators have shown
courage,but here the sheer dogged persistence
arouses admiration.Week after week they come
back.The activists were arrested again and again,
wounded more than once.The entire village has
suffered from the terrorism of the occupation
More than once I was stirred at the sight of this
small village´s resistance. I saw the armored
jeeps storming in,sirens screeching hysterically,
the heavily armed policemen jumping out
and throwing gas and stun grenades in all
directions,young boys stopping the jeeps with
their bodies.
(b)Partnership.The three-cornered partnership
between the people of the village, Israeli peace
activists and representatives of international
This is a kind of partnership that is not expressed
in high-faluting speeches or sterile meetings
in luxury hotels abroad. It was forged under
clouds of choking tear gas, under jets of water
canons, under fire from stun grenades and rubber
-coated steel bullets, and in ambulances of the
Red Crescent as well as army detention
facilities.It has given birth to comradeship and
mutual trust,just when these seemed to have
been lost forever in our country.
Since the death of Yasser Arafat, co-operation
between Palestinians and Israeli peace
movements has declined in several spheres.
Many Palestinians have despaired of the Israelis
who have not achieved the hoped-for change,
and many Israeli peace activists have despaired
in face of the Palestinian reality.But in Bilin
cooperation flourished.
The Israeli activists,headed by the resolute young
women and men of the =Anarchists Against
the Fence=,have proved to the Palestinians
that they have an Israeli partner they can trust,
and the people of Bilin have proved to their
Israeli friends that they are reliable and determined
partners. I am proud of the part Gush Shalom
has played in this struggle .
Now the Court has proved that such demonstrations
which many considered hopeless,can indeed bear
(c) Non-violence.Always and everywhere. Mahatma
Gandhi and Martin Luther King would have been
proud of such disciples.
The non-violence was entirely on the side of the
demonstrators. I can testify as an eyewitness:in
all the demonstrations in which I took part, I saw
not a single instance of a demonstrator raising a
hand against a soldier or policeman.When in one
of the protests stones were thrown from among the
protesters,video films conclusively proved that they
were thrown by undercover policemen.
True,there was violence at the demonstrations.A lot
of violence.But it came from the soldiers and the
border-policemen who could not bear, I presume,
the sight of Palestinians and Israelis acting together.
This combination of steadfastness,partnership and
non-violence is what turned Bilin into a beacon of
the struggle against the occupation.
The Bilin affair has another face,which was revealed
in all its ugliness over the last few weeks.
The Supreme Court has decided that the path of the
fence in this sector was not based on security
considerations, but was designed to enlarge the
settlement.For us, of course that was not a startling
revelation. Everyone who has been there, including
foreign diplomats, has seen it with their own eyes:
The path was fixed in such a way that the Bilin land
was annexed de facto to Israel, to serve for a huge
new housing project called =Matityahu East=,
in addition to the sttlement called =Matityahu=
(and also Modi in Illit and Kiryat Sefer) that is already
In a second decision this week, the Supreme Court,
for the sake of a spurious =balance= decided that the
housing project that is already standing in Matityahu
also on Bilin land, can remain there and may now be
populated, in spite of the fact that the same court
has in the past forbidden this.
And who built Matityahu? Some weeks ago, a huge
scandal was exposed.The culprit is a building
company called Heftsiba.It collapsed,taking with it
the apartments that its clients had already paid
for. Many of them have lost their entire savings.
The owner of the company fled and was tracked
down in Italy. the company´s debts come close to
a billion dollars.The police suspects that the fugitive
has stolen immense sums.
And lo and behold:This is the same company that
built the original Matityahu neighborhood,and
that intended to build the new Matityahu project
on land stolen by means of the =Security Fence=.
It also built the monstrous Har Homa housing
project and other neighborhoods in the occupied
Who can now deny what we have been saying for
years, that the settlements are a huge business of
billions upon billions of dollars,which is entirely
based on stolen property? Arab News.
( View )

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

heart to heart

by Kulamarva Balakrishna

a homage from heart to heart
all radiating flowers
that is what eva got
years ago my son´s mother

a homage for the living and loving
not the dead lover
one of the many a taj mahal
not tombs but a bomb of light

what is the metre but a mile stone
of measurement
you keep them behind
to cut through the target

akhil imagine my cousin´s
old old great great grandpa
who married an untouchable-
vasishta rishi- to make her
his (cousin´s) great great grandma
worships with prayers
for drops of rain!
followed by frogs singing

impressed, grandpa pays homage to frogs
living unknown soldiers
happy harmony empty clouds
are light after fed breasts
all bright light endless flowers

now the shadows of beauty
of the taj stone attracts men and women
eva´s flowers recreated by art
attract hearts
beauty of the dead
beauty of the living for contrast

a diabetic i am
short of sugar run down
midnight no sights but
brains wacky currents
lights n lights n the heights

heart beats for the dead
heart beats for the living
for one and for all
dorothea-claudia,the five moths old
frogs singing for rains
one armed grandpa-panaje vaidyajja
vasishta´s great great gr... grand son
homage heart to heart
do not count mileage
( written to mark eva´s exhibition of flowers...)

golden girl,80,no more

Vienna,11-09-2007:This is to announce,my eldest sister,
Honnamma, meaning golden girl also known as Hemavathi,
80,who was my care taker mother for seven years until
she got married at the age of 14, breathed her last at
08.30 local time, Dhanvantari Hospital, Puttur Dakshina
Kannada,Karnataka, India yesterday. She was unwell
and almost incommunicado for about a year.Now that
buffalo rider,Yama,designated god of death by Hindu
priests, residing as the Governor of South, is welcome
to come and take her carcass if it suits him with his looped
rope to drag on the dead body! She leaves behind six sons,
their wives and grand children,apart from her younger
remaining siblings,us. -Kulamarva Balakrishna