Vienna, 29-03-2007
The P addane was written in the context
of impending marriage of Mangalorean
Vishwasundari to a Banarasi Babu,
BB's (not Brigit Bardot, she was French)
son. If nris can enjoy welcome to
publish. I offer it free with best compiments.
Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna, 27-01-2007
The pad-dane
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
with Mallinatha's commentary
dimmy sale....
kinnimarindavo.... ( meaning obscure but at the end of every stanza recited)
arasitti abbakkena= queen called abbakka
megdi subbakkena=her sister subbakka
raddane ponjevuna=her second daughter's
peelhigetalhu =discendent
sompady ponjevu= sompadi house female kid
nagana banata puje malpalhu u e a....=worshipping at snake park
santosodu=with happiness
bhari sansotso o aaa=with great happiness
dimmy sale.........
nammuruta vishva sundari = miss world born in our village
nalketalhu bombedu= actress in bombay
emme kattuna goregaontalpa= near goregaon buffalo stall (place in Bombay)
khetawadi lekkada=khetawadi type-bombay whore co-operative from our village)
bollywadi panperu u e a...=bollywadi is hollywood in village parlance
dimmy sale kinnimarindavo...
banarasi bachcheere= benaras bettel leaves
nammuruta poolhu= arecanut from from our village
nalketa bachchana=actor bachchan's
kulavarutaye e e e... = family bride groom
dinakkonji koti mudi = ten million per day earner
baru kattunayeke = so famed
doorata chitrodu bollywaditu= in films of bombay
nalittu =by acting
uruta ponjevklha= making our village girls'
komana chendi malpunayeke=underpant wet
e e e o oo dimmysale kinnimarindavo..
namma =ours
sompady ponjevuna=sompady girl's
sontotadittu kudettu =hole below the waist
sikki buryeke=got trapped they say
banarasi bachcheere=banarasi brand bettel leaves=beeda
pallanga todu beededa=by chewing and mating bed collapses broken
amalutu =with intoxication
uruta sundarina= village beauty's
sontadedekku sikki buryeke= between the thighs got trapped
dimmy sale .. kinnimarindavo
bhari santoso= we are happy
sontadaditta bandelu=below the waist tunnel
pagalutu baveli =residence for bates ( a tropical flying animal during day
adaguna bandelunu =hiding place
ambitu sarane suddoke= with cow dung paste to be cleaned
bhari gaddoloke= with great ceremony they say
vishva sundari marmalhuke=miss world is bride they say
dimmysale .. e e e
nammurutu gouji= our village ceebrates
banarasitu gouji =benaras celebrates
bombeda worli saditu=in bombay worli sea face road
kulhlhutu nattunna= sitting beggar
deberu siddi vinayakena=god siddivinayaka, ganesha
kashi vishveshvaradebena ashirvado,=kashi, benaras god shiva also
nammuruta nagana= village holy snake
ashirvado= also blesses
dharmasthalata deberu,=pilgrimage centre for villagers
debere bakilku= manager
beega paduna= padlock holder
pergadera ashirvado= heggade also blesses
manta deberukulhe=all gods bless the couple
gouji= great festivity
bappanaduta appena gouji= bappanad mother's festivity
nalketa ponjevna=actress girl's
madumme gouji=wedding festivity
dimmy sale ... kinnimarindavo
nammuruda raikulhu= village rai barons
alveru, kalhveru,= feaudal names
muttapperu raikulhu=names
dawood ibrahim=famed mafia boss name
manterekulhe emme= all proud
nalketa ponnuku mudme=of actress marriage
dimmysale ... kinnimarindavoo...
Many have asked the significance of the dimmysale
pa-dana in Tulhu.Here it is. I have particularly
avoided using real names included the civilisational
realities.It is about 4,500 odd years since Aryans
completed arriving in India not as invaders or tourists but weather
related economic/nomadic/gypsie refugee immigrants.
When they saw the geography and weather they burst out
joy with their primitive sacred poems known today
as the Vedas.They were happy to be friendly and
quarrelling with the natives as happens in neighbour
relationships.The latest event is a repitition of the
same relationship telescoping it as far back as
so many years of our history.We are in the 21st
century.All live more or less in jet - space age.
But the outer shell of our lives are ruled by the laws of our
primitive past. It is a typical Westernghat based
"untouchable" entertainer's account of the
event the same way the great Ramayana of
Valmiki was condensed in the same Westernghats
by a single sentence used by children at play.
It says:" at death,banned to the woods grass
sack containing black grams were spilled".
At the death of father king Dasharatha, son
Rama was banned to the forests.This caused
the destruction of the black natives (Brahmana Ravana
2.The pad-dana in Tulhu, a Dravidian language,
eventhough 95 percent Sanskritised as we have tulhu
today, follows the tradition of the bride's proud racial
identity retained. The bride is not a relation of the
nalke social entertainer.He continues to pay homage
to the socially higher caste bunts and held bride's happy
union with a traditional Aryan racial high born
entertainer,(just like Cananore pulheyas playing
biography of sankaracharya as "potti teyyam")who retains his several
thousand years linkage to the sacred rishis, who
recited the Vedas.Just as the bride belongs to
Naga worshipping pre-aryans, he belongs to the
early aryan worshippers of Vishveshvara.
3.The first poem is recalling the origin of the proud
bride and expresses happiness.The second introduces
her as an entertainer in Bollywood/Bollywadi in Marathi
like Khetwadi.He extoles her globally acknowledged
charm.In the third, he introduces the groom,
as charming females, earning a crore a day.
His falling in love with the girl, who ate ripe tamarind
fruit in childhood to become a world beauty! (Aishvarya
was judged the global beauty of the year,she was
asked the secret of her beauty-she answered it was
because she ate regularly sour tamarind fruit!") The four
rejoices at the bride's prize catch.Besides, just as she
is proud of eating tamarind, her catch is being described
a the proud inheritor of "banarasi palangtod beeda" taste.
The five points at the mundane attraction point for
young males and females.The six reports the rejoicing
festival of cultures in different holy places of worship.
The seven points out at the rejoicing intimates who
are proud of their racial identities, athough retained in
a mere shell form!No doubt it would make Uma Bharti,
Sushma Swaraj, Vasundhara Raje, L.K.Advani, etc
also rejoice but that should be considered as fans
rejoicing,therefore excluded by the primitive village bard.
I think, this should open the eyes of Indology/Hindologists.
Yours sincerely
Kulamarva Balakrishna
Kleistgasse 31/33, A-1030 Wien, Austria (Europe)
Phone+Fax: +43-1-7997699
Mobile: +43-676-4953370
eMail: balakrishna@gmx.at
Taravadu Taranga Trust for Media Monitoring (TTTMM) &
International Centre for Social & Environmental Engineering
Taravadu, Bengre, Padubidri 574 111, Karnataka, India
Phone: +91-820-2577058
1 comment:
Cool pic, K.B.! You look great with that horn, wearing Gandhi tee shirt and Gandhi cap!
The poem is very witty!
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