left to right: Bala and Cherkadi Ramachandra Rao
by Kulamarva Balakrishna Vienna 30: India has been under a low intensity terrorist war of attack
for almost the last three decades.The country, however, was ill-prepared
because the administration, in particular safety and security agencies, either were not interested or unable to identify the related issues involved. The policemen do not know the policing job,safety agencies like ambulance, home guards, hospitals or fire brigades or other civilian civil defense net works do not comprehend the full implications of their jobs.It is under these conditions politicos and criminals including enemies are working in co-operation naively hoping to have better share of the results of their joint operations.As the country is very large geographically and demographically with a billion plus population they did not make headways. But they succeeded in halting the growth of the noblest polity.
The latest terrorist attack on 6.5 million city of Hydarabad is an example. As the administration aided by safety and security agencies were set busy offering relief work and finding out the perpetrators of the crime, country wide a natural panic developed.A set of politicians sitting in the opposition, wittingly or unwittingly joined hands with perpetrators of deadly violence announced a strike/bandh disrupting the normal life.This at a time when the society is compelled to face the calamity as a single man, united in one team.What is required here is not POTA (prevention of organized terrorism act) , but discipline enforced voluntarily or by law making it a crime any hindering relief and detection work.This should take care of strike for strikes sake politicos. In case of the Hyderabad event, the national opposition Bharatiya Janata Party announced a strike.This attracts it as suspect unit of crime perpetrators. No amount of shouting by the unit´s leaders hoping to gain power through underworld openings should be allowed to work.As a political game partner BJP is obliged to co-operate in safety and security operations. If it refuses to co-operate it deserves to be destroyed. For India is one inclusive of citizens born,naturalized ones,tourist guests, and other visited included deserve welfare in our social midst.That is the responsibility of our polity.We remain today in,although bordered, 21st global century.There is no mistake on that. While internally we keep a watch, we have the responsibility to co-operate in eradicating terrorism everywhere. In some cases we are bound by bilateral agreements. in other cases,multilateral. In yet uncovered areas, we are bound strongly on moral grounds.The survival of human civilization is at stake. We should seek and offer co-operation to all reasonably trustworthy authorized inter-governmental authorities as well as single government authorities. We should work for strengthening global co-operation systems in crime fighting and preventing violence or terrorism in whatever name. There is no middle way in this endeavor.We should succeed in protecting the innocent, women,children, and handicapped irrespective of caste, color,creed, religion or races in particular. As for the administrative agencies, discipline, co-ordinated team work, correct education to the new recruits on their duty responsibilities should be considered as their duty and right in relation to the society which they are intended to serve.
Any political party should first allow the various agencies to do their job. Politically motivated strikes should in general be banned and made a criminal offence interfering in investigation and justice, in such cases
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