Wednesday, 31 October 2007
karnataka claim
check mental health
of legislators first
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,31-10-2007: India´s Karnataka State is under President´s rule because the break down of coalition arrangement between the two difficult partners. First, the Deputy Chief Minister, Mr.Yediyurappa and his followers resigned. Then the Chief Minister H.D.Kumaaraswamy sought more than ten days time from the Governor to prove his majority. The Governor did not oblige.The coalition had collapsed and the government had resigned. The Governor´s rule was imposed. That was followed by Mr. Yediyurappa consulting astrologers and changing his name formally into Yeddiyurappa! About three weeks´ time was used then renegotiate the collapsed coalition by the same partners.They march into Raj Bhavan claiming majority and right to form a government. What does it indicate? It does not reflect well on the elected members of the legislative assembly to change their mind into contrary directions in no time. A normal citizen like me when I make up my mind to sign an affidavit saying that on my death my body should be made available to a medical college, no funeral ceremonies need to be held, I am advised to make it valid I should get medical certificate that my mental health is sound. Does the same rule of law not apply to law makers? In other words, in this case all the 129 legislatures who joined together to stake claim for a fresh
beginning of the repaired coalition, should go to the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro´sciences and obtain a certificate that all the elected legislators are in a state of good mental health to be trusted with forming a new government.It is that simple.After all the governance of a State government with huge budgets would be entrusted to the proved fickle politicians.
Karnataka has proved it is a badly governed state. Under the same coalition earlier this year two glaring law and order break downs took place. The first was when the State allowed in January this year, a public ceremony in support of an already condemned and hanged foreign dictator. The State has nothing to do with foreign relations with the living or dead. How come then the State concern itself as a party on Saddam Hussains hanging by his own country´s government? Because of this engagement by the State´s law and order broke down, a couple of people died some 40 policemen were injured and properties were destroyed. Then came the Ramasethu controversy in the neighboring State of Tamil Nadu. The State then participated in lawlessness burning an inter-state bus killing two passengers.In no other state such lawlessness ensued. It was proved that governance was sub-standard.
It is reported Bharatiya Janata Party leaders at the national level met the Prime Minister seeking approval of their claim to govern the State under the leadership of its State Unit at once.The State Unit itself gone on record if the Governor does not accept the claim it will go to the streets in agitation. Why then it took them three weeks to know they can indeed govern. They are unwilling to give the Governor,the Ministry of Home Affairs and the President more than 24 hours to take considered decision. How unreasonable.At least they should give the Governor,the Ministry of Home Affairs and the President to consult one each astrologer making a total of three astrologers if the administration was to follow their own examples.The Governor has not to go very far, since
Ms.Shakuntala Devi is in Bangalore now as a practicing astrologer.
The 2004 general elections first caused a coalition between the Congress and Janata Dal (secular) whatever the name may mean. Then the coalition collapsed. In the new coalition
Bharatiya Janata Party and the coalition breaker JDS were partners. The JDS had the least popular support proved by the elections. But it led the government for 20 long months.Another
20 moths designated to Bharatiya Janata Party, by the collapse of the coalition caused a period of one month´s non-government. How then the public should trust the remaining 18 odd months there would be effective government by these politicians. It is therefore, imperative those who claim the right to rule get themselves examined by the National Institute of Mental Health which is not far away from Vidhana Saudha. The institute had mapped the brains of under trials like Abdul Karim Telgi. For a change it may also be wise to give it an opportunity to map the brains of so many legislators who are eager to rule Karnataka. (end)
Monday, 29 October 2007
alarm bell/alert
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,29-10-2007: I not happy to be reporting this alert/alarm bell to you but if timely corrective actions are not taken the semi-literate irresponsible, including scientists
employed by the Indian Bhabha Atomic Research Center, BARC for short, would cause a national disaster of a magnitude even beyond that of the tsunami of 2004 and rains of 2005 in Bombay, both included. It is about faking in the name of even election commission and forwarding false information in net work circles cells of 40-50 units covering 5000 families or more.If India has over 190 million website and e mail users even ten per cent of them are effected the damage would be greater than Chernobyl damage of 1986.
During the Buddha´s time Indians were leading the civilization even giving the right perception for investigation like guided missiles system through boomerang bow technology.E mail and website harnessing was made possible by the progress in space sciences.Now if this highway which covers the globe within minutes is blocked or corrupted by =fake pranksters=for not profit but for common loss, you can imagine the standard and quality of Indian educational institutions and students.Normally if a child is given doll that doll is ill treated we consider the child´s mental faculty is on border level and it needs to be nursed back to good health. If students and found found misusing the education they get then we should think that the teaching standard is lower than basic minimum.
I have brought today this to the notice of Bombay´s prestigious private social sciences
education university =Tata Institute of Social Sciences=. Earlier I have pointed this out to the
attention of Indian Election Commission reminding them the necessity of corrective actions.
For readers´ knowledge on what is going on I copy and reprint a =fake forward= relating to Indian electoral process. I do hope they repair the system to prevent damages before it is too late.
I am pasting a copy of =fake forwarding for national loss=!
This comes soon after I reported the faking spread of false fabricated news, the name of Archaeological Survey of India, The National Geographic Society and The Hindu daily
on excavation of Indian epic =Mahabharata´s remains=.The excavation, the fakers
had claimed, was in the Himalayan territory under the Indian Army. When I am engaged
in exposing that =mischief for no profit but national loss= on this website I get an additional forward, which I believe to be fabrication, if indeed it is so it would destroy the very foundations of Indian nation.I am awaiting response from India´s Election Commission. There is no time to be lost in such grave matters. That is why I publish this alarm alert.
Forwarded is the copy by withholding the identity of the initiator of the =fake forward= and the
first batch of receivers. I mark out the last paragraph which requests for further spreading of the false message.
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2007 10:42:03 +0530
Subject: A better India
Article 49-0 of the Constitution
"49-O" that a person can go to the polling booth, confirm his identity, get his finger
marked and convey the presiding election officer that he doesn't want to vote anyone!
Please spread this news to as many as you know... Seems to be a wonderful weapon against corrupt parties in India... show your power,expressing your desire not to vote for anybody, is even more powerful than voting... so don't miss your chance. So either vote, or vote not to vote (vote 49-O) and pass this info on...
"Please forward this mail to as many as possible, so that we, the people of India, can
really use this power to save our nation". Use your voting right for a better INDIA
( The copy speaks for itself.-Kulamarva Balakrishna)
Friday, 26 October 2007
whose shame?
threat to world peace?
by Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,26-10-2007:Newsweek is being cited by The Times of India describing Pakistan as the most dangerous country in the world today. It is not Pakistan alone, the entire South Asia has been made the threat to world peace by three hidden mothers behind walls and veils producing from nowhere a baby monster some 60 years ago.The mothers described by Salman Rushdie as sisters can be identified as the U.K, U.S. and the Kingdom of the keeper of Holy Places in Saudi Arabia. Ambassador Curtin Winsor, Jr. writing in Middle East Mirror estimates on the basis of published material that during the last two decades and more the kingdom alone invested about 87 billion U.S.dollars for rearing up the monster baby as a global giant which could take on simultaneously three U.S. power symbols including Pentagon just in a matter of minutes.He has contrasted the amount to that the Russians under the Soviet Empire´s 70 years spending of a mere seven billion in the export of communism world wide. His estimation in both the cases may be just about ten per cent of what was invested in reality.With the logistics from U.K. and U.S. establishment backed up by their fourth estate led by The Guardian in the name of supporting a =Third World= and its mouth piece =South= and the Luxembourg based financial fraud Bank of Credit & Commerce International (BCCI). The cloud burst war campaign on world peace promoting an Anglo-American imperial cold war that is now set to swallow the world after devouring first the three hidden mothers!
=Hinduism as algae=
The hijacking of Islam by the three =alleged= mothers, alleged because, they are supposed to be hidden under veils for their own protection from accountability, has created the global insecurity which has been left to be addressed by the worst and environmentally disastrous =Hindu Weeds= branded Hinduism. If the 870 billion dollars, taking that when properly accounted 87 billion would swell to as much, created almost 5000 cells of jihad worldwide in the name of mosques, Islamic Centers, Madrassa religious schools etc. recruiting work for the Holy Armed Forces are reportedly taking place in U.S.prisons where some 13,000 muslims are under jihadi recruitment, the Kingdom of the Keeper of the Holy Places managed schools, and other institutions had led to the emergence of =Hindu Weeds= fertilized by the wasted finances sourced to these hundreds of billions! These are going to be more destructive than the nursed jihadi disease garden itself. The weeds backlash could be estimated by the way many fake professionals constructing evidences of their own =hadith= vertical gossip, =puranas= by making forgery collages and circulate them world wide using the information technology.As I write this, I have been flooded by the manufactured evidences of Hindu forefathers of five meter high! These ugly Hindu algae which even threaten to swallow Indian Scientific establishment have been faking their stone gods drinking milk offered to them to give children to the sterile worshipers! Because of the sub-contracting system these cheap semi-skilled labor South Asia has become a breeding ground for ghettos of hatred in the territories of the three mothers hidden under veils and elsewhere! Do not for a minute,underestimate the =Hindu algae= since that is larger in mass can be more destructive of civilization than =jihadists=.
Hijacked religions
Thus these hijacked religions, are menacing the world. Imagine, when South Asia with close to 1.7 billion population, without political and economic stability.Who in this world can take several hundred million refugees originating there? Who is in a position to prevent them crossing borders under dire straights? Who would take responsibility for the weapons of mass destruction in such free for all fatwa lands? In 1979 as Prof.Paul Erdman predicted with precision in 1971, Iran collapsed. A country of less than 30 million, the fall out was the veiled imperial mothers selling weapons of war to fascists like Saddam Hussain and fanatics like the Keeper of Holy Places! Saddam launched his campaign against the old Ayatullah with the help of the =mothers= and =aunts= who were threatened with job losses because of the canceled and stopped orders for weapons by the Ayatullah! Ever since the war in the Crescent moon region remains without being extinguished. In fact the fire is spreading. Iraq, Afghanistan, now Pakistan, is threatening to spill on Syria and Iran again. Turkey has begun incursion on Kurd region. Ambassador Winsor Jr. reports monthly five hundred jihadis from Saudi Arabia are crossing into Iraq via Syria. Religious leaders Sharia vertical gossip jurists and preachers in the lawless Kingdom of Keeper of Holy Places, he says, are encouraging young men to join forces against the Great Satan. According to his estimation, armed man power to the tune of 50,000 young men a year could be expected to join the Iraqi war.Can George Bush be trusted to speak plain to his dollar spinning friends?
Dawn reported some time ago hundreds of thousands of uniformed Pakistanis were marching into Europe via Turkey and Greece under camouflage. Although majority of these could be economic refugees fleeing from expanding civil war zone, a reasonable portion could be considered as volunteers of jihadi cells meant for Europe and the U.S. As if confirming the report of mass movement young men in the direction of western democracies, plane loads of such people were intercepted and sent back to Karachi from Turkey. Then came the Islamabad mosque battle. A free for all situation developed in =the land of the pure= what? Weapons and ammunition dumps in the region are enough to blast off the whole world.Under these circumstances,officially Americans are complaining Syrians and Iranians are infiltrating Al Quaedis into Iraq.It may be an opportunity for making a pretext for hawkish Bush like to attack Syria and Iran. As for South Asia, in the low intensity war unleashed on India even pluralistic muslim religious centers like Ajmer are not safe. Nepal, Mynmar, Sri Lanka are suffering civil wars caused by the hidden religious torches for decades. It was Sri Lanka´s Buddhists who assassinated Prime Minister S.R.W.Bandarkaike to begin with if we may recall.Does not it sound absurd that a Buddhist killed a Buddhist Prime Minister?
Australian initiative
I just get the news that Australia has made it clear to all immigrants to integrate into the single Australian polity or go to any land where their cherished =gods laws= operate.We in India should point this out to Pejavara Vishveshvaratirtha Swami, miscalled in English as =seer= that if he or his disciples like Uma Bharti find the rules of law enacted by Indian Union´s parliament are unpleasant and unacceptable to them, they better create for themselves a =trishanku svarga= the heavens for King Trishanku, created by none other than the discoverer of the great Gayathri mantra which addresses the natural Sun to enhance the quality of our intelligence. Let us work for a stable South Asia, Pakistan included. Once Pakistan is democratized, the Pakistani mullah public disarmed and then the chances are that we are closer to a regional demilitarization with the understanding of our neighbors like China and Russia.We can thus give lead for global demilitarization now being addressed by Al Gore initiating the theme of environment. There is no doubt Alfred Nobel´s soul would be happy that the fund he created recognized the role of Al Gore. We now need more than ever Al Gore type global politicians grow in all regions of the world covered by the United Nations.(end)
thank you
one india
thank you
by Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,26-10-2007: Dear unmet friends,
Thank you.I am old and sick with a seven year
old ghastly abdominal operation behind me.
But my ego,individuation, integrity, which
is cursed as =shame= by those who caused
us the loss of leadership of a single human
civilization, does not permit me to sit idle
even if 24 hours pain accompany me
with higher or lower intensity.I consider I
owe it to the fellow humans.I remember
learning =ahara nidra, bhaya, maithunam
cha samanyam etath pashubih nararanam
dharmohi tesham adhiko vishesho dharmena
heenah pashubhih samanah= meaning
basic food, sleep, fear, sex etc are common
to the animals among the moving beings.
dharmah, meaning integrity caused by the
right and wrong discrimination (viveka) by
the ego, is the specialty of man.Therefore
the one who has no discriminative integrity
is like an animal.I learnt this in my
elementary school. My teachers were
traditional gurus.
My blog or website is under development
by fine tuning.It is not restricted to English
only. There would be German writings as well.
I like to use new style by eliminating upper
and lower cases for facility.Although I write
in Kannada, Tulhu and even Hindi I consider
the best medium of language for articulation
is English. But I welcome outside contributions
of thoughts.I have taken on myself narrating
contemporary history with comments,
pointing out explaining implications of
mindless living for men as well as women.
No other way to explain if you consider it
was a mindless action to hold a death
related ritual for Saddam Hussain of all
the places in Bangalore. We intellectuals
have a responsibility to the society we
live in and the generations to come.
You are welcome to guide readers to my site
Once my site is fine tuned by a teenager IT
student,Ms.Johanna Spielauer, who has
very kindly offered her help, then I will
inform you RSS etc.I hope it should take
place before the New year eve.
On 10/26/07,
<> wrote:
Dear Balakrishna,
Congratulations your Blog has been added to
'Oneindia Blogs Directory'
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Premier Indian Blogs. Please visit, your
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Events Religion and Community Blogs Category.
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your blog. We would appreciate if you can
email it to us.
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specific blogosphere. This is an Indian
social blogging network, which aims at
listing and driving traffic to all Indian blogs
(by Indians settled in India and abroad)
from one place. We have over 30 categories
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When any user clicks on your blog listing
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If you have Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam,
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bookmark your blog in our language
specific bookmarks. Bookmark your
blogs and see the difference
Oneindia- Blogs (end)
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
e mail pranksters
no joke or fun
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,24-10-2007 ( An few months ago I got
an e mail forward from a person,who is
personally unknown to me. But his family
belonged to one, who happened to be an
early guide to me in the profession of journalism.
I was told of this young man by the son of a
journalist friend of mine.This forward, however,
was blocked by junk/spam mail watch under
=A= grade black listed world wide.I retrieved
it just for a taste.It was on Mahabharata´s
Ghatodgaja,asura son of Pandava Bhimasena,
a fake made up as a collage made of manipulated
photos,printed false excavation report,in the
identity tagged to an alleged The National
Geographic Magazine and Archaeological
Survey of India joint project underway in the
Indian Army controlled territory in the Himalayas
thinking it could be a find comparable
to the five thousand odd years old Otzi corpse
found in the Tyrolean Alps a decade or so ago,
I alerted experts asking their views.
When I was woken up to the fraud by the experts,
I asked for a copy of the forward.It was then
not available. But I got more forwards including a
nasty one on my friend artist, M.F.Hussain,who
now lives outside India because of the
aggressive Hindu fundamentalism unleashed
by such ill informed public opinion created
by pranks as these.Now I get again the same
fabrication on a second round of fake forwards
under the title =remains of mahabharata=.
This time I took the pranksters to task by punishing
them as a team as is the army practice.Just as I
was engaged in responding it I received another
forward with the exclusive expression: "Please
forward this mail to as many as possible, so that we,
the people of India, can really use this power to
save our nation" on another fabrication on the
Constitution of India under the slogan=Use your
voting right for a better INDIA=.The following text
is the elaboration on the team punishment being
published for public information on the implications
of clever and =educated pranksters= using high
tech tools.)
"I have not met you.I know you on the basis of your
introduction.My e mail junk barrier segregated your
first mail under grade =A= as junk/spam. I retrieved
it because I think, Mr. Ramachandra had written to me
about you before. The whole question is that of
understanding with perspective. It was in this
context my communication with you had been to
impress upon you and guide you to interconnect our
present descent into history´s garbage after leading
the world civilization more than 2600 years ago.That
is the reason, I suggested to you to go beyond
Kazakhstan,where you work.Sitting in British jail the
late Bal Gangadhar Tilak had traveled through his
learning and imaginative inference to understand the
nature of Siberian dawn and dusk,which is now
confirmed by travel writer and a grand nephew of a
sort of poet John Dryden, Mr.Colin Thubron.It is with
Siberian perspective even our prayer Gayathri
mantra was conceived.An understanding that the
immobile mass and the moving of which we are a
part make a whole and we are all governed by its
nature, and our prayer addressed to the nature´s
presiding source of power that Sun is that =do help
us increase the range of our intelligence=
Mahatma Gandhi
If you do not know,you mention Mahatma Gandhi
without knowing, I tell you he got the strength to
awaken India by the mental power he got by praying
which he began with his watch out for sun rise for
the sake of his mother when he was a mere child.
Ramdhun =Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram patita
pavana sitaram Ishwara Allah tere nam sabko
sanmati de bhagavan= is universal form of the fourth
version of Gayathri mantra, that the Mahatma
used to unite India. Your and your friends´ learnings
are not complete.You have got an education in
bits and pieces on certain routine techniques without
any clue on knowledge´s inter connection to the
whole. That is why you become a part of practical
jokes on humanity to get banned even by junk search
engines.The expletives sent to your =fake forwarders=
are used in the context. Imagine some one began
the practical joke that =God Ganapathi/Vinayaka/
Vighneshvara= drank milk in the 1990s.It was at this
time, a Sindhi businessman wrote to me from
Bangalore that the shortage in shipment was caused
by the theft of leather garments by airline and customs
staff. I should get the shortage reimbursed by
claiming insurance.I wrote back to him that there
was no insurance company in the world, which
insured goods against theft by the officials! That
is the context of corruption.
Now let me explain further on practical jokes/ragging
that I am aware.I have written about it already in my
=Autobiography of Egotism=.I repeat it. It was about
seventy years ago. I was a mere child.But I was made
aware of it by my elders.During the eight day marriages
among the brahmins, the week was being used for
=ragging= the bride grooms at brides´ parental residences.
In one occasion, on the third or fourth day of the
marriage, when the relations are all herd in the bride´s
parental residence the guests are entertained with
snacks between lunch and dinner.This late afternoon
snacks are served just after the guests enjoy an
afternoon nap. In this case the groom was still at his
nap, but his =alleged= friends therefore prankster
raggers, felt they could play pranks on him.Thus
they tied his long hanging hair to the foot of the
wooden bench he was reclining during nap. Then
they woke him up for the afternoon tea! As he
suddenly got up the bound hair caused the
breaking of his neck and death on the spot!
The practical joke pranksters had not intended it
but they caused the death ending the marriage
ragging civilization!
In just 75 years, we are heading towards humanizing
space.Now this ragging pranks are to be forgotten.
Information technology, E mail included are not
invented by our great mathematic and scientist
geniuses like late Srinivasa Ramanujan,Hardy,
Albert Einstein and others as ragging tools.
Nuclear technology was not meant for nuclear
engineers pranks as they indulged in 1986
is proved the Chernobyl disaster that takes
victims even today.The management of the
disaster site and the Sakrophag has become
a great responsibility for scientists and
engineers.So do have a perspective.
Your education and specialized knowledge
is not meant to be used without a split second
application of the mind. That is what is meant
by the third yoga sutra =tada drusthuh
svarupe avasthanam =.The ego individuation
which rules the source and flow of intelligence
should work as the boss. It is possible by
regulating the mind =chittavritti nirodhah=
just like the irrigation dam on Kaveri river
generates electricity at the same time watering
garden plants that are engaged in photo synthesis,
the nature´s rule of law is enforced by cultivation.
There is no joke in such serious matters.
We are today using our language inherited by us
from time immemorial.=Risheenam punaradyanam
vachamarthonudhavati ;Laukikanam he sadhunam
artham vag nuvartate=.( early seers were followed
by words but now we use languages made of words
under rules of law) It was Niruktakara, Yaska who
(about six-seven hundred years before Christ)
gave us keys to Vedic use of the language.He gave
ideas how the words came about by pointing out
at etymology.Thus early seers selected their words
they are valid even today.Ghoda meaning horse
comes from the old word =ghotaka= meaning a
=trotter=.It has a comparable word in German
=trab rennen= When a horse trots it causes a
chain of sounds of foot steps.We are today thus
using our language for meaning. No abuses are
meant.I myself earned love of my readers both
male and female just because of my writing.
I am also capable of using the language as a deeply
hurting weapon. So when hurting is intended I
use the same on the deserving. The pranksters
are those who deserve.When pranksters like lord
Ganesha drank milk claimers, then logical
consequence is that the stone Ganesh made
kids for all it is for us to see! It is in the first
place the abuse of image like the advertising
image,by corrupting and manipulation of
materials at our disposal made by praknsters/
raggers. Try to understand, the use of words
are caused by events arranged by the thoughtless!
Thoughts are unstoppable energy currents
flow guided by yoga (yogah karmasu
kaushalam= yoga is work efficiency=
bhagavadgita) process our forefathers
systematized the mind training for teaching
several thousands of years ago.
International Centre
My =international centre for social & environmental
engineering= concerns itself in creating public opinion
on perspectives of harmony and peace for social well
being.It is not meant to abuse words.But those, who
abuse their knowledge for pranks and ragging,attract
the right hurting words towards themselves.The
National Geographic Magazine is a great institution.
The pranksters should not misuse its name for teasing
unsuspecting public.The Hindu newspaper is a national
institution even though N.Ram being the son of the late
Narasimhan of Kasturi & Sons family, misused and
suffered in the 1980s, which led to the lynching of an
innocent and decent individual,Rajiv Gandhi. It was
also showing the linkage a UP police official was cited,
who wore sari and bangles claiming Puri Jagannatha´s
love for himself.The faking for prank and faking for
profit like by Abdul Karim Telgi ( an Indian now
undergoing trial for producing by forged official
government papers!) both have consequences
unpleasant. But faking for profit at least has a
purpose.What is the purpose of faking for the
sake of faking without any use?The theft of
current and leakage of current also have
comparable unpleasant results.
As I mentioned to you the United Nations Conference on
Trade and Development has now launched a blog for
opinion farming on development issues. I mentioned also
superstitions eat up 85 percent of our badly utilized
resources meant for common well being.It is the job
of UNESCO to integrate the reconstructed thought
processes of our forefathers into a wholesome basic
education system as has been integrated the
contributions of Greek philosophers Plato, Aristotle
etc. before providing any specialized education.It is the
draw back of the isolated technical education that
breed of bored pranksters galore.This in brief.I
have no need to maintain any caste based,race
based relationship now with any one.Please forget
that I am born in your caste. I have no need for a
better identity than as a human being. I do not
aspire to get an award in the name of any fool,
who became famous and rich! You can do what
you like, like a jihadist launch a war against me.
I maintain the courage of my conviction.My life
is limited. I live a balanced life. I am integrated
to the humane society I live in. I do not need
certificate from Chernobyl pranksters! Is that
clear? WASM that is Warren Allen Smith,
is a philosopher. I have respect for and
understanding with him.He is senior. I have
not been communicated by him about his
protective role for Taslima.It was Taslima
who routed my communication to her
through him for her safety´s sake.I realized
by making public her contact or appealing
material support for her was not my intended
domain. I do support her.I have pleaded for
her with the President of India.That is within
my rights.I continue to mobilize opinion in
favour of women who are generally ill
treated world wide worse than mere door
mats. Some societies even today cruelly
cause genital mutation of females,(fgm) .
The tradition need to be amended.
People are working on it. I only hope and
pray you and your pranskter friends
understand implications of your silly
behaviour.Fake forwarding after all is not
your profession.Neither it is a game to play.
So do stop it for good.(end)
Monday, 15 October 2007
internal external
Sylvie Bantle and Alexander Devasia
a creative introspection
( In 1901, India lost by untimely death, one of the most forward
looking literary figures of his time.The writer died out of poverty
and illness just as he entered his thirties.=Muddana=, Nandalike
Lakshmi Narayanappa, who foresaw with fascination, the demise
of poetry and the surge of prose as medium of creative
writing of promise. Even before Hemingway could think of
introducing to his rambling narration, to break its monotony,
a male female interlude as the means, Muddana, used the technique
in his Halhe Gannada work (old Kannada) Shri Ramashvamedham
(the story of Shri Rama´s horse sacrifice in prose) to review
the growth of story narration with wife Manorama, ( Pleasing
Heart) which remains to this day known as =Muddana
Manorameyara Samvada=, the conversations of =Muddana
and Manorame=. As if re-enacting the event, I present here
Alexander Devasia, the painter in dialogue with his Pleasant
Heart, Sylvie Bantle. The Indo-German creative couple
(Sylvie as writer and Alexander as visual creator).
They work together in documentary and short films.
It is not the first time even in Europe, a couple shared in a
creative joint venture. I must recall my late unadapted
aunt Hildegard and uncle Harald Joos, who worked
together on a single canvass until the younger Harald
passed away a few months earlier, a couple of years ago
here in Vienna, leaving Hildegard to follow him later.
Sylvie and Alexander would be in Vienna privately on
stage during the Christmas, presenting =vararuci=,
an Indian intellectual of Maurya Chandra Gupta´s
(about 4 century before Christ´s) time as a shaman hero
of untouchable =parayas= of Kerala! So that is how is life,
it is not all painter or writer, the creator but the creator
and the audience combine. The audience can enjoy the
feast only according to its ability and of course taste.
As they say = I can only bring the dog to the water,
the drinking is dog´s job!=. Here then, the curtain goes up,
enjoy yourself. -sutradhara,Kulamarva Balakrishna)
Sylvie - Alexander
Sylvie: Alexander, where shall we start? As your wife I know you now since around 8 years, and much longer as a friend of the artist. Let's begin with your exhibition »Suspending Images«, which I saw in March 1998 in the Pundole Art Gallery in Bombay.
Alexander: Yes, the »Suspending Images« was a good exhibition. Ten rooms, represented by ten different worlds of human lives in their surroundings. For example, in the 'War Museum' there are many war objects… All these kinds of things I painted 3-dimensionally, I used a very structural way, and the hanging objects are given a very clear shape.
Sylvie: Some months later you came to Europe, to Germany, for the first time in your life. There I observed a big change happening in your artistic work. What were the influences for this process?
Alexander: When I came to Europe, staying with you in Munich in Germany, I was a little bit confused how to start a new life in this new situation. Coming from India to settle in Europe was a completely exciting experience for me as an artist… different life, different language, different culture, everything so different to my mother country, India…
At first, this experience was like a break in my creativity. How shall I start here as a painter? Okay, I didn't touch the brush for some months; I was thinking and looking around, museums, galleries… I only did some drawings to get new motives, new motivations. Then slowly I started with the series »The Dream of a Traveller«. Using the present situation as a mirror reflecting my past experiences, I came back to paintings in oil on canvas.
Sylvie: I felt very strongly that »The Dream of a Traveller« reflected your inner feelings. Did you feel like a traveller, because you didn't feel settled?
Alexander: Yes, a kind of a traveller… like being between two worlds.
Sylvie: If I remember some motives of this series, I get the idea that this traveller was searching for something…
Alexander: Yes, that's true.
Sylvie: Can you say, what was the objective this traveller was searching for?
Alexander: Getting a place here, getting a ground! In the beginning you are in a floating mood, not catching up anything… It needs a ground. For that you have to express your feelings that time…
Sylvie: After »The Dream of a Traveller« you started a completely different series, again a big change happened very significantly. Has this traveller found something to feel more settled, settled inside? Was his searching over?
Alexander: Yes, slowly I grounded here. I already had some exhibitions in galleries in Munich and other places, more followed, which were quite successful, like »The Dream of a Traveller«.
Sylvie: Your completely different series after »The Dream of a Traveller« was the »Wind«, very abstract paintings, which I liked very much…
Alexander: Yes, after one year in Germany we travelled a lot through Europe… France, Spain, Italy… especially the cave paintings that I saw made a great impact on my mind. How these old cave people were drawing!
Sylvie: That means, the reflections of what you experience is strongly affecting your art. The consequence of such impressions was the »Wind« series?
Alexander: Yes, of course!
Sylvie: Again later – that's now some years back - we spent the winter in Sicily. Because of the cold and the dryness, the sky and the sea were a deep blue. The whole day we saw this great deep blue sky and this deep blue sea around… When we came back to Germany you started with the »blue« series. From that time, I feel the character of your paintings were flowing more into the next series. After the »Blue« came the »Rain«, which was also dominated by the colour blue. Then you were floating to the 'Sky and Cloud', you call the series »Mekham«. From there, now you reached the 'birds' series…
Alexander: »Song of the Crowd«!
Sylvie: Yes, and all these paintings are dominated by the colour blue…
Alexander: I love blue! I always feel inside that the blue is a secret… something mysterious behind, a miracle, because it is not revealing its truth. Blue is a secret! When I go deep and deep into the blue, I can find some meaningful essences, precious but without any fulfilled success… how can I explain? A secret, unrevealing… These journeys into the blue are never ending.
Sylvie: Probably, because blue is a kind of an 'eternal' colour, of something endless? When we look to the sky, we see blue, but in reality it is endlessness that we see.
Alexander: Yes, there is really a secret in the blue. Mind and passion, everything you can express through the blue.
Sylvie: Perhaps, if soul could have a colour, it would be blue…
Alexander: For sure, the soul has a blue colour!
Sylvie: I'd like to locate the blue… The paintings before, even the 'Wind', were more in warm brownish, yellow, red, ochre colours, that means you used very earthly colours, also green. Every colour came from the ground, from the earth. By starting with the 'Blue' series some years back, you went to the space above the earth, the air. Is this now the location that you travel through, or that you have reached?
Alexander: Now I don't portray the normal life. Let's say, I always like to paint the reflection of reality. Between dream and reality. That is my inspiration to paint, between these two worlds. An imaginary world I like to create, something mysterious.
Sylvie: In this between-world you have discovered the birds, which inhabit the air… but how did you find the motive of the crowd?
Alexander: It's by the way of process. When I am doing something, I get into new motivation or new moods of forms to create. Here in my paintings the birds are chained, crying birds, loud… in crowds.
It is the inescapable situation in our private lives as well in politics, as emotional beings. We can't escape from our daily duties or normal things, as humans we are in bondage, chained to each other. Like the birds in my paintings. They can't escape from each other. As beings they have a place to stay, but they are all linked.
Sylvie: I have a certain feeling, especially with this 'Song of the Crowd'… Could you give to these works an attribute, which characterises these paintings, expressions, feelings, in one word?
Alexander: It is a imaginary world.
Sylvie: Somehow I find melancholy in all these paintings. You titled it »Song of the Crowd«, but for me it has an expression of silence.
Alexander: Yes, that's true. The western life gave me a feeling of isolation - even though I got to know many people. That automatically comes to the painting without saying anything.
Sylvie: That's why you put your head in three of these paintings to express this feeling, in the 'Voyage', 'Joval' and 'Mystery'. This really gives me the impression that you are isolated in this crowd.
Alexander: Yes, without any big sound to offer to others.
Sylvie: Do you think this is a very personal experience or a human experience in general?
Alexander : No, it is very personal.
Sylvie: Again, back to the melancholic feeling. Which situation causes melancholy? When do we become melancholic? If you have or had to say good-bye to something, have to release something, which was a hope, a dream, or a vision, which became an illusion, but it is no more in our life. When we think of it, we remember it with a bit of pain… that I feel is creating melancholy.
Alexander : The modern life somehow is killing the inner sensitivity and the truthful contact with other beings. There is a lot of uncertainty in our lives; especially in modern life there is no security. Anytime something can happen, if you are travelling in the train, sitting with friends comfortably in the café, something can blast away our body. This is the unseen tragedy of the present time.
Sylvie : This pain, the melancholic pain… you remember your beautiful childhood, very vivid time as a youngster, time as a student…
Alexander: That is all past! The past makes our present life more vivid. My childhood and youth were mixed with many emotions, which supported me in later life. Living in a certain time as a human being on earth, I feel so happy to experience it all. For example, this painting 'Joval'. This little fishermen's island in Senegal, to where we both travelled, was fascinating for me, because it is a man-made island, made only out of shells. I felt that this is unique in the world. Why did people do this? The ancestors of the people still living there built one island for the living and one for the dead, a cemetery, both connected with a small wooden bridge. It made me wonder so much that these people are born on the shells, go on living on the shells and are buried in the shells.
Sylvie: Then we come to your last painting of this series…
Alexander: I don't know yet, perhaps I should continue…
Sylvie: Right now this painting, which you call 'Mystery', is the last one in this series. In this painting I get a different feeling… In the 'Voyage' half of your face is a skull, the other half is alive, your red face in the 'Joval' is also strange, not real… are you buried in the shells, are you dying, or are you trying to be born…
Alexander: …Pain!
Sylvie: …For me it is not clear, is this face going to die, or…
Alexander: …It also could be rebirth!
Sylvie: Now in the 'Mystery' your face is totally different in expression. It is very peaceful. If I imagine, I am this person in this silent water… this silent water is melting into the sky and this cloud of birds above me… Here, in this painting, the melancholy has disappeared. It is just peaceful…
Alexnder: Yes, that's why I called this painting »Mystery«.
Sylvie: So you got reborn in the shells of 'Joval'! Now you come out with your head and are just wondering about it…
Alexander : Yes, I think so! Every experience in life, shocking or good, at the same time gets reborn into new life. Through a long travel or doing a long series of paintings you can get this new-born feeling.
Sylvie: I'd like to know one thing. In several paintings of this series, I noticed a certain shape for some clouds… like the clouds painted by masters of the middle ages. At the same time, you painted other clouds and the sky differently, in your own expression. You mixed two styles of painting the sky. What was the reason to paint some clouds in the style of the old masters?
Alexander : Actually, since my childhood I have been fascinated by the moving sky. It depends on the atmosphere I want to create. How the old masters observed the sky is another way to look at it. That inspired me and gave me another dimension to see.
Sylvie: It is like a little relic of an old age that you put there, just in the form of these clouds.
Alexander: Yes, certainly.
Sylvie : This connection to the old masters was important to you, to bring these two ages together?
Alexander: Of course! I am very deeply rooted in tradition, Indian as well European. That reflects in my mind time and again; when I do something spontaneously, it is there…
Sylvie: Some kind of feeling of solidarity with these old masters?
Alexander: I salute and respect the old masters who have given something precious to us.
Sylvie: How is your feeling now in the process of this series? Did you reach the end of a circle, or do you think the end of the circle has yet to come?
Alexander: No, no, I feel like moving on as a river. Stagnant water stinks, it has to move on. It is a journey. Right now, I cannot say what will be the next stage? Will it continue as the same, or change? I can only say now that I feel like flowing water, which has to be filtered and filtered again. I am not holding on to a certain technique, that is not my feeling. Whatever I am doing, I am fully there. That is important to me as a painter.
Munich, 19th of July 2006
Sunday, 14 October 2007
letzter schamane
Die Suche nach dem
tanzend Gott
By Sylvie Bantle
(Vienna,12-10-2007: pakkanar, is the pen
name of vararuci given by the greatest of
all folk story tellers, indian, gunadhya, time
unknown, could be of early Christian years. he
wrote in an aboriginal language of central india.
his work brihatkatha, which is considered the
origin of kashmiri somadeva´s katha
saritsagara (ocean of story rivers) reportedly
had over one hundred thousand tales strewn
together. katha saritsagara had on the other
hand no more than 24,000 tales. satanic
verses author salman rushdie,who remained
under a mulla fatwa, got inspired by this
collection and haroun al rashid´s arabian
nights to write his haroun and the sea of
stories to mollify muslim sentiments after
his verses but without success.vararuci
who became known as pakkanar in kerala,
had twelve sons from an aboriginal, therefore
untouchable woman. the shaman story is a
shaman fantasy. vararuchi was none other
than, the man who wrote sanskrit grammer,
as comentory of cryptic suptras written
two hundred years before him by panini, on
the basis of fourteen =pratyahara= sutras,
reportedly he heard as shiva, the first of
all wild god´s mini hand drum was played
after his free dance.vararuci is said to have
lived around maurya chandra gupta´s time.
another name of vararuci is katyayana, son
of katyayini. vararuci was said to be so
intelligent he could understand everything
at once by yoga, meaning the capacity to
apply knowledge in life, which he was
endowed with at birth, we can revert to it,
yoga, the much mis-interpreted system of
thought some other time. now listen to Sylvie
Bantle´s own story.Sylvie is a german writer,
film maker etc but in one word, a creative and
traveling person,who has made india her
second home.kulamarva balakrishna)
von Sylvie Bantle, Muenchen
Seit 1977 reise ich nach Indien. Im
Januar 1995 werde ich auf einem
‘Dorffest‘ in Kerala Zeugin, wie eine
Tanzerin beim Tanzen in Trance
fällt und die Zuschauer ehrfurchtsvoll
»Shiva! Shiva!« murmeln. Hatte ich
Shiva tanzen gesehen?
Das Erlebnis laßt mich nicht los. Den
tanzenden Gott sehe ich nicht mehr.
Der Umbruch Indiens zur Moderne
scheint die alte spirituelle Welt zu
verdrängen. Als Reisende aus dem
Westen beobachte ich, was der um
sich greifende Einfluß aus meiner
fortschrittlichen Heimat, was
Globalisierung in diesem Land bewirkt.
Ziehen sich die Geister zurück?
Inzwischen mit dem indischen
Maler Alexander Devasia verheiratet,
mache ich mich gemeinsam mit
ihm auf die Suche nach jener
Trancetänzerin. Ihr unvergeßlicher
Auftritt liegt sechseinhalb Jahre zurück.
Ich finde Subhadra in einem kleinen
Dorf am Ende der Welt, so scheint es,
und dennoch mitten im überbevölkerten
Kerala. Die Menschen leben hier
- noch - im Einklang mit uralten
Gottheiten und Ahnen-Geistern.
Diese Welt balanciert im Gleichgewicht,
männliche und weibliche Gottheiten
nehmen den gleichen Rang ein. Das
Mysterium bekommt an diesem Ort
einen großen Platz zugewiesen,
vollzieht sich vor aller Augen z.B.
bei der Heilung von Krankheit und
bei Dämonenaustreibung durch
Trancetanz, Gesang und Trommelmusik.
Hier sehe ich den tanzenden Gott wieder!
Ich erfahre, daß es gar nicht Shiva war,
den ich vor vielen Jahren auf dem
Dorffest tanzen sah, sondern ein
anderer tanzender Gott: Pakkanar!
Seinen Namen habe ich nie zuvor
gehört. Dieser tanzende Gott ‘weiß
alles Über den Kosmos‘ und
ist der müchtige Schutzgeist der
ehemals kastenlosen Korbflechter.
Ich lasse mich von Subhadra unterrichten
und tanze mit ihr. Neben mir gerät sie
in Trance. Ihr alter Vater ist der Guru,
der die alten Lieder kennt, die
Geschichten dazu und noch viel mehr:
Er ist einer der letzten Schamanen!
Ein Jahr später besuche ich das Dorf
wieder. Es ist viel geschehen in
diesem Jahr. Der 11. September liegt
dazwischen und hat einiges deutlich
gemacht. Die Geschichte von der
Suche nach dem tanzenden Gott
scheint sich vor meinen Augen wie von
selbst in das große Thema Weltgeschehen
einzufädeln: Überall ziehen sich die Götter
zurück! In allen Bereichen. Das Alte
und das Neue führen Krieg, weil die Welt
aus dem Gleichgewicht geraten ist.
Auch im dörflichen Leben der Gottestänzer
sind Veränderungen erkennbar. Inwischen
gibt es im Dorf einen zweiten Fernseher.
Die Einladung der Hauptstadt zum großen
Onam-Festival ist in diesem Jahr
ausgeblieben, weil der Staat sparen
muß. Die jungen MŠnner wollen nur
noch gegen Bezahlung tanzen, nicht mehr
für den tanzenden Gott!
Was geschieht mit einer Welt, in der die
Götter nicht mehr mit den Menschen tanzen
Als Guru Kutty Ashan über die Zukunft
nachdenkt, laufen ihm Tränen über die
Wangen. Als Analphabeth hat er die alte
Kultur verbal weitergegeben, nichts ist
aufgeschrieben. Den Großteil seines
alten Wissens wird er mit ins Grab
nehmen, denn keiner seiner Schüler hat
die nötige überzeugung, das Erbe der
Ahnen weiter zu pflegen und seine
Nachfolge anzutreten.
Bevor ich abreise, will ich von ihm wissen,
was er dazu meint: Ziehen sich die Götter
Er weiß eine betörend schlichte Antwort.
Anderthalb Jahre später ist es dann
geschehen, der alte Meister ist tot, mit
ihm das alte Wissen im Grab.
« sagt Subhrada, »Die Zeiten haben sich
geändert, niemand glaubt mehr daran…«
Saturday, 13 October 2007
bible & qur´an
may female piss
be on their faces!
= what the bible says=
if a woman does not cover her head,
she should have her hair cut off;
and it is a disgrace for a woman to have
her hair cut or shaved off, she should
cover head. a man ought not cover his
his head,since
he is the image and glory of god;
but the woman is glory of man.
for man did not come from woman,
but woman from man;
neither was man created
for woman but
woman for man.
for this reason, and because
of the angels,
the woman ought to have a
sign of authority on her head
(1.corinthians 11:6-10)
what the qur´an says
o prophet! tell your wives
(including the child one .kb.)
and daughters and the women
of the believers to draw their
veil all over their bodies.
that will be better, that they
should be known so as not to
be annoyed (by who.kb?)
(qur´an 33:59)
this message i get on this sunday
14-10-2007 by muslim bridges
with an enclosed alleged ramadan gift.
i did not want or get any in fact.
my response was quick and at once
the world had got the terrorist gift on
the eve of the muslim feast day
a hell fire and blood bath
at the holiest sufi saint moinuddin chisti´s
shrine at ajmer, in india in which two
innocent pilgrims died. another fifteen
devotees were seriously wounded!
as if to rub salt into this insult, the implied
claim my mother was made for my father
for being raped by him! what a cheek!
i write back led by normal feminist anais nin or
de bouvoir the mostly victims of cruel genital
mutilation (gmf) muslim women from
maghreb should piss on the faces of
the cube god and his prophet
drenching them with suffering female urine
to make the feast indeed very sacred!
but the message bounces as undesirable
implying we are here only to applaud
the ugly mullahs of the burnt bridges!
i am compelled to go public in response.
then comes a nasty report on that greatest
and best of mothers of our time
sonia gandhi
taken for granted denial of human rights
to her lovely indian children
for the simple reason they are born
to nice unassuming parents
coming from the most decent family
in india´s comtemporary history.
what a shame on agence france presse
this note comes from me as the sole trustee
of =taravadu taranga trust for media monitoring=
--klamarva balakrishna (end)
Friday, 12 October 2007
nobel peace prize 2007
recognition for decent politics |
South Asian Journalists Association, New York
Vienna,12-10-2007(As expected the Norwegian
Nobel Committee has awarded this year Nobel
Peace Prize to Former U.S.Vice President Al
Gore to share with United Nations
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC). The recognition of Albert Arnold (Al)
Gore´s contribution is in itself an implicit censure
of President George Bush, who became the
President by controversial means of combativeness!
I see this glaring since the Norwegian Committee
is known to be under the influence of the U.S.
political establishment for long. Al Gore
deserves congratulations for heralding
a new kind of political leadership.The
IPCC for an initiating intergovernmental role.
Thank you Mr.Sreenivasan. Kulamarva
A few minutes ago, I got a news alert:
"The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to
former Vice President Al Gore and the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change."
I went immediately to see the exact
wording of the official citation. Here's part
of the press release:
The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided
that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2007 is to be
shared, in two equal parts, between the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) and Albert Arnold (Al) Gore
Jr. for their efforts to build up and disseminate
greater knowledge about man-made climate
change, and to lay the foundations for the
measures that are needed to counteract such
The South Asian connection here is that the
chairman of the IPCC is an Indian scientist
Rajendra K. Pachauri. In yesterday's New
York Times, reporter Mark Landler mentioned
the possible winners for this year's prize:
= Among those hotly rumored as candidates
are three climate-change evangelists: former
1) Vice President Al Gore; 2) Sheila Watt-Cloutier,
a Canadian Inuit who has warned of the threat
to Arctic wildlife;3) and Rajendra K. Pachauri,
an Indian scientist who leads the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change, which assesses the
risks of greenhouse gases for the United Nations.=
Dr. Pachauri is the Director-General of The Energy
Research Instititue, New Delhi. The IPCC
chairmanship is an elected post.
More on Dr. Pachauri, who is 67, is in his TERI bio, in
Wikipedia; and a US government climate science site.
A couple of possible reasons for Pachauri's name
being left out. One is that the Yunus and ElBaradei
have been running their organizations for much longer
periods of time (Pachauri only became head of
IPCC in 2001) and were the most public faces of
Grameen and IAEA respectively - in fact, the ONLY
public faces. (end)
Saturday, 6 October 2007
an ex-muslim writes
a letter to humans
By Ali SinaDear fellow human,
Today humanity is being challenged. Unthinkable
atrocities take place on daily basis. There is an
evil force at work that aims to destroy us. The
agents of this evil respect nothing; not even the
lives of children. Every day there are bombings,
every day innocent people are targeted and
murdered. It seems as if we are helpless.
But we are not!
The ancient Chinese sage Sun Zi said,
"Know your enemy and you won't be defeated".
Do we know our enemy? If we don't, then we
are doomed.
Terrorism is not an ideology, it is a tool; but
the terrorists kill for an ideology. They call
that ideology Islam.
The entire world, both Muslims and non-
Muslims claim that the terrorists have
hijacked "the religion of peace" and Islam
does not condone violence.
Who is right? Do the terrorists understand
Islam better, or do those who decry them?
The answer to this question is the key to
our victory, and failure to find that key
will result in our loss and death will be
upon us. The key is in the Quran and
the history of Islam.
Those of us, who know Islam, know that
the understanding of the terrorists of Islam
is correct. They are doing nothing that their
prophet did not do and did not encourage
his followers to do. Murder, rape, assassination,
beheading, massacre and sacrilege of the dead
"to delight the hearts of the believers" were all
practiced by Muhammad, were taught by him
and were observed by Muslims throughout
their history.
If truth has ever mattered, it matters most
now! This is the time that we have to call a
spade a spade. This is the time that we have
to find the root of the problem and eradicate
it. The root of Islamic terrorism is Islam.
The proof of that is the Quran.
We are a group of ex-Muslims who have
seen the face of the evil and have risen
to warn the world. No matter how painful
the truth may be, only truth can set us free.
Why this much denial? Why so much obstinacy?
How many more innocent lives should be
lost before YOU open your eyes?
We urge the Muslims to leave Islam.
Stop with excuses, justifications and
rationalizations. Stop dividing mankind
into "us" vs. "them" and Muslims vs.
Kafirs. We are One people, One mankind!
Muhammad was not a messenger of God.
It is time that we end this insanity and
face the truth. The terrorists take their
moral support and the validation for their
actions from you. Your very adherence to
their cult of death is a nod of approval for
their crimes against humanity.
We also urge the non-Muslims to stop
being politically correct lest they hurt
the sensitivities of the Muslims. To Hell
with their sensitivities! Let us save their
lives, and the lives of millions of innocent people.
Millions, if not billions of lives will be lost if
we do nothing. Time is running out! "All it
takes for evil to triumph is for good people
to do nothing." Do something! Send this
message to everyone in your address book
and ask them to do the same. Defeat Islam
and stop terrorism. This is your world, save it.
The ex-Muslim Movement (without comment
it was from those who believed and felt let
down .kb.)