threat to world peace?
by Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,26-10-2007:Newsweek is being cited by The Times of India describing Pakistan as the most dangerous country in the world today. It is not Pakistan alone, the entire South Asia has been made the threat to world peace by three hidden mothers behind walls and veils producing from nowhere a baby monster some 60 years ago.The mothers described by Salman Rushdie as sisters can be identified as the U.K, U.S. and the Kingdom of the keeper of Holy Places in Saudi Arabia. Ambassador Curtin Winsor, Jr. writing in Middle East Mirror estimates on the basis of published material that during the last two decades and more the kingdom alone invested about 87 billion U.S.dollars for rearing up the monster baby as a global giant which could take on simultaneously three U.S. power symbols including Pentagon just in a matter of minutes.He has contrasted the amount to that the Russians under the Soviet Empire´s 70 years spending of a mere seven billion in the export of communism world wide. His estimation in both the cases may be just about ten per cent of what was invested in reality.With the logistics from U.K. and U.S. establishment backed up by their fourth estate led by The Guardian in the name of supporting a =Third World= and its mouth piece =South= and the Luxembourg based financial fraud Bank of Credit & Commerce International (BCCI). The cloud burst war campaign on world peace promoting an Anglo-American imperial cold war that is now set to swallow the world after devouring first the three hidden mothers!
=Hinduism as algae=
The hijacking of Islam by the three =alleged= mothers, alleged because, they are supposed to be hidden under veils for their own protection from accountability, has created the global insecurity which has been left to be addressed by the worst and environmentally disastrous =Hindu Weeds= branded Hinduism. If the 870 billion dollars, taking that when properly accounted 87 billion would swell to as much, created almost 5000 cells of jihad worldwide in the name of mosques, Islamic Centers, Madrassa religious schools etc. recruiting work for the Holy Armed Forces are reportedly taking place in U.S.prisons where some 13,000 muslims are under jihadi recruitment, the Kingdom of the Keeper of the Holy Places managed schools, and other institutions had led to the emergence of =Hindu Weeds= fertilized by the wasted finances sourced to these hundreds of billions! These are going to be more destructive than the nursed jihadi disease garden itself. The weeds backlash could be estimated by the way many fake professionals constructing evidences of their own =hadith= vertical gossip, =puranas= by making forgery collages and circulate them world wide using the information technology.As I write this, I have been flooded by the manufactured evidences of Hindu forefathers of five meter high! These ugly Hindu algae which even threaten to swallow Indian Scientific establishment have been faking their stone gods drinking milk offered to them to give children to the sterile worshipers! Because of the sub-contracting system these cheap semi-skilled labor South Asia has become a breeding ground for ghettos of hatred in the territories of the three mothers hidden under veils and elsewhere! Do not for a minute,underestimate the =Hindu algae= since that is larger in mass can be more destructive of civilization than =jihadists=.
Hijacked religions
Thus these hijacked religions, are menacing the world. Imagine, when South Asia with close to 1.7 billion population, without political and economic stability.Who in this world can take several hundred million refugees originating there? Who is in a position to prevent them crossing borders under dire straights? Who would take responsibility for the weapons of mass destruction in such free for all fatwa lands? In 1979 as Prof.Paul Erdman predicted with precision in 1971, Iran collapsed. A country of less than 30 million, the fall out was the veiled imperial mothers selling weapons of war to fascists like Saddam Hussain and fanatics like the Keeper of Holy Places! Saddam launched his campaign against the old Ayatullah with the help of the =mothers= and =aunts= who were threatened with job losses because of the canceled and stopped orders for weapons by the Ayatullah! Ever since the war in the Crescent moon region remains without being extinguished. In fact the fire is spreading. Iraq, Afghanistan, now Pakistan, is threatening to spill on Syria and Iran again. Turkey has begun incursion on Kurd region. Ambassador Winsor Jr. reports monthly five hundred jihadis from Saudi Arabia are crossing into Iraq via Syria. Religious leaders Sharia vertical gossip jurists and preachers in the lawless Kingdom of Keeper of Holy Places, he says, are encouraging young men to join forces against the Great Satan. According to his estimation, armed man power to the tune of 50,000 young men a year could be expected to join the Iraqi war.Can George Bush be trusted to speak plain to his dollar spinning friends?
Dawn reported some time ago hundreds of thousands of uniformed Pakistanis were marching into Europe via Turkey and Greece under camouflage. Although majority of these could be economic refugees fleeing from expanding civil war zone, a reasonable portion could be considered as volunteers of jihadi cells meant for Europe and the U.S. As if confirming the report of mass movement young men in the direction of western democracies, plane loads of such people were intercepted and sent back to Karachi from Turkey. Then came the Islamabad mosque battle. A free for all situation developed in =the land of the pure= what? Weapons and ammunition dumps in the region are enough to blast off the whole world.Under these circumstances,officially Americans are complaining Syrians and Iranians are infiltrating Al Quaedis into Iraq.It may be an opportunity for making a pretext for hawkish Bush like to attack Syria and Iran. As for South Asia, in the low intensity war unleashed on India even pluralistic muslim religious centers like Ajmer are not safe. Nepal, Mynmar, Sri Lanka are suffering civil wars caused by the hidden religious torches for decades. It was Sri Lanka´s Buddhists who assassinated Prime Minister S.R.W.Bandarkaike to begin with if we may recall.Does not it sound absurd that a Buddhist killed a Buddhist Prime Minister?
Australian initiative
I just get the news that Australia has made it clear to all immigrants to integrate into the single Australian polity or go to any land where their cherished =gods laws= operate.We in India should point this out to Pejavara Vishveshvaratirtha Swami, miscalled in English as =seer= that if he or his disciples like Uma Bharti find the rules of law enacted by Indian Union´s parliament are unpleasant and unacceptable to them, they better create for themselves a =trishanku svarga= the heavens for King Trishanku, created by none other than the discoverer of the great Gayathri mantra which addresses the natural Sun to enhance the quality of our intelligence. Let us work for a stable South Asia, Pakistan included. Once Pakistan is democratized, the Pakistani mullah public disarmed and then the chances are that we are closer to a regional demilitarization with the understanding of our neighbors like China and Russia.We can thus give lead for global demilitarization now being addressed by Al Gore initiating the theme of environment. There is no doubt Alfred Nobel´s soul would be happy that the fund he created recognized the role of Al Gore. We now need more than ever Al Gore type global politicians grow in all regions of the world covered by the United Nations.(end)
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