Vienna,Friday, November 30,2007:As Saudi Wahabi fascist judges are set to condemn for stoning a nineteen year old girl victim of rape to cause their monument in the land of hoy places in this twenty first century,here in Vienna any one can see a memorial for the millions innocent forced to carry their cross by the jihadist war he unleashed,see a massive Golgotha raised with 152 huge concrete blocks of different sizes.It has been financed and built by the defiant young Viennese woman,who sat naked in a Soviet prison accused of being a =spy=,Margarethe Ottilinger.It was designed by International Sculptor of Bohemian Hungarian origin,Fritz Wotruba,(April 23 1907 -August 1975).It is a monument for over 1.4 million Hitler´s conscripted soldiers held prisoner and missed in the Soviet Siberia.Margarethe, was just the Secretary of the Ministry of Economics in Vienna when the Soviet troops liberated with Allied forces the country.Bent on getting war reparations from Austria, the Soviets seized her on Enns Bridge near Linz city close to Salzburg
in 1948 to extract information on Austria´s, then considered German territory,property details.The
young woman held for almost three years in suburban town of Baden as under trial subject for interrogation until early hours.One night she had it enough and decided to take her life by hanging herself of a rope made by own stockings!She failed.The result was she was made a naked prisoner compelled to spend sitting on a stool without sleep.She endured it with fortitude.Then in 1951 she was tansferred to Lubjanka headquarters of KGB in Moscow until she was awarded 25 years in prison term. In 1956 she was finally released before time along with 22,000 such prisoners by Nikita Khruschev, the First Secretary of the Communist Party, after the Soviets withdrew from Austria paving the way for Austrian freedom and independence in 1955 at the intervention of Jawahar Lal Nehru.It was at the same Belvedere Palace that in April this year the centenary exhibition of the sculptor Fritz Wotruba,was held.
The Holy Trinity Church Wotruba built with the collaboration of architect Fritz G.Mayr was opened only 15 months after the passing away of the Sculptor in 1975 August. Standing on a Hitler´s army barracks =no man land= in a 30meter 22 meter floor space the 15.5 meter tall church,on the edge of Vienna Woods in the twenty third district of Mauer´s, Georgenberg, on the corner of Rysergasse and georgengasse.Fritz Wotruba was inspired to select the location overlooking Vienna and across Danube River Marchfeld landscape by the Gothic Notre Dame Church at the trijunction of Eure(Autura) and Sangama in French Chartes,facing Beauce farmland plains.Margarethe Ottilinger liked the idea since the place of was Hitler´s barracks a =no man´s land=.
Some 152 giant concrete block crosses of sizes, varying from 0.84 meter to 13.10meter high weighing between 1.8 ton to 141 were harnessed to build the 15.5 meter high sacred monument
for the sacrifices of the innocent lives.The sombre structure,popularly know as Wotruba Church declared open on 24th October 1976,dwarfs Picasso´s Guernica as an immobile mass of concrete composition almost comparable to the tenth century 15 plus meter high granite monolith standing naked Bahubali statue in India´s Shravana Belagolha hill of southern Karnataka State.I had the
privilege of witnessing the finishing stages of the construction in 1976.I celebrated my first New
Year Eve/Silvester in Vienna with Mrs.Christine Pai, the widow of the late Nath Pai, the Indian socialist parliamentarian, who lives close by on Heimogasse,and Mrs.Erna Nagler at Mrs.Pai´s cousin, Elisabeth who lives only some fifty meters away.
Now more about Vienna´s Qatif girl Margarethe Ottilinger.She was born on June 6,1919 at Steinbach, Lower Austria.As a manager,she had confessed, she had a passion for steel.But after she was set free by the Soviets, she worked as consultant to the Austrian petroleum firm, OMV.Besides building the monument, she was also involved in erecting the Afro-Asiatic Institute, close to the Vienna University, which has been housing generously a mosque and a temple,even though the land of holy places would not show similar reciprocity to other faiths,for students from overseas under the guidance of the late Cardinal Franz Koenig.She died in 1992.(end)
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