Monday, 31 December 2007
hopelessness elaborated
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Chheminitz,Germany,Monday,December 31:Reports
coming from Pakistan and its zam zam oasis of inspiration
in Saudi Arabia does not give any confidence to outsiders
about its future stability.Only a few days ago some interested
analysts were quoted by Agence France Presse news agency
as assuring the country remained hale and hearty its stability
was not in danger.I disagree.Developments of election
for the leadership of Pakistan Peaple´s Party remind me of
Adolf Hitler,who nominated his successor before
committing suicide in a Berlin Bunker.It was that Hitler´s
nominee who surrendered to the Allies after defeat in the
war.I do not impute Benazir committed =harakiri= but her
will and testament is so close to her return to Pakistan
is suspect.What kind of a democracy is meant by some
one who nominates his/her political heir?Karan Thapar
is biased in favour of her late friend.Benazir´s family
is in no way comparable to Nehru family although it has
become a popular fashion in the media world.Here
a comparison by contrast is valid for example,Bhutto
got Pakistan cut to suit his size for being worshiped,
by so called Left Pakistanis and hated by the military,
who hanged him without considering world wide
mercy appeals.Indira Gandhi strengthened India,her
national emergency saved India.When she realized,
it was misused by her son´s cronies, she withdrew
the measure to be booted out of power by popular vote.
Then she was =witch hunted= by =total revolutionaries=.
Indira Gandhi bounced back to be silenced by centrifugal
Her father and grand father were leading lights of the
freedom movement.They donated even their residences
to the country.They did not name political successors.Jawahar
Lal Nehru whenever he was asked the question =after nehru
who= would answer =it was for the people of India to decide=.
His last public rally in Bombay´s Chowpatty sands, he
said this and elaborated in a democratic society there was
a political process.I had the privilege of recording these
events of history.
But the modern media is led by the West which created
Pakistan dividing a single people on purpose.But South
Asian Media followed them blindly,without realizing where
they were heading.I can but cite one example.As the
=obscenity= initiated by the U.S,got a sibling =obscenity=
known as International Atomic Energy Agency, to prevent
the military exploitation of nuclear technology,the .S. and
U.K.were secretly promoting Pakistan´s =strategic assets=
development policy.Britain helped in promoting financial
mobilization through the fraud bank Bank for Credit and
Commerce International (BCCI) based in Luxembourg,
the privileged EURATOM members of the =obscenity2=
were helping with know how and spares, the Uncle Sam
sat silent as the =obscenity2= safe guard inspectors
whispered that in the land of pure safe guarded civilian
reactors watched by cameras supplied blue film reels
from the sites,implying that between the cameras and
the reactor and under watch were Islamic purdah/curtains
were set up to show blue films!Now the same global
leaders are confronted by purdah/curtain terrorism of
Islam!Chup/Silence/please do not rub in so hard on
the intelligence of the bullies!
As for Nawaz Sherrif is no choice and he has no options.
It is his chance to regain respectability as against the
brave general, who showed him his place.Thus the
military got the cards.Among the civilians,whoever shows
ability to get the good majority of citizens to get calm and
disciplined will make the country safe and secure.Even
the uniformed army has so far proved its inability to
stabilize the situation during the last six years.Extremist
explosives and guns are still matching with army´s
power giving the appearance the army is fighting on
two fronts.Unarmed stone throwing civilians and
armed mullah mobs.The armed mullah mobs appear
to enjoy approval from Saudi Custodian of =only two
holy places= on this earth.No one cares to call there
actually is a =genocide= in Pakistan, the land of pure.
Even in the sand land, the indications are that the mullah
mobs are defiant of the one vote gawd King and Custodian
and his suspect judicial council which permits punishing
girls gang raped.I read reports one Mullah (deliberately
left unidentified) just defied even the established Sharia
court asserting his right to preach Islam meaning hatred
including Jihad against the non Muslim rest of the world.
He is on appeal against 150 whiplashes and three year
prison term.It looks an eruption is not far away.It is in this
context,I say that the whole responsibility of world peace
rests with the mother Queen U.K. and her great boasting
democrat son,the United States of America, who has
reduced his own creation, The United Nations into an
expensive,what in his own raw language is being described
as =obscenity= original! He is averse to reform it since he
needs the blue film for his own taste as entertainment.
I do not rule out a change with the change of The White
House occupant.It will take place despite Israeli lobby
opposition.The question however,remains can the
world afford to wait that long, a span of one year? (end)
just 265 dollars
for cheats
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Chemnitz,Germany,Monday,December 31,2007:Today is the is
the last day of the year in about 16 hours we will be celebrating the
arrival of the year 2008. It was Sunday yesterday, normal holiday
including Hong Kong China. Really hard working people,indeed
working over time. I get a circular by a phished Federal Express
Courier e mail address in Hong Kong from an individual unknown
to me.It says a sum of 800,000 dollars have been deposited by
her with Federal Express, Cantact person a Bogus Daniel Blunt.
I just have to send this Blunt 265 dollars safe keeping charges and
take delivery of the insured amount by giving my my personal
details.The fund is accompanied with documentary proof that
it is not drug related or terror financing route but all legitimate!
The deposit was made in West Africa!It is all that simple.I should
be thankful for Tina Janet for sending me a New Year Gift of
800000 dollars!
How nice! I am,as a receiver of the circular at New Year Eve,
full of ushering in NEW YEAR! A wind fall is there for me.
Unbelievable but true as it comes from the Federal Express!
My mind stay put standstill! Then it works within a few
moments.Why not I send just 265 dollars to the address?
I follow the instruction.It does not go to my head this
circular has gone to tens of thousands of individuals.
It does not go to my head Federal Express email address
is phished.I follow the instructions.The bogus Daniel Blunt
is awaiting for his own
It begins with a cash flow for nothing.(end)
Saturday, 29 December 2007
if i were to vote
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,Saturday,December 29,2007: I am not a U.S. American
citizen.I have no vote there.But I am concerned about who would
be the next President of The United States of America because
the U.S.policies affect me a non American and others like me
through out the world.I have my individual opinion to express
since global interests including my own dear and near ones,
who live all over the world.Therefore by expressing my
voluntary opinion, I think I would not be interfering in the U.S.
democratic process of election of that most powerful country´s
Chief Executive.
In this 21st century,we need broad minded caring visionary
individuals to lead the world.Instead of talking of war and
developing wasteful war industry,we need some one who
would guide United States to develop advanced health and
welfare services industry.We need some one there in the
White House,who would generate in the first place a sense
of security and safety in the immediate neighbourhood.That
is Southern Americas including the Caribbean.Worldwide,
instead of a partisan approach,we need an approach of
togetherness to match globalization percepts.As for us
South Asians, we need there some one who can help clean
up the mess created during the past sixty years and more
under imperialism and cold war.We need besides, in the
White House who would prevent the uprooting of more
than a hundred million half educated superstitious
population from the sub continent.Since the United States
had been deeply involved in our surroundings,Pakistan,
the Persian Gulf and the Middle East we need some
one who would use his/her influence to free women there
as equals to men to be able to show their beautiful
faces holding proudly heads high without fear.
This liberation of women would be the singular major factor
in preventing terrorism.As I read in Pan Arabic arab
news =every terrorist is a Muslim=, I also read between the
lines every victim subjected to unreasonable inhuman
punishment happens to be a female, young or old,married or
forcefully and legally divorced against her will to suffers
imprisonment with many times with a baby in prison.I
remember, when I made research on across the Nepal
border slave trading in 1971, I found out in 1937/38 the
British,who recruited Nepali young men into their armed
forces, gave an ultimatum to the King to abolish slave
trade or face de-recognition as independent king.
The Hindu Kingdom then abolished the practice of
Ranas keeping all the girls as slave house maids.
The situation now exists in a one man god King ruled
Saudi Arabia.The slaves are imported there from Sri Lanka,
India,Bangla Desh,Indonesia,Pakistan, Philippines
among other countries.This is apart from the thousands of
male and female children kidnapped and smuggled from
the United States and other industrially developed world.
I understand 50 percent of these children are products of
broken love and marriages.The other half are abducted
as slaves.They came from Honolulu to Helsinki now from
the former Soviet territories as well.All these countries
are subject to terrorist attack.They also suffer social
unrest on flimsy grounds like publishing a cartoon within
their territory promoted by the extra territorial authoritarian
one vote King ruled country,administered without any
judicial standard worth the name.
We would like to see for once,The United States stops
tolerating such lawless out dated power structure that
affects us.Imagine an Imam in India, who has voting
rights calling for the murder of a medical doctor and
poetess refugee from the neighbouring Banga Desh.
Taslima Nasrim who herself was victimized as a child
and later hounded for the simple reason she pleaded
for women´s rights and human rights of minorities.
All this was made possible because the United
States remained silent for consideration of an unequal
Now is the time,United States takes the responsibilities
of its leadership roles seriously.Let there be a change
for the better.If I were to vote for the new U.S President
I would vote for Hilary Clinton.I have confidence as a
mother,she would care.My readers are intelligent.They
live in a border less world.They can choose themselves.
Friday, 28 December 2007
oil on fire
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Chemnitz,Germany,Friday,December 28,2007:It is no good
news that King Abdullah,the Custodian of (the only) two holy
places in the world, wishing that Pakistan maintains its
stability after the public murder of Benazir Bhutto by making
up with Islam.His views are echoed by his refugee guest
returned to Pakistan former Prime Minister Nawaz Sherrif
to fight Benazir´s = war= by talking to extremist elements
for co-operation! Further oil on fire was poured by the 57
country Organization of Islamic Conference´s Turkish
Secretary General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu acknowledging
the leadership role of Pakistan to the =Islamic United Nations=,
of course of Wahabi order,where females have the single
role to play as =mothers= of jihadists.
Al Queda has taken responsibility for Bhutto´s murder.
According to the media reports attributed to Al Queda
Commander in Afghanistan, the murder was carried
out by its Punjabi outfit.Punjab is the base of Nawaz
Sherrif,who wanted General Musharraf killed by air crash.
Input from Saudi Kingodom of =Holy Places= is that
Gen Pervez Musharraf clearing the armed mullah
mobs, instead of helping,aggravated Pakistani situation.
Go slow on reforms and democracy advises the 84
year King and father of known 15 princes and named
20 odd female mothering machines.All he begot from
his thirty odd wives,attending him in batches of four.
He himself was guided by an Israeli specialist medical
doctor on how to increase the density of semen stored
in his Al Saudi testicles!Here then can be noted the
conflicting views of Bush´s desert partners in the
President´s =struggle against terrorism=.In sympathy
with President Bush´s friend and equal partner,a single
vote democracy´s Royal Highness Abdullah,Islamic gawd
king a Khalif, crude prices have aggressively surged
upwards close to 98 dollars a barrel!How nice what a
team spirit among the global Conservative moderates!
It has not helped the plain cloth President Musharraf.
His uniformed airborn coup is being rolled back by
his cowardly adversary,cowardly because he as Prime
Minister did not dare sort out differences with the Chief
of Armed Forces,now after eight years of the event
confirming that the the power test match between the
Army and its political rival has just entered the second
round.World should watch bated breath for the outcome.
Now this time,Bush is busy shredding the public
documents and packing the personal belongings
making room for the incoming,probably the first
mother President in the White House.The complex
situation at this interval is to be handled deflty by
Condoliza Rice,once crowned as the =mightiest=
woman in the world,with the help of John Negraponte.
Innocent victim citizens of the globe,panic does not
help.Stay calm and cool to think.Analyse all aspects
before you decide to vote or influence the votes
swing in the United States.Be sure you are not
isolated but integrated.It is a global emergency.
Imagine in case the =land of the pure= Pakistan
goes down, we have to find refuge for tens of
millions of people,who have no idea about any
pluralistic culture other than that of contradictory
mullah mob culture.They are not as clever as the
Siberian birds,which fly to South Asia for example
Orissa´s Chiklia lake just about a kilomtre from
the Indian Ocean beach, to bring up their young
ones and return every season.These humans then
are worse of than the birds.You have the
responsibility of accommodating, feeding and
clothing them.Implications for you are enormous.
It is indeed going to be a challenge of Hindukhush
As for us, poor Indians, including the Siberian
Shamans turned brahmins in the subcontinent,
we are on the front line of a =tsunami= eruption,
which would be unprecedented. Even of greater
dimension and density than that we witnessed at
the birth pangs of Bangla Desh in 1971.Are our
Marxist man cart riders ready for the eventualities?
Even under the surging effluence?If we remain
indifferent,we would be crushed under their naked
feet as that of naked sadhus in Kumbha Mela(end)
Thursday, 27 December 2007
benazir assassinated
what cruel gawd?
virtue king goes calling
Pope Benedict XVI and King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia at the Vatican.
desirability of subsidizing Haj/pilgrimage,which had become a tradition in India, what
is known in Hindustani =mamul= with implications of rights for usage,we have to take a
few things into consideration.First the reality of our world centred around artificially
on Makka.Whether we are believing Muslims or non believing Qafr we had been
giving due or undue respect for the faiths of fellow citizens.This has been especially
taken as a matter of right by practising Muslims led by all sects of mullah mobs without
showing any signs of reciprocity.Because of this Makka has become the centre in
our lives.As for persons who care for humaneness more than the religion centring
a dissected gawd, it is a matter of liberal understanding.For believers,it is a matter of
showing a sense of spiritual plurality of agreeing to disagree.As mullahs remain
inflexible causing others to resent, India wide a new situation has arisen. It is
growing fast,although held back a bit during the past few years.The events of 09/11
has changed the scene all together creating new awareness that world wide
appeasement do not help.Instead fascism thrives on it.Thus making the common
man clear that he has been pushed to the wall.
He is led to a fresh evaluation of the situation,rather reluctantly.As was the case
in the Second World War the decision to fight was taken reluctantly. But once it
was taken, the war was fought resolutely.Between Islamist mob and the rest of the
world we have reached such a situation,with the promoters of Islamist separatism
themselves having felt being cornered by their prop ups.Thus the British and U.S .
partnership is convinced it needs to put Islam finally where it belongs. But the anti
authoritarianists had been finding =democracy in want= only in convenient places.
Even today, public opinion organs of the West place Saudi Arabia the fifth worst
authoritarian dictatorship,although in real terms it holds the first position even before
Sudan.That may be a concession the media makes to its leadership who still proclaim
Saudi Arabia´s King Abdullah is a friend and partner as President George Bush
unashamedly acknowledges.How long will he do it?
Monitoring the media,opinion makers world wide,I get the impression that the media
works with kid gloves and the opinion makers far spread out to be effective.I notice
a sense of frustration to accept reality as inevitable among the public.A defeatism.
A sense of guilt for being as a Saudi girl writes in the open =the Saudi woman is guilty=.
For the king and his 5,000 odd princes and their tens of thousands of hangers on
=the land of holy places= is a holy cow yielding milk and honey.They are the bosses
of the Virtue Commission.If the king is the virtual living gawd, his underlings play the
roles of gawd´s page boys.
No girl in Saudi Arabia marries out of her choice.Even after marriage,girls are forced
to divorce the husband against their will to land in prison with their innocent children!
Rape victims are punished cruelly not the rapists.Sex slaves,drug dealing, arms
smuggling promoting social unrest beyond the sovereign territories are taken for
granted.Labour and services are not compensated even by bare minimum standards.
President Bush´s own State Department puts the land of holy places anything but
holy from any standard.
During the festival days when over three million pilgrims gather including about a half
from inland with all the publicities given to the grand arrangements made for fairness
deal for foreign pilgrims and orderliness criminality and corruption for opportunities
for the survival of pilgrims as well as their holy rituals like shaving off heads are real.
The question comes who are the beneficiaries of this state of affairs?Not the alleged
invisible All Mighty but the visible gawdly king and his male underlings.Why should
then foreign governments subsidize the king,unmentioned as living god like Dalai Lama,
who remains after all a noble human personality.
This king,the living gawd had over 30 wives in a short time of 84 years of life, may
be he get the idea of the worth of his Israeli specialist serviced testicles around
when he became ten years old.That means in lss than 75 years, he fathered more
than 15 princes and 20 female door mats as countable children!The number of
harem inmates gathered from near and far is another story.King Abdullah himself
is the son of the founder of the Kingdom´s is the son of eighth wife of the sixteen
Ibn Saud cared to call his wives! To keep the tradition uninterrupted,during the
post cold war era, the over 5,000 acknowledged princes getting monthly pocket
money of above 1.5 million dollars, are abducting and smuggling world wide male
and female children for gratifying their own virtues of culture.They have built a
global mafia business running into several hundred billions.Do we need to finance
this, as a developing country? Haj subsidies mean just that.Even from that cash the
monthly salaries of less than 250 dollars to chamber maids serving daily beyond
fourteen hours remain unpaid.How the maids can complain when daughters of the
house themselves are at the mercy of hired virtuous door keepers. Exiled former
Oil Minister Sheikh Yamani´s daughter,who also lives under exile in London
and writes books to point out the exhibitionism of cruel hearts of the =Royalty=
of the Holy Places. As for India of today, we are still bleeding by low intensity war
unleashed on us by the gawd´s agents internally.Just across our borders,our own
kin who chose for a separate =the land of the pure= home land,are victims of a mindless
genocide of a scale unknown in history,to be attributed all to an insane gawd.
We can not hope to survive with a sinking Pakistan or Bangla Desh.But we are told
from abroad officially and by the media we are ill advised to deal with a democratically
elected religious state Iran.There is however, no objection but approval of our
financing the worst the land of the devil the =kingdom of Saudi Arabia=.
Unbelievable double standard.Why this? I think Saudi King Abdullah is a
reincarnation of the old Shankara Namboodaripad, who treated his own
sisters as worse than vegetables so he went go courting ceremoniously with
oil lamp in hand other people´s wives! Indeed we should insist sending a
Jyoti Basu led Communist Party of Marxist delegation to holy Haj to Makka for
their ill treatment of a human, for a moment forget she is a medical doctor
of highest integrity and a poetess and an author,Taslima Nasrin.(end)
some like it hot
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Chemnitz,Germany,Thursday, December 27-12-2007:Flies into lamp
fire.That is not strange.But humans with their endowed intelligence,
why should they kill themselves indiscriminately and continuously?
Unbelievable.In just 60 years of independence South Asians are
racing to prove themselves they are unfit for self rule.I would not
venture to say India is an exception.Since,there are no indication
from among the candidates for power of the awareness without
the rule of law, that is a dependable system no power can be
harnessed.Electricity involves,generation, transmission and
application.It is the same with power of the ruler.Force or vote
catching are only the beginning.The second point is safe
transmission.The third is a standard for applications.
In Pakistan some have the know how to get power.They are
unable to transmit the power and apply it profitably.Nepal,
Sri Lanka,Myanmar and finally all have unsafe transmission
lines and worst know how of harnessing power profitably.
Power hungry all are.No one can help the society, which can
not still the hunger without the application of power.
It requires not emotional commotion but cool head.Ability to
understand reality and communicate with fellow humans.The
blind baggage of superstitions do not help.Explosives or stone
throwing help no one. Induced madness does not make fools
intelligent. If today Pakistan suffers, by following that route
India is not going to gain.If what is happening in Orissa is
an indication,India is imitating Pakistan.
An opinion piece in Hindustan Times, not long ago said, it
was Benazir Bhutto´s chance.I was right to disagree.I said the
business of governing was a joint venture.Absolute and stable
power does not exist.It is by nature volatile must be handled
carefully.Zulfiqr Ali Bhutto did not see it that way.He plunged
himself with Pakistan into deeper and deeper whirls. More
flood stronger and vicious whirls. No escape from them.
Martyrdoms are no solutions.
Keep watching,the kingdom of holy sands and its one single
vote democracy´s living gawd king Abdullah is going to face
surprise sand storms approaching fast.A disabled Pakistan
is no help.Nor his friendships or clients can remain permanent.
It is all darkness even at noon for the blind.Power without
perception can not help.I do not think it is time to pay homage
to Benazir Bhutto.(end)
Wednesday, 26 December 2007
debate on
to unholy hell complex?
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Chemnitz,Germany,Wednesday,December 26,2007: Here is an
article for discussion in India.I have copied it from today´s =Faith
Freedom International=. I am not a practising Hindu.I do not mind
some cash subsidies being given to pilgrims.But after what I learn
about the dark deeds of the custodian of the unholy hell complex,
and his prince darlings criminal activities indulged with multinational
retainers´ (pimps in simple word) logistic support, single voter
democracy of King Abdulla and his 5,000 odd criminal princes
who deal in drugs and damsels including indulging slave trade
with full co-operation of the Sultan of Brunei, I think we should stop
him exporting criminality in the name of religion.For that the first
step should be public awareness and education.The debate should
I suggest West Bengal´s ruling Left Front leaders including the
Chief Minister Buddhodeb should make a Haj at the invitation
of King Abdullah. Even though they are not Muslims,pilgrims
accept public subsidies routed through them.King Abdullah
should invite them as honoured guests for Haj,=pradakshina=
clockwise ceremonial round movement to the single idol=kaba=,
throwing of stones to Satan, and ceremonial head shaving as in
India´s Tirupati temple etc.Let man cart rider Jyoti Basu,
television star Sitaram Yechury and other left over Left
celebrities of the world, make a study of the sand land´s law
and order situation and report.
One more point,let the Left Delegation also report on the
genocide they promoted in the land of the pure,Pakistan.
Why our fellow South Asians most of whom are none other
than our own blood, let us have a performance audit pure
and simple.
I am presenting it in the context of mini prophet mullah mob
leader in India, Imam Bukhari (the man with 24 hours fever),
who led the mob attack to deny Taslima Nasrin her rights.I
would like here the discussion cover on the mullah mobs stand
on the status of Khadija Bint Khuwaylid/tul Kubra,the mother
of Islam,(vande mataram) on the single vote democracy of the
custodian of hell complex in sand land Saudi Arabia,the
kingdom´s 5,000 odd princes´unholy slave trade in young
girls and boys as well as drugs,the mullah mob´s justice
system which punished a Shia teenager victim of 14 gang
rapes by a gang of seven for 200 whiplashes,whip held in
hand with unholy QĂşran!This is not any official position
but my own personal initiative.In that context, I present
Faith Freedom contributor Shabana Muhammed as opener
of a debate on subsidies to visit the hell complex in the
name of religion.It was not my idea to begin the debate.
But I support her and Faith Freedom International, who are
set to cleanse Islam.Her text is given below, Shabana today
is my guest commentator as well.
Shabana´s text:
By Shabana Muhammad
It has been widely reported that the present ruling coalition in India, United Progressive Alliance heaved a sigh of relief when the Supreme Court bailed it out on the issue of Haj subsidy. Last year, too, the Centre had to move the apex court against an order of the Allahabad high court banning subsidies for all pilgrimages irrespective of religion. Though the Supreme Court had lifted the ban for 2006, it did express misgivings about subsidies given to pilgrimages by a secular state.
The fears expressed by the apex court deserve earnest consideration by all those who aspire to make India a truly democratic and secular republic. Should a purely religious activity like a pilgrimage get state patronage? Is financial assistance of a secular state in the performance of religious obligations permissible going by the tenets of that religion?
Although Indian secularism recognises the institution of religion, it does not permit the state to sponsor or promote any religious activity. This finds expression in the Constitution, particularly in Part III that deals with the fundamental rights. Right to freedom of religion, provided in Articles 25, 26, 27 and 28, guarantee religious freedom to all citizens of India. All religions are equal before the state and no religion can be given preference over the other. Imparting of religious education in state-funded educational institutions and levying special taxes to support any particular religion are prohibited The insertion of the word ‘secular' in the Preamble in 1976 was merely a reiteration of the provisions in the Constitution. In view of this, the policy of giving subsidies to religious activities like pilgrimage to Mecca amounts to an infringe-ment of the principle of secularism as well as of the Constitution. The Congress and its allies in the UPA, who shout in support of secularism from the rooftops, should realise that by extending subsidies to pilgrimages they are not only tarnishing the secular fabric of the Indian state but, so far as Haj subsidy is concerned, are also falling prey to the bogey of Muslim appeasement.
The government must put an end to the policy of funding religion. Let us consider the Haj, for which the Centre has to shell out a whopping Rs 2.8 billion this year. Haj is one of the five pillars of Islam. A devout Muslim has to recite with complete conviction the kalima; he must say prayers five times a day; he has to observe rozas (fasting) for a maximum 30 days during the month of Ramzan; he is expected to pay zakat, which is the Islamic concept of tithing and alms; and finally, he should embark on a pilgrimage (Haj) to Mecca.
The first three obligations are binding on almost all devout believers whereas the other two are conditional on those who can financially afford to perform them. Haj falls in the latter category. It is the last obligation to be performed by those Muslims who are financially, physically and mentally sound to undertake the journey to Mecca. A Muslim should not go on pilgrimage to Mecca by way of borrowing money from someone or by seeking financial assistance from the state. Only a Muslim who has fulfilled all his familial responsibilities and has carried out all the financial duties should undertake the pilgrimage of Haj with his hard-earned money.
A trip to Saudi Arabia with state subsidy cannot be called Haj in the strict Islamic sense. The Haj committee that is supposed to manage and facilitate the travel plans of pilgrims should have complete autonomy and be constituted by the community rather than government. A completely autonomous Haj committee can directly negotiate with various airlines for getting the best deals for pilgrims. This would be in accordance with past traditions where a pilgrim going with a caravan would haggle with the leader to get the most economical passage. Such an arrangement would also absolve the government of the charge of Muslim appeasement.(end)
Tuesday, 25 December 2007
cut criminals out
abdullah & the unholy hell complex
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Chemnitz,Germany,Wednesday,December 26,2007:My dear
readers,do understand to bear with me since we are already
global our audience is also global we have to repeat the
same word in different languages to be understood by all.
That is why I repeat words in cultural, religious and language
context clubbed together.May be it will also help you get
more knowledge input.For example hadith/vertical gossip/
purana/history mean both assumption of the past and
proven past.To begin this explanation should help you to
understand better what I write.
Now as for my comments about =sauduction=reports.
In one word it sums up as =criminal=.We should cut the
criminals out.These are centered around the unholy
hell of sand land ruled by a single man, who derives
his authority from a single vote of gawd communicated
to him by whisper and in secret through a satanic
intermediary! That the U.S.Amercians,who believe
themselves to be the model for democrats conveniently
accept him as equal partner is regrettable.I do not
blame all Americans.Most of them are caught
unaware.It is their leaders,who conceal the truth
and to make astronomical profits gawd knows who
could be the real beneficiaries of those dollar
mountains after the leaders´ miserable death as
witnessed by Ronald Reagan! It is in this context
I support Al Gore,as a global visionary and Hilary
Clinton as a mother.
This single vote for 1.6 billions man,with the logistics
provided by the 5000 odd princely criminals and
their retainers need to be tamed, if indeed a new
world order is to be a reality.Contrast the situation
of Iran in 1978/79.At that time this single vote man
was called Shah in Shah,the Arya Meher,successor
of the Syrus the Great! He was over thrown with the
help of the sole medium of tape recorders for
communication with the people.Today we are using
the world wide web gifted to us by the marriage of
space and silicon chip born information technologies.
We are in much stronger position to make the globe
more safe, democratic and accountable.
Iran today is an accountable democratic religious
state but not a criminal state as one administered
by the custodian of the unholy hell complex,where
Virtue Commission controls local affairs with
police and mini prophet mullah mobs in the name
of justice punishing the weakest victims of crimes
like teenage girls as the gang raped Qatif girl,
awarded for 200 whip lashes held above the unholy
book QĂşran!
This fascist system of a single criminal is exported
world wide by the whispered single vote power
of attorney holder.Even his professed opponents,
the =people´s democrats= calling themselves
Marxists like India´s Bengali man cart riders led
by Jyoti Basu and his gang talk of the mass that
has deserted them all over India either armed as
Naxalite rebels or unarmed as dalit panther/bahujan
samajist/aborigines organizing themselves into
their own representative political associations.
I am reminded of 1950s extreme left communist
sectarian B.T.Randive in Bombay addressing
a press conference.As he began his harangue
on Marxist ideology, I asked him if his ideology
was indeed based on mass appeal,how come,
his party remained a mere isolated minority.He
responded:= It is our cadres´ responsibility to
wage an armed struggle against the mass and
convince them=.The strategy is followed even
today by his followers leaving the field of work
first to nun Mother Theresa and later to foreign
journalist Dominique Lappierre.Now I advise them,
led by old Jyoti Basu,his successor Chief Minister
Budhdebo Bhattacharya, Karat, and television star
Sitarama Yechury and all self-condemned by their
torment of medical doctor and author and active
protector of Bangla Desh minorities and female
children from mini prophet mullah mobs,Taslima
Nasrin to make a Haj/Muslim pilgrimage to the
unholy hell complex,Makka.A million shame on
the obscurantist Communist Party of India Marxists
(CPIM).The Haj/pilgrimage is subsidized by the
Indian tax payer.The Leftists gang can be
among the =foreign dignitary guests= of the criminal
custodian of the unholy hell complex with the
reestablished black square stone as idol,and the
satanic symbol for annual mass target practice of
stone throwing,backed by invisible intermediary
of gawd called farista/angel!
Abdullah, La Ilaha Illallah! (end)
unknown outside the u.s
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Chhemnitz,Germany,Tuesday,December 25,2007:I had a good look of
over 40 news letters some eight printed and the rest put only on website by
Americnans against the seduction of Washington.The newsletter owned
by the Americans is co-chaired edited
by Mr.Herb Mallard, a National Press Club Member, P.O.Box 3762,
Arlington,Va 22203, USA is devoted to protect American children both
male and female from being abducted and sumggled into Saudi Arabia´s
for over 5000 male princes as sex slaves.A total of one hundred thousand
involved. The reportage cover news report quotations from the American
and British media,specialized books on the subject,U.S.Department of
State reports, leaks and silence,feed backs from affected families,connected
links in about a dozen Arab capitals,South Africa,and even Jewish/Israeli
sources,claiming their specialists helping out the =Saudi Royals= on
financing, investments,money laundering and drug crimes on side,and
providing medical expertize on keeping the royals from the King Custodian
downwards´ genital health including testicles.
The amazing collection of information is illustrated by comic strips,
colour photos of alleged victims and some of the princesses said to be
enjoying the U.S.pleasure points like Southern California joints.The
newsletter claims to maintain contacts with some Saudi princesses,
via London,a poor quality photo here is sourced to a princess who
allegedly sent it to the news from London.
Just as the newsletter quotes from the media,it also claims some media
take information from its site without identifying it as source.
Aapart from the sex slave angel,the news letter also indentifies an American
Mafia don a certain Lansky whose unnamed second in command is
described as son in law of the Saudi King,probably having married
Fahd´s daughter with his his and associates´ disposition a rayal special jet
for transport, running a drug trade to route billions investments world wide.
TheLand of the Pure sponsored Bank of Credit and Commerce International
functionaries also figure in the narrations.There is a hint some of the Saudi
maladies are related to a rivalry between the Royal face of power in the
sand land and the Wahabi-Sheikh-Mullah power base of the Royals. It is
as if the devil/Satan hiself acts as the flag bearer of Islam.That may explain
also partially,why in that country where the rampant lawlessness,beggary,
corruption and cruelest of criminalities prevail to this day.
Looking from any angle this ineed the American ruling class´s proportionately
grander aquisition that Shah in Shah of Iran ever was.As per the newsletter,
the U.S.immigration authorities as well as =VISA EXPRESS=,after all not that
strict as they were in the case of India´s Defence Minister Gerorge Fernandes.
The newsletter proclaims it is not an agency of any government.According to
it Washington is available for sale for the right price.It estimates about 40%
of the oil takings are used by the Saudis for this purpose.It is as if an item that
should be clubbed under =belive it or not= headline, even then, mind bogling.
It is claimed the parents of the children shown in the photo below believe their
dear ones were kidnapped from schools and playgrounds.
It seems that Saud family members gravitate towards the free loving lifestyle of Southern California more than any other area of the US. Hypocritically, this is the opposite of what they subject those Arabs under their control within the Middle East. We do not want to detract from Princess Michel’s desire to enjoy a US college education in her chosen anything-goes Los Angeles area. She special orders clothes while the Princes special order US children, all to be brought back to Saudi Arabia. She has been given US freedoms which are being denied the US child sex slaves confined to the palaces of Saudi Arabia. These US children are incapable of receiving their inalienable rights as US citizens. Their parents have been shunned and demeaned by the Saud family Washington retainers. Again, one has to be amazed at the power Bandar (Saudi Ambassador) has accrued through his Washington retainers.When will the US establishment media ever
be allowed to air these matters?
Dear ( a princess writes):
Royal wives, American palace child sex slaves and me are telling you that is right and has been stopped in Saudi Arabia by our family because they are afraid of you. The Saud family do not like that you get the truth and tell it to Americans. We go to London and download your all the time. The American child sex slaves are helping us write all that we give you in American English so your readers can understand what we say. We thought of this idea after reading about Saudi princes who give you information and nature protestors who take off their clothes. What you say about the Royal family stealing American children and making them into sex slaves is true. Most princes like little boys for sex. They use little girls for making babies and to give to foreign officials when they visit Saudi Arabia. We think it is bad that Bandar and his Washington employees have kept these things away from the American citizens. We would be a better government if princes could not buy so much in Washington but everybody wants our oil money in his pockets. We saw pictures were powerful by telling the world of American intelligence agents torturing and raping Iraqi Moslems. We send you our pictures.
We work for a foreign embassy in Washington and like reading your knowledgeable information. You people see the Saud family and their partners for what they really are. We see that overseas Israelis have been taking American secret documents for years and years. We can remember Rosenbergs, Jonathan Pollard, John Deutch and his secretary, the Neocons and now Sandy Berger who stuffed secret documents in his shoes. Their Neocon group in the Pentagon controls the American war against Muslims. We know the Saudi royal family has secret deals with them that allow the royals to steal from Arab oil reserves in the Arabian Peninsula and have special status in America. You scratch my back and I scratch your back. Did you also know American drug companies were told to give Israelis a 40% - 60% discount over American Muslims and Christians? What is wrong with American media that Muslims and Christians don't get to know these things? Please continue to write the truth. (quotes over).
All I can say is if it is true =curb the princely criminals= . My additional comments would
be later,after I get a chance to digest it. (end)
Sunday, 23 December 2007
world orgasm day for peace
will narakasura/abdullah have
a special festival at his holy city?
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,Sunday,December 23,2007:From sex starved India,where
even kissing openly is taboo I got an alert that people worldwide
were celebrating simultaneous synchronized orgasm yesterday
exact at morning 6.08 world time on the occasion World
Orgasm Day.Passionate folks the world over are encouraged to
get frisky the same day across the globe. At the exact moment
of the winter solstice,the world were urged to get going from
erection to ejection guru satya saibaba type.This was second
Global Orgasm Day for World Peace under the banner = human
race for peace=.It is to resist =alpha male concept = of growth
and progress.Located at Princeton,New Jersey under =global
consciousness project=,the make love, yoga teachers intend to
use energy field generated for concentration of thoughts for
language less radiation of love and peace.Thought out by authors
Donna Shaheen and Paul Reffell in 2005 to prevent what they
say a new war between the U.S. and Iran.Their experience of the
first, 2006 December 22 =World Orgasm Day= was a success
encouraged them to continue it annually as a teaching media for
world peace. They can be reached at address Barring Witness,
P.O.Box 753, CA, 94940 USA. Or
I think this is an area where not south-south but global
co-operation is involved.The Organization of Islamic Conference
subsidiary,Islamic Solidarity Fund should finance such projects
if it has to wean away Muslim male babies from growing up
into suicide flies.The Head of Holy Hell, Narakasura Abdullah
would benefit from the teaching project so his mullah mobs
learn the real value of natural love between man and woman.
Then they will find it better to apply love than Hell´s sharia law
on this earth.Thus helping to save their single idol =Kaba=stone
from five billion non-Muslims offended by their =muslim
suicide flies= against the light of lamps.Next year, Narakasura
Abdullah may plan a day after Eid Al Adha ceremonies for Makka
a special chapter of the World Orgasm Day with his over a
thousand invited Muslim foreign dignitary guests.I am sure
joint authors of Redefining Seduction not Saudi style abduction,
Donna and Paul would accommodate and guide him.
I do hope Secretary General Ban-ki Moon,whose election to
head the United Nations has caused the fried monkey brains
a delicacy craze in New York specialty eating tables,puts up a
proposal before the General Assembly of the popular
=obscenity= for declaring a suitable Solstice Day as
=U.N.World Orgasm Day= since 57 member country
behavior is an important factor in keeping the world peace
because of the belief =every terrorist is a Muslim= as
published by pan Arab arab news daily.
A total of 1.6 million people worldwide took part in 2006
in the World Peace Love Game.Most impressive number
of participants were from Picasso´s Spain.How many
locked naked bodies this year to synchronize time and love
in particular is yet to be evaluated.It is advisable for
Narakasura Abdullah, the unwritten power of attorney
holder in Arabic whispered in ears by Allah´s undisclosed
emissary authorizing to caste a single vote for his 27 plus
millions and the extra territorial Umma subjects of estimated
1.6 billion believers,to conduct an orgasm festival in the
holy city of Makka after the male shaving ceremonies.
He may also benefit from holding the festival in his sandy
cities to inflame spiritualities on suicide flies of mass
destruction for world peace.There are no other weapons
of mass destruction than mindless men is proved by events.
It will help him export peace instead of violence.It will
also help him educate his subjects being asked to synchronize
their orgasm.His female population would feel grateful.
His imported smuggled sex slaves, even though with
mutilated and disabled genitals under compulsion will feel
recompensed. As the organizers claim the Big O, is intended
to be an "instantaneous surge of human biological,mental
and spiritual energy" Donna and Paul do hope to lessen levels
of violence,hatred and fear around the world.Over population
is a major cause of the problem and mechanical love making
with out feeling of intensity of sensitivities only cause baby
boon and virtual male explosions as witnessed over twin
trade towers on 11/09/2001.That more than three fourth
of the human suicide flies were Saudi subjects of the
Narakasura/Abdulah can not be ignored.(end)
Personal comment from Donna Shaheen and Paul Reffell,
initiators of World Orgasm Day
Saturday, 22 December 2007
release the abducted
my christmas wish
with narakasura
abd allah
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,Saturday,December 22,2007:Now no time to be lost.
Eid ul Adha is over.Gawd King,In less than 72 hours,there
would be decorated Christmas trees under which Western
world looks for pleasant surprise gifts.from you.Unlike Dalai
Lama,who is a refugee,and an apostel of peace, you are
the custodian of unholy places remain sovereign.So do place
your surprise gifts there under the Christmas trees at least
now after six years of your 15 plus four land of the pure
deadliest suicide flies downed twin trade towers in the U.S.
to be welcomed in heaven by Allah´s erotic chamber maids.
Now that you have met the Pope in Vatican,oh,one vote
demonocracy King//Maharaja/Narakasura Adbullah free
immediately your and your princes´ abducted and smuggled
harem,including female children,numbering over a hundred
thousand as pleasure assets,young girls from Helsinki to
Honolulu,Tanzania to Indonesia and the Philippines.You
should let your own sand land women enjoy freedom as
well.That is my wish for Christmas!Have some sense of
humor,pyare dost/dear bumsy/friend/ do not be angry
always roasting pop corn on your nose and conducting
jihad world wide yar/bum.These are festival days.
Make a gesture of surprise laugh.Let your princes learn
to laugh as well.
Wish is no threat.But you should remember the world is
in a position to shower black idol =kabas= as =hudud=
from heaven on your and your princes´ heads.Times is
up for you, kingo,lead tormentor of Taslima now in this
very earth of idol worshipping India and Khadija bint
Khuwaylid alias tul Kubra,the elderly mother of your own
Islam now in grave.Send a message post haste to
Speaker Halim of West Bengal legislative assembly
not to speak on sentiments when it comes to intellectuals
like Taslima,who is my =manasaputri=/daughter of the
mind as they say in hadith language.Invite Left Front
Marxist Leninist Communists led by Jyoti Basu,
Buddhodebo,Karat gold,and of course photogenic tvstar
Sitaram Yechury for an Umra pilgrimage. Let them
throw stones/pebbles/sand is but mini pebbles,at
the Satan not at Taslima Nasrin.
The great Mughal,Allaho Akbar also had his Birbal as
yar/bum.Your land of the pure musclemen,who liberated
by force Lal Maszid,or the former refugee Nawaz Sherif
will tell you his jokes.So tell the Left Front what Taslima
writes should be taken at a higher level as provocatively
truthful fun.Let her live In Kolkata writing her painful truth.
Your half brother Khalid or Fahd who was that hosted for
life even that crocodile feeder cannibal Idi (not Jehudi)
Amin of Uganda.You should have no problem on that.
Oh Abdulla,baharwala/outsider/server,gawd´s single
vote representative on earth,you perhaps have no idea,
Hindu hadith/purana/vertical gossip narrates that like
you,there was one Narakasura/Head of Hell,born to
mother earth.She was abducted by monster
Hiranyaksha of golden eyes ( you also have golden
eyes and teeth!) dressed like a wild pig,he gored
her between her thighs,causing the pregnancy
by which Naraka was born.Protected by gawd
Narakasura had abducted a mere 16,100 young
women from heaven and earth during his hay days.
When he was killed in =hudud= finally also by creator
gawd/Allah in Arabic,Kishna himself to set the poor
girls free,he was obliged to marry them all.
He did and mated them all simultaneously giving
them conjugal rights!Can you do that Abd Allah?
Hindus in India even today commence their three
day Eid known as Diwali as Naraka´s fourteenth
day of the half month.
Reports from website Sauduction says that you are
Narakasura´s modern avatar/incarnation and the
sand land princes led by you kidnapped almost a
mere hundred thousand young women from the U.S.
alone in special planes as boss Bush looked the other
way towards barrel loads of crude dollars.Now as Bush
is set to go the Begin way by rotting his brains to make
food for worms,you make haste, camel rider King
Abdullah,to set free your own and abudcted women
first.Make a surprise Christmas gift to the West yar/
Then advise brotherly King of Kuwait Al-Sabah also
to set free over 50,000 harem maids he and his goons
imported to the desert Sheikhdom for pleasure from all
over globe in true globalization spirit of the times.
We will pray Bamyan Buddhas to forgive you.(end)
Friday, 21 December 2007
good go fast boy
good beginning made at id
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,Friday,December 21-12-2007:It is Id, the festivity of the proven
cruelest in the world so far.As almost 25 million people of the vast sand
land sit home muted with their humbled females,the single man
democrat voting,the Custodian of Holy Places has been made to open
his mouth and reverse the direction by the world realities drubbed into
his brains.He has appealed for the first time to Umma, the global
Muslim brotherhood to live in peace with rest of the world.Remember
for the last 25 and more years, close to a thousand billion dollars
have been routed from his sand land to promote hatred by mini mullah
prophets preaching Islamist separatism and =self determination=
without voting rights!
Sitting on the Mina Palace throne overlooking Makka surrounded
by a motely Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin of Malaysia,Fakhrudin
Ahmed, key advisor of Bangla Desh´s current ruler,Dr.Abdulla
Al-Turki,Secretary General of Muslim World League,Ali
Baradikoglu Head of Turkish Haj Mission,has called over three
million pilgrims assembled in Makka for rituals of =pradakshina=
round going of the square single gawd´s idol, stoning the evil
whispering satan,and finally shaving male heads at between a
single to an exorbitant 50 dollars a head to respect the faiths of
= the other peoples=.That is not enough Abdulla boy.You have
to move fast and let your female children hold their heads high
showing faces proudly for their beauty and happiness.Let your
people including female adults elect a government,if the holy
places under your custody are to be saved for good even at
this late hour.
You have met the Iranian President Ahmedizade for the first
time,is also good news.But we need to hear more from your
mouth saying that loving Sufi saints were and are decent
humans.Ajmer city on the border of Indian Thar Desert,which
gave shelter to an Arab origin sufi Garibdas (servant of the
poor) Quaja Moinuddin Chisti is also a sacred place as all
other places of worship in the world and human habitations
remain holy.They are not meant to be attacked and destroyed
by Wahabi jihadists.But you have made a welcome beginning.
Keep it up and go faster and faster in this 21st century.
It is advent time close to Christmas.After that we celebrate
the onset of the New Year. Your welcome opening of
the mouth will make it easier for Turkey to join the European
Union.You should now abolish whipping of teenage girls.
Cutting of the hands of those poor slaves under you denied
food therefore compelled steal and eat their rightful meal
for serving you.Announce boldly abolishing slavery in Saudi
Democratic Republic not Kingdom headed by you or your
kith nominally.
Stop importing into your country white slaves and causing those
unfortunate females to undergo forced genital mutilation.It is
because you yourself are as male subjected to genital mutilation
you have lost sensual sex capabilities with your foreskin.Sunna
is not needed today under improved hygienic conditions even
in deserts.That has caused your princes to look for orgasm
beyond their bodies by eyes and fantasies.Let it remain and
so they enjoy making love to their mates.I know Abdulla boy,
you are old older than me,Bala but your grandsons,will enjoy their
single wives more with their wives if you let them retain the most
sensitive foreskins.Be a winner and make your desert land also
a winner.(end)
you made it possible
you prevail at bali, now
on to the incoming president
By Kulamarva Balakishna
Vienna,Friday,December 21,2007: Thank you readers,you made it possible.
As your signatures swelled,Al Gore could even overwhelm presidential hijacker´s
team to make a U turn and compromise with the rest of the globe on protecting
our environment.Thank you.How it happened at Bali, you have read in the media.
Until to the very last, George Bush gang resisted.But your ten day´s response
turned out to be decisive.A total of 373,000 people´s appeal for sanity from
all parts of the globe worked wonders.The U.S.Department of State had to relent.
Relent it did grudgingly.Now it is in the hands of incoming U.S.President,Hopefully
it is up to Hilary Clinton to clinch the issue irreversably.Thank you once again.
I present you Al Gore´s Climate Protect Organization´s Chief Executive Officer
Cathy Zoi:
Dear Friend,
Last week I traveled to Bali and watched Al Gore deliver your messages
demanding a visionary global treaty to the UN Climate Conference.
I want you to know that our work on this issue has made a huge difference.
When we asked you to write the US delegates, you responded and they
received thousands of messages. The State Department let us know they
were tallying the responses and reporting the feedback to their team.
Then we asked you to sign our petition demanding a "visionary global treaty"
and more than 373,000 people added their voices in fewer than 10 days -
that is simply incredible.
Thank you. You demonstrated to every single person at the UN Climate
Conference and beyond, that even if the current US Administration won't
support a visionary global treaty, the American people will.
Thank you for everything you do and please stay tuned for the Alliance
campaign launching in early 2008.
Cathy Zoi,CEO
Alliance for Climate Protection
Thursday, 20 December 2007
adults only pay tvs?
u.n. obscenity under ban-ki moon
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,Thursday,December 20,2007:I wrote a few days ago,how Islamic
Solidarity Fund literally diverted cash for the promotion of cruel Islamic
values around the world including the United States of America, after
on September 11,2001 fifteen suicide fliers from the holy places of the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and four from the Land of the Pure (Muslims)
namely, Pakistan, destroyed the twin trade towers and part of the
Pentagon.I was surprised to read a report in arab news, the Jeddah
based Pan Arabic English daily saying that the Islamic Solidarity Fund
was therefore awarded the fourth=developing country developing country=
(South-South)mutual co-operation prize.The U.N.award was given away
at the New York head quarters of the world body yesterday at special
ceremony.May be some of these funds have gone to Algerian attack on
the U.N.Staff! If on investigation, it was found to be true, I would not be
surprised.After all,some one, whose war records were suspect, and this
suspicion records were found deposited in the basement of the Glass
Towers in New York,as the suspect was presiding over that world body
from the top of the towers.The country that had deposited the records
was later dismembered by bombardment of external powers of course
in the interest of world peace!I am reminded of this event as I got a
message yesterday from the American intelligent=sharia mappers=
describing the world body and its Human Rights body by a single
word =obscenity=.
This =obscenity= was established as successor of the defunct League
of Nations in 1945 by the initiative of the United States.Later in the year
1948 the same =obscenity= with the approval of all member states made
a solemn declaration on the standards of Universal Human Rights.
As against this declaration on recognition of human rights, in about 1990
the 57 members of Organization of Islamic Conference made a declaration
in Cairo the standards of a contrary cruel Islamic Human Rights.The 25th
and final article of this declaration clearly states that gawd´s = Islamic
sharia is the only reference for the explanation or clarification to any of the
articles of this declaration=.The first article declares =all men are equal
in terms of basic human dignity and basic obligations and responsibilities,
without any discrimination on the grounds of race color,language,sex,
religious belief,political affiliation,social status and other considerations=.
But then in the second article,the rights are made subject to withdrawal by
a sharia-prescribed reason! Since gawd is not available consultation at
all times the interpretation of the sharia are left to mini mullah prophets,
who can reach gawd only through mini angels of course.When gawd is
supreme, man made Universal Declaration is of course nothing but
=obscene=!How nice.Gawd has top priority.No wonder, the United
Nations Declaration of Universal Human Rights are obscene, not meant
to be implemented against Islamist Mullahs!
So thus Islamic Solidarity Fund financing beyond member country
borders,Islamic educational institutions,for Mosques etc from Chicago
to Timbuktu in African land of Mali has gawd´s and U.N approval.
The U.N.member country sovereignty considerations are irrelevant.
Then how come, the Custodian of Holy Places,King Abdullah can
rescind 200 whip lashes to the 20 year old gang rape victim Qatif
girl? He derives his power of course through mini-mullah prophets
in communication with mini angels.
It is a year now since the United Nations has a new Secretary
General in South Korea´s former Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Mr.Ban-ki Moon.Whisperings are heard from far and wide that
South Korean kitchen delicacy monkey´s fried brains is getting
as a favorite exotic dish in U.N.headquarters city. Even in
Ramayana times,monkeys as delicacy food were permitted for
hunting/shikar.But no hunter was allowed to kill more than five
monkeys for eating!=pancha pancha nakha bhakhsyah=Thus
Hindus are proud of the New Secretary General even though
he can do nothing to prevent Islamic funds being routed to
their country for building =madrassas=,Islamic centers and
other teaching institutions.That is acknowledging that know
how is basis for development,even gawd´s holy war.In Islamic
and In Arab Human Rights there are provisions for holy war
and protection for civilians!
I mean in the 21st century, we can save so much cash if we do
away with the =obscenity= of United Nations.According to me
cash starved SANE (Society for American National Existence)
who seek donations for funding,can save for United States tax
payers some 25 percent of the U.N. budget A similar amount
can be saved by Germany and Japan together.Those who
enjoy obscenities,can sure have pay t.vs on U.N for adults only.
The member countries can use the saved funds for their
strengthened internal security against Islamic holy warriors.(end)
Monday, 17 December 2007
qatif girl gets pardon
good news from gawd
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,Monday,December 17,2007:Rejoice for the good luck 20 year
old Qatif girl of the Kingdom of the Custodian of Holy Places eastern
Shia province.The Custodian of the only one gawd and one vote
democracy state, has reportedly pardoned the unfortunate rape victim
from 200 public whiplashes,for being the victim of 14 gang rapes,may
be to commemorate brotherly President Agha Ahmedin -zade´s Haj!
After all in a few years from now,the Iranian President is expected to
stock pile strategic assets close to the holy places.But it is still not
clear if the Custodian has advised his Virtue police restore her virginity
of virtue by sending her to the imported Egyptian female genital mutilation
surgeon for a stitch up.Hopefully not.We hail the Custodian for his
compassion shown to the young female Qatif flower.
Also good news,the Kingdom is permitting parents of teen females
to send their daughters to foreign boarding schools.Here also it is not
known if the foreign boarding schools will get male gate keepers to
guard the virtue of girls under Islamic Solidarity Fund´s =South-South
Cooperation= arrangement with the United States.
In any case Chicago Islamic Schools,Colleges and Universities are
better places for soft sand land girls to study.Once they graduate
there I am sure they can be counted upon to liberate their sisters
from the gawd´s hell on earth for women.May Peace Be Upon Him,
(MPBH) the Custodian of Holy Places, whose heart finally melted
for the young daughters of the holy places.
In the meantime I am happy to inform my readers with the South
Korean former former foreign minister, Ban Moon Kaun what not
being away in Bali for Climate Summit, his UNO.Org is being
managed by an artificial intelligence machine team known as
=inquiries team=.I am sure this UNO.Org would be roasted for
feast by Islamic Human Rights Declaration Day for the single
Islamic humanity,called Umma.
Then what happens to more liberal Arab League´s Human Rights
Declaration that at least recognizes older imperfect religions left
by gawd on this earth?
Please do not ask me.Sharia,based on lady Aiyesha sourced
Hadith/vertical Gossip/Purana/ has got as many versions as there
are mini Prophet incarnates in the form of Imam/Sheikh/Mullah
mobs.Like penny peanuts, they are in a position to still the
devotion´s hunger (end)
dead cobra in whysky
Survive Bharatamata!
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,Monday, December 17,2007:After hanged Saddam Hussain,now
dead 75centimeter long King Cobra in India´s silicon metropolis.Bap re
gawd that is not symbolic Kumaraswamy,the politically dead Chief Minister!
But dead or alive they are visible to obstruct human lives and peace.There
is demand for it,for obstruction in Bangalore,India´s show case of affluence
and prosperity.We are proud,Bangalore sent a Glasgow bomber flame fly.
Another Bangalorean medico is fighting his right to heal Australia!=Jaya
Bharata Jananiya tanujate=( victory to you the biological daughter of mother
Prof.Sree Sreenivasan of the South Asian Journalists´ Association (SAJA),
Columbia likes to debate on =Amara Chitra Katha= expert IITs populating
the U.S. and other parts of the world as sub sub sub contractor billionaires´
clever employees.Martha Nussbaum considers them to be no more than
dead rats,Taqueela glass worms or nyx bar dead cobra whisky bums,just
exported from Bangalore!
The Residency Road,which once housed the late R.M.D.C.Chamarbagwala´s
=sayta=,not penis sprouting godman Satya Saibaba,now has a fashionable
pub street bar Nyx selling a rival to Viagra tablets.There are no reports as
yet the pub street is providing kick to godman =mother cow= swami appearing
on stage with a bull and bull shit for display or gawds diamond vest server
Pejavara =jagadguru=,global guru.Do not be surprised if he appears with
that great female flag bearer of the Hindus,Uma Bharti make their ppearance
Please avoid India bashing.Mother India has given birth to Sri Sri Ravishankar,
Mata Amritanandamayee,not the orginal, she died a few years after Nehru
passed away making way to Devarha Baba ba ba ba floating naked on the
=ganga yamuna jangha=,confluences of the thighs of rivers Ganga and Yamuna
near Alahabad.Then several floods have flown down stream the rivers.It may be
in India´s one point one plus billion sons and daughters,sons outnumbering the
daughters by point two percent,because the point two percent were compelled
to die waging jihad from their mothers´ wombs!AIDS HIV virus resistant
Shabarimalai Ayappan devotees chocking the roads with their black lungis
the largest democratic mobocracy in the world need to be cherished and
celebrated.After all she is the mother of also our Aishvarya double Rai,the proud
beauty of Hollywood and Bollywood,sorry my friend,Balhasaheb Thackeray,
nicknamed by Sir Salman Meinduck,the name was inherited when urbus prima
indis was still known as Bombay and not by mother gawdess Mumbatai,to become
I miss my tormentor brahmin engineer,former BARC trade union leader of
thousands of scientific officers set faking and forwarding even India´s sacred
constitution,Shankara Bhat some where in Kazkhstan!We should be proud
of our India Today´s strategic assets.We lead the miserable and mad mad
world.They all together have managed to make India shine like a gang of
boot polish boys positioned between the Old lady of Bori Bunder and Flora
Fountain on the Dadabhai Naoroji Road,Mumbai.We should be proud of
our all India Hindu and Muslim =langoti monkeys= tormenting blasphemous
medical doctor turned poetess,Taslima Nasrin.
Just now as I write this Grand Mufti Abdul Aziz ibn Abdullah Al-Sheikh is
leading in prayer of millions of Haj pilgrims around Harj Al-Awsad black
stone gawd for world peace as Prince Khalid Al-Faisal is addressing
the Muslim World League to change the image of Islam as a moderating
influence in the New World Order!Fifty percent of the pilgrims are women.
The old ones are happy under Islam, the younger beautiful ones,who have
gone to universities freely abroad,and see the women´s universities of the
Kingdom of the Keeper of Holy Places are aghast at the apathy of the
older generation.They are bent upon liberating girls under Islam.I hope
despite the Cobra whisky drinkers importing second hand Islam values
from the Black Stone gawd,and beautiful Satan across the bridge getting
his annual services of stones from the devotee mela conducted by angel
Gabriel Farishta,for distribution among idolater majority in India,Bharata
Mata of L.K.Advani and young Tarun Vijay survies.(end)
Sunday, 16 December 2007
professor´s concern
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,Sunday,December 16,2007:Prof.Sree Sreenivasan,is looking
for an answer if odd stories of odd people appearing in the media in
the Western media a verdict is involved.I do not think so.Here the
definition of news =man biting a dog is news=is the key for
selection.Recently a German wife threw her =hisbend= out of
the king size bed to replace him by her pet dog!Miss Mayo´s
Mother India had a political role.But these odd stories appear
funny.Readers want also read things funny to make up the
monotony of drab readings of routine stories.Besides,large
countries like India,claiming on the basis of sheer numbers
without in real content are full of stories of superstitious
traditions like Aishvarya allegedly marrying a tree,a snake
etc,or an Uttar Pradesh State male Inspector General of Police
falling love with Puri gawd lord Jagannath to wear bangles
and sari on duty as in latest case in Karnataka village nuts,
throwing down one year to five year old children three meter
down from a temple top.These are absurdities of superstitious
human gullibilities.They make good copies.Nothing more to
it.But locally,media get a fever to pick up or cook up such
stories to further corrupt the half educated readership.
The tendency has no other significance.The Times of India
has a permanent head line:=The mad mad world!=
for such stories.In the classic press these are meat for
the =tit bit= magazine.
Prof.Sree Sreenivasan
From SAJAforum, the newsy SAJA blog - new desi stuff daily:
Here's a posting on SAJAforum by ARTHUR DUDNEY, a South
Asia scholar at Columbia. He examines a recent BBC story in
which a man in India was symbolically married to a dog and
asks a provocative question: "...when a Western media
organization reports on the odd happenings in parts of the
developing world, is there an implicit moral judgment?"
Read his piece below and post your comments at
MEDIA: "Man Marries Dog" and
other strange tales from India
By Arthur Dudney
Serious news organizations often run stories that have no impact on world
affairs but merely showcase some of the zany things happening in far-flung
corners of the earth. It's fun to read about the man who was forced to marry a
goat in Sudan - a somewhat tragic story since his goat-wife apparently died
soon after when she choked on a piece of plastic - but when a Western media
organization reports on the odd happenings in parts of the developing world,
is there an implicit moral judgment?
India with its vast rural population is a source for many of these stories.
Recently the BBC ran an article entitled "Man 'marries' dog to beat curse.
" As promised, it celebrates the marriage of one P Selvakumar, (meaning
Mr. Handsome),33-year-old man, to a dog called Selvi (Ms.Beautiful) in
a village in Tamil Nadu.The marriage is meant to cure the groom of
paralysis,which he believed had resulted from his having killed a dog.
And lest we forget, the actress Aishwarya Rai allegedly married
(according to the belief in their matriarchal social system) a peepal
tree and a banana tree in order to keep the faults in her horoscope
from afflicting er human husband.Furious feminists brought a lawsuit
against Rai,claiming that tree-marriage is against the Indian
constitution and that by assenting to such a "primitive" practice,
Rai is holding back the cause of women's rights in India.
(These are simply funny but over blown by vested interests
the story should read on the web.kb)
(Katherin Mayo does not fit here.Hers was a political
mudslinging game with an eye of becoming famous).
(1857 episodes also do not go together with the context).
("Living facts of India today," are superstitions.Absurd behavior
of so called =yogis= and =gawdmen= that commenced with
=balyogi= and Vietnam Beat generation of Hippies).
I know some people in the diaspora who become apoplectic
when they read these stories because they think it makes
India as a whole look bad.(It is because they remaining
isolated in their new surroundings,feel home sick and
super sensitive unnecessarily to loose the sense of humor.
There are no reasons to suggest conspiracies. Orissa woman
marrying is a joke since a marriage involves conjugal rights,
the unprofessional reporters do not conclude their stories!
In South Asia, where the urban middle class is often so out
of touch with village life, there is an appetite for these
stories in English-medium newspapers,which are of course
a middle class institution as a second language with least
understanding of real =education=.kb)
(In the future, SAJAforum will post some views about
rural coverage in Indian newspapers.)
In defense of the BBC, they did run a story this month about
a man in Scotland who was arrested after stimulating sex with
a bicycle.However,unlike their reporting on the developing
world, the incident was turned into an opportunity to discuss
privacy laws in the UK.
Although "man marries dog" stories are meant to be shallow,
it seems to me that they could use a bit more context. That
is difficult given space constraints and the media's emphasis
on neutrality, which demands that reporters not "interpret"
the news, but we often need more context to understand a
strange event as part of someone's life experience and not
something that we can smugly mock. Perhaps for the same
reason, the editor of the local newspaper in Sudan that
originally ran the story of the goat marriage now regrets
that news of the event has traveled across the world.
What do YOU think? Talk back to Arthur and join the
conversation by posting your comments at
See other postings in the SAJAforum MEDIA WATCH
Saturday, 15 December 2007
wasted lives
universities not prisons
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,Saturday,December 15,2007: I want to bring back to the memory
of my readers that some ten years about fifty Saudi teenager girls were
burned to death virtuous by their gate keeper guard at the boarding and
lodging as he went locking them in the house on his =other= errands.
Since then the keepers of Holy Places,all male,have not learned
any lessons to make amends.The kingdom holds even today their
female children as virtual =virtue prisoners=.As we take children to
Kinder Garten and bring them back young women in one vote democracy
of Saudi Arabia are taken to universities and back home. They are strictly
under Virtue Police guards.The quoted arab news report is self explanatory.
It is this system being exported under Organization of Islamic
Conference Islamic Solidarity Fund, to be awarded for =South- South=
co-operation in New York on Wednesday, December 19,2007.Most probably
the Islamic College opened under this fund finance at Chicago also runs
on this value system!
It is now a new century after the sacrifice of those teenage girls under the
virtuous lock and key.We have lived through Islamic suicide airmen,
fifteen of them were from the Kingdom of Holy Places.If only those
young men were given a chance to see the faces of their females,perhaps
they would not have gone on suicide missions!Will old boy Abdullah
and his partner in the Grand Mosque, the Chief Wahabi Sheikh hear
the new Muezzin´s call during these festival of pilgrim days?
I appeal to the global community to save the Saudi young women from
their university prisons.I request the Organization of Islamic
Conference, instead of routing their Islamic Solidarity Funds
by devious ways as =South-South Cooperation= under the United
Nations flag, to export conflicts to foreign territories, use their funds
to free their women.And first and foremost, accept U.N.Human rights
standards instead of their Sharia/Hadith/Purana/Gossip standards
as human rights.That would do to the world a lot of good. I ask
them to read the quoted pan arab arab news news report and respond.
Students, Teachers Resent ‘Obsolete’ Campus Rules Najah Alosaimi, Arab News |
RIYADH, 15 December 2007 — Public schools for girls in Saudi Arabia are very closed-door institutions where men are virtually off limits. Each day as school lets out, the name of each student is called out over a microphone. Then the student’s guardian or driver approaches and custody (the female student) is handed over to him by a school caretaker(gate keeper). At the university level, where girls have become young women, one would expect things to be a little less guarded, right? (Here especially they should be guarded by Virtue Police,to keep them chaste!) Apparently not, according to women students who say they still feel that the university has too much control over their personal freedoms, from the color of the clothes they wear to being treated just like schoolgirls when they leave campus. At a major woman’s university in Riyadh, one student was seen arguing recently with a gatekeeper who was demanding she show documented proof that the considerably older man standing outside was in fact her father picking her up, something he has done since she was old enough to attend primary school as a young girl. Students say that the university, which is supposed to be a place where young women experience greater freedoms, needs to lighten up. “Typically girls are forbidden from leaving the university before noon because the gates are locked,” art student Sarah Helal told Arab News. This poses a problem for students who, like Helal, have only one morning lecture while the rest of the classes are in the afternoon. She ends up sitting on campus for four hours instead of having the freedom to go somewhere else and return later in the day ( Because the male gate keeper is one girls are many). “Due to this regulation, we lose a sense of time management,” said Fadwa, another student. “Girls are wasting three hours or more (learning to waste the rest of their lives) inside Nuha A., a student from Imam Muhammad ibn Saud University, said locking thousands of students in an enclosed campus is a safety threat.(Recalling the decade old incident) "Only one gate is opened during the day on a campus which holds more than 3,000 people,” Hebah Banmey, a third-year translation student, told Arab News that her university life is almost as controlled as her time in high school. Her university, which styles itself as the oldest university in the Kingdom,(of Holy Places, MPBUH!) forces female students to wear a uniform consisting of a long, black skirt and long-sleeved white top. “We are only permitted to wear colors such as black, white and brown. These are drab, masculine colors,” she said, adding that her university has female guards at the gate to check outfits. “It’s very annoying to see BA and MA students barred from lectures because they wore pink or red tops. All of the world’s top universities manage to have ladies wear what they like and still graduate with excellent degrees.” A university official, who refused to have her name made public, told us: “The rules, which are set by college and university management, are meant to prevent females from exhibiting bad behavior. The university is responsible for their actions. One of the university’s roles is to be responsible for girls and guarantee that they are at the university during regular teaching hours and not going away without their parents’ permission. For this reason gates are closed during the day.” She also pointed out that the uniforms have been based on parents’ wishes in the first place. “The uniform eliminates the financial disparity between students and also encourages them to focus on their studies rather than what they look like,” said the source. But many academics expressed their resentment toward some of the rules at women’s universities. “Unfortunately public universities still operate under regulations that have been in existence since the 1960s, when women were first permitted access to higher education.”(quote ends). Dear darlings of Saudi Arabia, we take up your cause and liberate you.Count on us,grandfathers downwards to male babies, we are in solidarity with your cause. Cheer up.kb. |
Good morning Kulamarva!
The way Saudi males treat their females is enough to make one wonder why they're not slaughtered in a wholesale female rebellion. Surely the women outnumber the males there? Being the females are mostly kept from largely congrigating together, this may not have occured to them. But still, at the university, 3,000 frustrating young women against one male gatekeeper? Why does he continue to live?
In case you cannot tell, I find the existence of traditional Saudi males completely insufferable. The fact that they DO exist brings out some considerable blood-thirstiness in me. Probably not your intention.
How are you doing this morning?--Ampbreia, Washington,U.S.A.