By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna, Sunday, December 9,2007: Thank you Ampbreia. You have shown your large hearted compassion for the suffering Arab and non Arab slave girls estimated about a hundred thousand with palaces and a million in bungalows, abducted, kidnapped and purchased from Philippines,Indonesia,Malaysia,Bangladesh,Myanmar(Burmah),India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Maldives,Thailand,Vietnam and Combodia on one side, Sweden, Denmark, Brittain, Ireland, Germany and the United States,making the western world and the unfortunates of the East European unsettled refugee girls of former Soviet Union territory.They all as victims,join me in thanking you.It is commendable.Especially in the context of the advent of coming Christmas.You are ready with the decorated tree.Do celebrate your first born grand child as =Christkind=, the gift of Gawd!I do hope, a woman will occupy the White House soon as the President to address the key issue that interests every mother on this earth, WORLD PEACE . She will see that Saudi Abduction of young women and female children every where stops for good.
As specialguests.com says all Muslim Saudis believe they must have five times a day sex course
with =halal= vaginas specially constructed on female bodies by good female doctors recruited by the Religious Police under the Virtue Commission under the Custodian of unholy places,as living beds,moving door mats, serving maids, royally smuggled in from all over the world victims join me in thanking you.We in India have a Union Ministry for looking after the welfare of the emigrant workers now headed by a young man from my part of the country,Kerala.His name is Vayalar Ravi.He must be sleeping.I have sent the copy of the interview you made available to humans austria to = presidentofindia@rb.nic.in = and pointing out Vayalar Ravi should be woken up to realities.
You are, not older than that human jewel of mine, what we call in hadith/vertical gossip/puranas
as =manasa putri=, meaning mind born daughter, Taslima Nasrin. You can address an appeal on
her behalf on your website and send it to woman President Pratibha Patil of the Republic of India, on the e mail id given above for her citizenship status and protection from Gawd´s cheer leaders/imam Bukharis/mullahmobs/pundits/ustads/mini prophets jihadist flies in search of flames and what nots what nots.
Now for the Saudis, I have before me a sooth sayer´s prophecy =Saudi Royals to be Sacrificed
Soon= on totse.com raw data for the nerves.I quote:=The Saudi Royals have outlived their usefulness and will soon be sacrificed at the alter of commodity.It is commodity which has ruled every simple geo-strategic power shift in modern history,not morals.(Not the all power full Virtue Commission Religious Police kb.) It will be commodity this time as well which dictates that our =friends= in Saudi Arabia are about to get the US =knife in the back=.(quote continues in brackets:Could not happen to more deserving folks.They represent one of the most repressive governments on earth.) quote ends.
For my readers information there are almost a million google entries on Saudi Royals´ five times
a day ( anticipating the kind permission of special guests host Mary Doreen to quote the branded phrase) sex prayer practices.The message for the Keeper of unholy places is unmistakably clear.
There is no time to be lost old boy, Abdullah, do and ask the princes follow you faster and faster, as they say in red light districts =pani nikalo= meaning spray out the zam zam water, huzur dost. Other wise you miss the flight scheduled to heaven where the prophet of doom awaits you all. (end)
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