Tata´s people´s five seater low cost (2500 dollar)car released
on January 8, in New Delhi should harness low cost emission
bio waste fuel.
use natural
with care
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,Tuesday, January 29,2008: I put out
yesterday a www.wired.com copy on
less than a dollar per gallon methanol fuel
for cars sponsored by General Motors.
There are two messages.One for developing
economies like India to clean up garbage to
use as fuel.To the oil rich watch out you
can not go on being unreasonable.There
are now infra structure bottle necks in the
U.S. That economy however, can meet the
task.Over night there would be methanol
pump stations.In India too, if indisciplined
langoti monkeys go constructive, we can
grow bio fuel resources enough to meet
our demands for road transport cutting
emission levels to the environment.Nano
makers Tatas should adjust themselves
to bio fuel to lead other neo industrialists.
The dedicated work is overdue.We have
to meet the challenge of fuel,and water
sources development in India on emergency
basis.We need both desalination plants
and monsoon lakes on both sides of
all express motor ways.We should motivate
people to work instead of running hate
Instead of linking rivers, we should harness
them for energy generation.We should
improve transmission lines to global
standards to with stand weather related
emergencies to say the least.We have the
means, idle population for labour. By
harnessing the resources we would be
only increasing social harmony.
All the cities do require sewage systems
that take the waste outside the habitation
separating solid waste releasing the liquid
for horticulture.That is wealth generation
and social welfare Prof.Amartya Sen
will agree.There is no time to be lost
in silly controversies.
Will the left and right see reason?Will those
who have chosen to renounce stake
in the material world withdraw into seclusion
leaving the down to earth society work with
out interruption?I mean Hindu and Muslim
Mullah mobs should keep themselves away
from public affairs.(end)
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