mahesh yogi!
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,Thursday,January 31,2008: It is news when
a =sanyasi= retires. Because the meaning of a
sanyasi is that of renunciation of worldliness.One
who takes =sanyasa= foregoes any stake in the
society, in the same way the =quakers= abstain from
participating in elections for contesting office or
for voting.A 17th century Sanskrit poet, Jagannatha,
who wrote =Rasagangadhara= aptly described it
=shvapacha atmabhuvo nirantara mama jata
paramatmani sthitih=,meaning I don´t care for
the differences between dog eaters or god. The
concentration is on universal consciousness. But
Hinduized Mahayana Buddhism created monastic
orders as power centers for the celibate managers.
Later Shankaracharya imported celibacy to
=sanatana dharma= and established Hindu
monasteries.Jyotirlinga peetha belonged to one
of the four established by Shankaracharya.
Of late these gurus have become worse than
power grabbing mullahs.We have now in India
under trial swamis and convicted mullahs.To cite
one case, Sir Miza Ismail´s grand daughter
Khalkali was murdered and secretly entombed
by her lover mullah =hisbend=.He had the
notorious name of Shraddhananda.He lived in
Mirza Ismail´s palatial Bungallow in Bangalore
where he got convicted severasl years after
he killed the woman who trusted him.It is
not clear to me when the murderer was hanged
or is likely to be hanged.In other words money,
power and fame are being worshiped by all and
sundry gurus whose number run into millions.
They are indeed successors of the thugs,
eradicated by the British after they defeated
Tippu Sultan. The thugs, in the disguise of pilgrims
robbed believing pilgrims and killed them for of
course gain in this world.The gurus in India today
are a great law and order problem.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, born Mahaesh Prasad
Varma,Jagdalpur, Madhya Pradesh on January
12,1917 has now withdrawn from his routine
management activities as of January 11.He should
have been the head of the Jyotirlingapeetha,
succeeding his guru Brahmananda Saraswati.
He missed the power center because he was not
born high caste brahmin. Now retired to Dutch
(the Netherlands) Vlodrop Village on the German
border, he was the most visible and worldly gurus
for the last 50 and more years.He is reportedly
engaged in writing a commentary on the Vedas.
I have been watching him ever since he came
with his slogan of Cult of Creative Intelligence and
promoting the brand identity of Transcendental
Meditation (TM) based on a single Patanjala yoga
sutra =yathabhimati dhyanadva=, that is medidate
on individual conception as concentration point.
Under Patanjali´s yoga system =dharana, dhyana
samadhi =three tier system is called =samyama=.
Samyama is simultaneous culminating in
=samadhi= as in war define the territory,attack
and occupy it is the goal.Mahesh Yogi has taken
only the middle that is attack =dhyana= point as
important key goal.But in yoga all the three go
together and a recluse remains recluse.
When he came to advertising from a fourth floor
apartment close to the Raj Bhavan in Bombay,
he made news with George Harrison and Beetles.
Then rumour went round he was fascinated
by one of the Beetle wives. I have had many
opportunities to confront him with questions.
But he always laughed off inconvenient ones.
Once I gave him a piece of paper, he drew on
it a road map of yoga.The next day, it appeared
on The Bharatyoti with my report.Once, a young
woman suffering a shcok she got from another
Swami´s undue attention, I think her name is
Lakshmi Lakhia, accompanied me to meet him
seeking solace. After some time, my girl friend
=free lover=,Minati Sarma learned TM from him.
My friend Captain Colabawala of Whisper
magazine was also given to TM.
I must say, unlike the other notorious gurus,
the worldly man offering to fly on air like
the =vidyadharas= of devayoni caste of vertical
gossip fame, he remained comparatively harmless.
Even though he was able to rope in Punjab
government for his efficiency enhancement
programmes,soon he learned empty talk
does not hold the attention of the public
all the time.So he switched to brand
ayurveda as =maharishi ayurveda= and
sell it world wide. Now there must be
over a thousand Maharishi Ayurveda
centers world wide,including one in Vienna
and several hundreds in Austria and
Germany together.I hope he completes
his commentary on Vedas and sells it
branded Maharishi Vedas=price world wide.
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