is sacred
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,Sunday, January 13, 2008: I have copied
a Reuters report published by Dawn of Karachi on
purpose.Dawn is Pakistan´s most respected and
reasonably well edited newspaper. Unlike Pakistan
Times there are no chances of Dawn reporting
= President Zia ul Haq ejaculated= meaning the
general turned dictator simply =said=.Besides
it involves Pakistan deporting an American freelancer
of a kind, who does free lancing for every one for
the sake of bread just a was done by Iranian exile
the late Bazoft in 1989/90 who went to Iraq after
space canon maker Gerald Bull was shot dead in
Brussels in front of his residence,setting off the first
round of Iraq war.Bazoft was tagged to Observer may
be for travel costs and about four hundred pounds
in compensation for a =story=.Evidently Bazoft was
simulataneously free lancing for some other masters
as well. It was evidenced that his job was to carry
a sample of spit from an Iraqi hospital obtained through
guile from a poor Indian nurse.He paid for it by his
life.Observer did not care.That is not journalism but
all out whoring.I say this as founder of my own
=Taravadu Taranga Trust for Media Monitoring=
tttmm, for short.
The behavior hurt humanity in general.Poor Bazoft
was an exile,hungry at that.He may had difficulties
in obtaining residence permit in U.K. Observer exploited
his weakness, by asking him to write. Or as it is a routine
with the operatives legally remaining underground, the
Observer free lancing was an =arranged marriage=.I have
other instances, where billionaire media owners using
the defecating hole of poor tramps and then present
them as =journalists= to compromise professional
institutions like the =Committee to Protect Journalists=
CPJ for short.Yes such behavior promotes hurting
humanity because INTEGRITY in general made suspect.
I have worked for more than 125 large or small media
organizations, Including India´s giant The Times of
India and India´s heart of the media The Press Trust
of India, a nationalist daughter of Reuters.None of them
compensated me adequately for a demanding and
outstanding professional work.But I live even today
without selling my soul, although I was challenged by
the same legally underworld operatives =spell your
price=.Very few in this world know that INTEGRITY
is indeed priceless.
When I get this morning the message from Columbia
University´s South Asian Journalists Association,SAJA
Forum that a New York Times contributor was expelled
from Pakistan for no reason, I was rather surprised.
With the Reuters news published by Dawn, Pakistan´s
flagship newspaper, the cat was set out of the bag.
I reproduce the report showing in bold letters the word
containing key information.I suggest all concerned in
Pakistan situation today need to behave with credible
=accountability=.It is a question of world
ISLAMABAD, Jan 12: Pakistan has expelled a journalist
for the New York Times Magazine who interviewed Taliban
leaders and visited the Balochistan province on the Afghan
border, a media watchdog said.The journalist, Nicholas
Schmidle, whose report “Next-Gen Taliban” appeared in
the magazine on the weekend, was deported on Friday,
the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) said
“The article contained interviews with anti-government
Taliban leaders and was written from the tumultuous
Balochistan province, and its capital, Quetta,” the New
York-based watchdog said.
The Committee quoted Scott Malcomson, Schmidle’s
editor ( he is the New York Times Magazine editor)
at the magazine, as saying that no explanation was
given for the journalist’s deportation.
However, he said, the deportation was “clearly
connected to his writing rather than anything
else he was doing”.(how does he know it?)
An information ministry official said Mr Schmidle
did not have a journalist visa.
“He was on a two-year fellowship here and had visited
sensitive areas in Balochistan without permission and
did reporting. He was not on a journalist visa,” the
official said on condition of anonymity.( The question
is who is accountable?)
The CPJ expressed concern over growing attacks by
the government of President Pervez Musharraf on
the media. “CPJ is unfortunately accustomed to
reporting on the government's attacks on the local media,
but now harassment seems to be spreading to foreign
journalists as well,” said Joel Simon, CPJ's executive
director.(Not a serious statement).
“At a time of growing crisis in Pakistan, perhaps the
worst tactic for promoting calm is for the government
to silence the press.”(Another unfounded claim).
The government rejects criticism on media curbs.
“The media in Pakistan is the freest ever in the history
of the country. There is no restriction whatsoever on
media in Pakistan,” an information ministry spokesman
said this week.—Reuters (end)
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