Wednesday 19 September 2007

shame on rama

The world can not afford it

by Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,19-09-2007:It is a shame on Rama
that innocent interstate bus passengers
had to die in god´s name.Some times, I am
ashamed to identify myself as an Indian.
Why on earth the government of Karnataka
did not restrain its langoti monkies from
committing the =terroristic= murders?

As we fight terrorism unleashed on India from
across the border in the name of a religion,how
come we ourselves indulge in terror against our
own people in the name of a religion that has done
no good to its followers.

Let us count once again the crimes of Hindu
=langoti monkey= religion:
1.It treats poorer sections of the people as out
caste and untouchables.
2.It treats women as second class citizens.
3.It lets men,who claim to have given up stake
in the society, go naked and on rampage trampling
women and children under slightest pretexts.
4.It shaves a monkey clean, adorns it as a
club wielding wrestler, then calls its visual
presentation as god, Bajrangabali!
5.It keeps women as prostitutes around its places
of worship.
6.It holds prostitution festivals on special temples
dedicated to =yellamma =, mother of all.
7.It maintains homo sexual temples, rat temples
and what not!(more)

The list of crimes of Hinduism as it is practiced
today would remain endless as long as we call a
class of mentally retarded people as brahmins,
and approve their status as individuals, who are
incapable of indulging in crimes against humanity.
We give this class of people exceptional
status of indemnity.They are free to beg, travel
free on public conveyances in some parts of the

This lawlessness should stop, if India to be
recognized as a civilized modern nation state.
The constitution need to be amended, if necessary
to exclude those religious fanatics,who seek political
role for themselves by contesting elections.There
should be no exception in prohibiting religions
running amok.

No religious places should be allowed to preach
hatred and discrimination on the basis of race,
color,faith,sex or similar considerations.At a time
the earth is set to become the master of the outer
space, we can not afford to set up barriers against
our own people and boot out those who do not
confirm to blind beliefs, causing a disaster that
world may not be in a position to handle.

Imagine a hundred million Indians fleeing the
country because the langoti monkey governments
deny them basic human rights!Who can give them
refuge? (end)

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