Wednesday 26 September 2007

yoga & pranayama

to be unobtrusive

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,26-09-2007:Pranayama is considered a part
of certain ceremonials beginning with a brahmin
initiate who is empowered to conduct distinct
morning, noon and evening sun worship,
recognizing him to be the soul of everything in
the world,the moving and unmoving.
The ceremony ordains the worshiper,to inhale,
retain, and exhale in particular ways. These last
no more than minutes.Just as a sportsman or
athlet gets ready it is meant to get in readiness
to be attentive.
There is no intention of manipulation of human
breathing process involved.When eight part
exercise of the mind, known as yoga system
came into being breathing became the fourth limb
of the system.
Here the breathing is done consciously but not
demonstratively observing the three processes
meaning inhaling,retention and exhaling
plus a subtle adjustment of the breathing
to suit space and time is taken to mean
In Buddhism,which came into being in parallel
to the yoga system the observation is
called =minding=, in rather low key attention.
All this is meant to indicate we should be
natural in breathing to be attentive.No undue
importance to bend the ways of breathing
is meant.
However,as yoga system was called upon
by the supernatural power hungry to advance
their causes manipulative experiments in
breathing began and such attempts were
If one goes to Patanjala yoga sutras, five fold
yama and niyamas, suitable and comfortable
sitting posture as asana and similar unobtrusive
breathing practices are prescribed as
preparatory for leading mind to its steadiness.
The comfortable sitting and comfortable
breathing are advised to get mind on focus,
nothing more.To these preparedness added
a mode of holding back all senses from
distraction so the mind is ready to engage and
occupy a targeted subject before fully
possessing by a concerted attack.
All deviations to the process are misguided
and contradictory to the very fundamental
aims of the yoga.It is unfortunate yoga
preachers go overselling themselves to
harm yoga by commercializing a great
cherished tradition.A pity indeed for a
great culture to be sold in crudest ways.

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