Monday 1 October 2007

ahimsa palatschinken

a dosa for gandhi birth day

Vienna,02-10-2007:This is meant to make
a vegetarian meal in memory of Mahatma
Gandhi. Ingredients:fine wheat flour,baker´s
yeast,salt,chopped onions, tomato,cucumber,
spinach,mushrooms or bambu crumbs,okra
melanzani crumbs etc.
First mix wheat flour with salt and baker´s
yeast. Use half tea spoon of margarine on
pan, spread the thick flour mix on heating
pan quickly place the chosen required
vegetable crumbs on the spread. Let it
heat and roast for a minute and turn it for
less than a minute, the dosa or palatschinken
is ready.
It can be eaten with pickles of lemon, olive,
chutney pastes, or honey, marmalades of
any kind.Supporting drinks: wine,butter milk
of Turkish or Indian type,or fruit juices of
choice.Even tea or coffee would be suitable.
Advantages: self made,easy and whole some
vegetarian all based on tenets Gandhism.(end)
-Kulamarva Balakrishna

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