Wednesday 24 October 2007

e mail pranksters

fake forwarding is
no joke or fun

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,24-10-2007 ( An few months ago I got
an e mail
forward from a person,who is
personally unknown to me.
But his family
belonged to one, who happened to be an
early guide to me in the profession of journalism.
I was told of this young man by the son of a
journalist friend of mine.This forward, however,
was blocked by junk/spam mail watch under
=A= grade black listed world wide.I retrieved
it just for a taste.It was on Mahabharata´s
Ghatodgaja,asura son of Pandava Bhimasena,
a fake made up as a collage made of manipulated
photos,printed false excavation report,in the
identity tagged to an alleged The National
Geographic Magazine and Archaeological
Survey of India joint project underway in the
Indian Army controlled territory in the Himalayas
thinking it could be a find comparable
to the five thousand odd years old Otzi corpse
found in the Tyrolean Alps a decade or so ago,
I alerted experts asking their views.
When I was woken up to the fraud by the experts,
I asked for a copy of the forward.It was then
not available. But I got more forwards including a
nasty one on my friend artist, M.F.Hussain,who
now lives outside India because of the
aggressive Hindu fundamentalism unleashed
by such ill informed public opinion created
by pranks as these.Now I get again the same
fabrication on a second round of fake forwards
under the title =remains of mahabharata=.
This time I took the pranksters to task by punishing
them as a team as is the army practice.Just as I
was engaged in responding it I received another
forward with the exclusive expression:
forward this mail to as many as possible, so that we,
the people of India, can really use this power to
save our nation" on another fabrication on the
Constitution of India under the slogan=Use your

voting right for a better INDIA=.The following text
is the elaboration on the team punishment being
published for public information on the implications
of clever and =educated pranksters= using high
tech tools.)


"I have not met you.I know you on the basis of your
introduction.My e mail junk barrier segregated your
first mail under grade =A= as junk/spam. I retrieved
it because I think, Mr. Ramachandra had written to me
about you before. The whole question is that of
understanding with perspective. It was in this
context my communication with you had been to
impress upon you and guide you to interconnect our
present descent into history´s garbage after leading
the world civilization more than 2600 years ago.That
is the reason, I suggested to you to go beyond
Kazakhstan,where you work.Sitting in British jail the
late Bal Gangadhar Tilak had traveled through his
learning and imaginative inference to understand the
nature of Siberian dawn and dusk,which is now
confirmed by travel writer and a grand nephew of a
sort of poet John Dryden, Mr.Colin Thubron.It is with
Siberian perspective even our prayer Gayathri
mantra was conceived.An understanding that the
immobile mass and the moving of which we are a
part make a whole and we are all governed by its
nature, and our prayer addressed to the nature´s
presiding source of power that Sun is that =do help
us increase the range of our intelligence=

Mahatma Gandhi

If you do not know,you mention Mahatma Gandhi
without knowing, I tell you he got the strength to
awaken India by the mental power he got by praying
which he began with his watch out for sun rise for
the sake of his mother when he was a mere child.
Ramdhun =Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram patita
pavana sitaram Ishwara Allah tere nam sabko
sanmati de bhagavan= is universal form of the fourth
version of Gayathri mantra, that the Mahatma
used to unite India. Your and your friends´ learnings
are not complete.You have got an education in
bits and pieces on certain routine techniques without
any clue on knowledge´s inter connection to the
whole. That is why you become a part of practical
jokes on humanity to get banned even by junk search
engines.The expletives sent to your =fake forwarders=
are used in the context. Imagine some one began
the practical joke that =God Ganapathi/Vinayaka/
Vighneshvara= drank milk in the 1990s.It was at this
time, a Sindhi businessman wrote to me from
Bangalore that the shortage in shipment was caused
by the theft of leather garments by airline and customs
staff. I should get the shortage reimbursed by
claiming insurance.I wrote back to him that there
was no insurance company in the world, which
insured goods against theft by the officials! That
is the context of corruption.

Now let me explain further on practical jokes/ragging
that I am aware.I have written about it already in my
=Autobiography of Egotism=.I repeat it. It was about
seventy years ago. I was a mere child.But I was made
aware of it by my elders.During the eight day marriages
among the brahmins, the week was being used for
=ragging= the bride grooms at brides´ parental residences.
In one occasion, on the third or fourth day of the
marriage, when the relations are all herd in the bride´s
parental residence the guests are entertained with
snacks between lunch and dinner.This late afternoon
snacks are served just after the guests enjoy an
afternoon nap. In this case the groom was still at his
nap, but his =alleged= friends therefore prankster
raggers, felt they could play pranks on him.Thus
they tied his long hanging hair to the foot of the
wooden bench he was reclining during nap. Then
they woke him up for the afternoon tea! As he
suddenly got up the bound hair caused the
breaking of his neck and death on the spot!
The practical joke pranksters had not intended it
but they caused the death ending the marriage

ragging civilization!

In just 75 years, we are heading towards humanizing
space.Now this ragging pranks are to be forgotten.
Information technology, E mail included are not
invented by our great mathematic and scientist
geniuses like late Srinivasa Ramanujan,Hardy,
Albert Einstein and others as ragging tools.
Nuclear technology was not meant for nuclear
engineers pranks as they indulged in 1986
is proved the Chernobyl disaster that takes
victims even today.The management of the
disaster site and the Sakrophag has become
a great responsibility for scientists and
engineers.So do have a perspective.
Your education and specialized knowledge
is not meant to be used without a split second
application of the mind. That is what is meant
by the third yoga sutra =tada drusthuh
svarupe avasthanam =.The ego individuation
which rules the source and flow of intelligence
should work as the boss. It is possible by
regulating the mind =chittavritti nirodhah=
just like the irrigation dam on Kaveri river
generates electricity at the same time watering
garden plants that are engaged in photo synthesis,
the nature´s rule of law is enforced by cultivation.
There is no joke in such serious matters.

We are today using our language inherited by us
from time immemorial.=Risheenam punaradyanam
vachamarthonudhavati ;Laukikanam he sadhunam
artham vag nuvartate=.( early seers were followed
by words but now we use languages made of words
under rules of law) It was Niruktakara, Yaska who
(about six-seven hundred years before Christ)
gave us keys to Vedic use of the language.He gave
ideas how the words came about by pointing out
at etymology.Thus early seers selected their words
they are valid even today.Ghoda meaning horse
comes from the old word =ghotaka= meaning a
=trotter=.It has a comparable word in German
=trab rennen= When a horse trots it causes a
chain of sounds of foot steps.We are today thus
using our language for meaning. No abuses are
meant.I myself earned love of my readers both
male and female just because of my writing.
I am also capable of using the language as a deeply
hurting weapon. So when hurting is intended I
use the same on the deserving. The pranksters
are those who deserve.When pranksters like lord
Ganesha drank milk claimers, then logical
consequence is that the stone Ganesh made
kids for all it is for us to see! It is in the first
place the abuse of image like the advertising
image,by corrupting and manipulation of
materials at our disposal made by praknsters/
raggers. Try to understand, the use of words
are caused by events arranged by the thoughtless!
Thoughts are unstoppable energy currents
flow guided by yoga (yogah karmasu
kaushalam= yoga is work efficiency=
bhagavadgita) process our forefathers
systematized the mind training for teaching
several thousands of years ago.

International Centre

My =international centre for social & environmental
engineering= concerns itself in creating public opinion
on perspectives of harmony and peace for social well
being.It is not meant to abuse words.But those, who
abuse their knowledge for pranks and ragging,attract
the right hurting words towards themselves.The
National Geographic Magazine is a great institution.
The pranksters should not misuse its name for teasing
unsuspecting public.The Hindu newspaper is a national
institution even though N.Ram being the son of the late
Narasimhan of Kasturi & Sons family, misused and
suffered in the 1980s, which led to the lynching of an
innocent and decent individual,Rajiv Gandhi. It was
also showing the linkage a UP police official was cited,
who wore sari and bangles claiming Puri Jagannatha´s
love for himself.The faking for prank and faking for
profit like by Abdul Karim Telgi ( an Indian now
undergoing trial for producing by forged official
government papers!) both have consequences
unpleasant. But faking for profit at least has a
purpose.What is the purpose of faking for the
sake of faking without any use?The theft of
current and leakage of current also have
comparable unpleasant results.

As I mentioned to you the United Nations Conference on
Trade and Development has now launched a blog for
opinion farming on development issues. I mentioned also
superstitions eat up 85 percent of our badly utilized
resources meant for common well being.It is the job
of UNESCO to integrate the reconstructed thought
processes of our forefathers into a wholesome basic
education system as has been integrated the
contributions of Greek philosophers Plato, Aristotle
etc. before providing any specialized education.It is the
draw back of the isolated technical education that
breed of bored pranksters galore.This in brief.I
have no need to maintain any caste based,race
based relationship now with any one.Please forget
that I am born in your caste. I have no need for a
better identity than as a human being. I do not
aspire to get an award in the name of any fool,
who became famous and rich! You can do what
you like, like a jihadist launch a war against me.
I maintain the courage of my conviction.My life
is limited. I live a balanced life. I am integrated
to the humane society I live in. I do not need
certificate from Chernobyl pranksters! Is that
clear? WASM that is Warren Allen Smith,
is a philosopher. I have respect for and
understanding with him.He is senior. I have
not been communicated by him about his
protective role for Taslima.It was Taslima
who routed my communication to her
through him for her safety´s sake.I realized
by making public her contact or appealing
material support for her was not my intended
domain. I do support her.I have pleaded for
her with the President of India.That is within
my rights.I continue to mobilize opinion in
favour of women who are generally ill
treated world wide worse than mere door
mats. Some societies even today cruelly
cause genital mutation of females,(fgm) .
The tradition need to be amended.
People are working on it. I only hope and
pray you and your pranskter friends
understand implications of your silly
behaviour.Fake forwarding after all is not
your profession.Neither it is a game to play.
So do stop it for good.(end)

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