Wednesday 3 October 2007

islam against the world?

faith freedom international

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,03-10-2007:( In our new world, we are
accountable.Information revolution caused
by IT
has given us opportunities to expose things
have been hidden from public gaze for long.
For example, Hindu langoti monkeys in India used
and film media for projecting their foolish and
untenable concepts of
the religion making them
a laughing stock.They also
caused a false identity
pride among the followers,in the
full glare of
opponents knowing the fraud.The cohesive
society got divided but they remained exposed.
Now it is
the turn of Islam to go under a similar
and submit accounts.The following piece
is intended to point out where accounting is

Who set Islam against the rest of the world? Who made
the mobs absolutist authorities on Islamic religion? Who
is responsible for the suffering caused as the result?
Validated answers to these questions need to be
addressed by the world to prevent a disaster that
humanity can not afford to face.

When the highly regarded arab news edited and
published by Dr.Khaleed Al-Maeena from several
centres in the Kingdom of the Keeper of the Holy
Places (of Islam) and abroad in addition to a world
wide web net,a claim made and expressed there by
a contributor that =all terrorists are muslims,
not all muslims are terrorists= points
at the serious challenge we can not ignore.


First about religious records as foundation for the
derived authoritiy.Just as Hindu puranas, meaning
news in the past,are made up of gossip made on
the alleged narrations by god himself to a bird,a
fish or any creature other than human.The Islamic
=hadith= similarly has no validating means behind it.
There are gaps between events and recording.These
accounts recorded are of no significance because
they are collected at random without allowing any
room for judicial impartiality.

For example almost 25 percent of the =hadith= is
derived from an interested party,namely the last of
the eleven legal wives of the mpbuh.This child wife
of the mpbuh is so much involved in early Muslim
politics of intrigues either in eating honey, mating,
or of statements of true religious impact.She has
participated in the first civil war of the Muslim
Republic.She, famed as Camel Warrior,has lost
the war decisively.How come =hadith= attributed
to her can remain unchallenged?

Mother of Islam

Khadija bint Khuwayled,( tul Kubra) the foremost
leader of Arab traders of her time, a woman
of nobility with endlessly generous heart, inexplicably
has been shut out behind the curtains of history.
How come? She had a cousin,Waraqa bin Nauful
who translated Bible from Hebrew into Arabic,
in Syria or about who had not believed several gods.
She was influenced by him and had picked up and
acknowledged Al-Saidq and Al-Amin first and foremost.
When angel Gabriel crushed him with surprising revelations
through whispers to a point mpbuh started sweating,
it was she who covered him up to give comfort.

She gave mpbuh, a companion from among her
first born ones in addition to giving him own children
both male and female, although the two males
did not survive long enough.She was there to deliver
him from Islam´s birth pangs.What justification
mullahs of all hues can give in almost insulting her
by denying human rights to Islamic women? As if
to rub salt to the injuries caused, mullahs refuse
to acknowledge a mother as deserving respect.If
they did not, the dispute in India on singing
=vande mataram= would not have arisen.


About not idol worshiping credo: There were 360
idols in Arabia getting worship in pre-Islamic days.
359 were destroyed.One was set up on a pedestal
under curtains, getting the name of Kaba.another was
erected across the bridge as satan´s representation.
What about the angel, Gabriel who brought the god´s
message to the sole human messenger? What was
his sin not to be recognized?

These apart,what makes the routinely black marketed
Zam Zam water so special like Ganga water of the

Rule of Law

If the rule of law is based on sharia, which itself is based
on undependable gossip of interested parties justice
remains perpetually denied.Even yesterday´s head
hunters, I mean Nagas, have given up the practice of
cutting of heads of girls belonging to rival villages to
accept modern system of justice.What prevents some of
the hard core Islamic countries entertain old cruel Arab
tribal traditions, making way to other tribes like North
West Frontier Agency territory of South Asia enforce
their own cruelties against their folk? Pakistan under Gen.
Zia ul Haq whipping as punishment was introduced.
He however, did not prevent Pasthun citizens of
Pakistan lending money, which is to say the least,
remains un-Islamic.

We have heard and read the cruel punishments were
meant to be deterrent.But with all the public beheading
practices in force,the reality is that the Kingdom of Keeper
of Holy Places has corruption, even among the Virtue
Commission members.Routine crime and even lawless
territories are flourishing under the domain of foreigners

It is because of this, a world wide web of Muslims
under the umbrella of Faith Freedom International has
taken birth in the wake of 11-09-2001 Islamic suicide
attacks.The ancient jamat or juma meaning republic
is vanishing into thin air to smelt itself with modern
democracies.It is a welcome development. May be
today, FFI members may not identify themselves to
escape assaults.But soon they are to come into the open
in the Netherlands and other parts of Europe and
Americas and to cover the whole world.(end)

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