Monday, 17 March 2008

boot for bush

well meaning americans
let this world survive

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,Monday,March 17,2008: It is five years now, George Bush
junior in every conceivable respect,deceitfully invaded Iraq cheating
the U.S.citizens.An estimated 150,000 men,women and children
from the U.S.U.K.Iraq,and other drawn in mercenaries were
sacrificed in the altar of a sacred war for cash for a person,who hijacked the White House some seven years ago.
The count of injured and mimed
run into millions. The stability of the world ramains in balance.Un
less the United States´ citizens now vote for a woman in the White House I think the chances of healing the wounds of war is remote.

In Memoriam
A Marine corporal honors the memory of fallen companions at Fort Pendleton, California. After five years of war, nearly 4,000 U.S. soldiers and Marines have given their lives in Iraq.

I present below a reprint from the Foreign Policy
Magazine, published by Carnegie Endowments on
George Bush´s Iraqi hiding place as against that of
hanged Saddam Hussain,as American Embassy within
Iraq.History will gobble up in the Babylonian sands
even this monstro city,built by Bush by hood winking
the innocent American public.I hope one day,the
American public wake up, earlier the better for the
world we still live in.Let them use the boots of 4000
American obedient young men,who volunteered to
done uniforms in the name of America, miscalled so
because the United States makes only a part of the
North America.Let all those, who serve Bush including
the shameless black girl, Condoleeza Rice hang their
heads in shame what they did to this world so soon
after they raped Vietnam but that tiny and poorest
country defeated ´America` blessed by bloody gawd!


From Foreign Policy Magazine:

doom crazy´s embassy
a hiding place for bush

By Jane C.Loeffler
The new U.S. Embassy in Baghdad is the largest the world
has ever known. Thousands will live inside its blast walls,
isolated from the bloody realities of a nation at war. Why
has the United States built this place—and what does it mean?
Bush´s Fortress for hiding

A citadel is rising on the banks of the Tigris. There, on the river’s
western side, the United States is building the world’s largest embassy.
The land beneath it was once a riverside park. What sits atop today
is a massive, fortified compound. Encircled by blast walls and cut off
from the rest of Baghdad, it stands out like the crusader castles that
once dotted the landscape of the Middle East. Its size and scope bring
into question whether it is even correct to call this facility an “embassy.”
Why is the United States building something so large, so expensive,
and so disconnected from the realities of Iraq? In a country shattered
by war, what is the meaning of this place?

For security reasons, many details about the embassy’s design and
construction must remain classified. But the broad outline of its layout
says a lot about one of America’s most important architectural
projects. Located in Baghdad’s 4-square-mile Green Zone, the
embassy will occupy 104 acres. It will be six times larger than the
U.N. complex in New York and more than 10 times the size of the
new U.S. Embassy being built in Beijing, which at 10 acres is
America’s second-largest mission. The Baghdad compound will be
entirely self-sufficient, with no need to rely on the Iraqis for
services of any kind. The embassy has its own electricity plant,
fresh water and sewage treatment facilities, storage warehouses,
and maintenance shops. The embassy is composed of more than
20 buildings, including six apartment complexes with 619 one-
bedroom units. Two office blocks will accomodate about 1,000
employees. High-ranking diplomats will enjoy well-appointed
private residences. Once inside the compound, Americans will
have almost no reason to leave. It will have a shopping market,
food court, movie theater, beauty salon, gymnasium, swimming
pool, tennis courts, a school, and an American Club for social
gatherings. To protect it all, the embassy is reportedly
surrounded by a wall at least 9 feet high—and it has its own
defense force (Bush´s Presidential guards!). The U.S. Congress
has appropriated ( meant authorized Bush) $592 million for
the embassy’s construction,though some estimates put the
expected building costs much higher. Once built, it could cost
as much as $1 billion a year to run. Charles E. Williams,
who directs the State Department’s Overseas Buildings
Operations, proudly refers to it as “the largest U.S. mission
ever built.”

But, the idea of an embassy this huge, this costly, and this
isolated from events taking place outside its walls is not
necessarily a cause for celebration. Traditionally, at least,
embassies were designed to further interaction with the
community in which they were built. Diplomats visited
the offices of local government officials, shopped at local
businesses, took their suits to the neighborhood dry
cleaner, socialized with community leaders, and mixed
with the general public. Diplomacy is not the sort of work
that can be done by remote control. It takes direct
contact to build goodwill for the United States and
promote democratic values. Otherwise, there would
be no reason for the United States to maintain its
250-plus diplomatic posts around the world.The embassy
in Baghdad, however, appears to represent a sea change
in U.S. diplomacy. Although U.S. diplomats will technically
be “in Iraq,” they may as well be in Washington. Judging
by the embassy’s design, planners were thinking more
in terms of a frontier outpost than a facility engaged with
its community. “The embassy,” says Edward L. Peck,
the former U.S. ambassador to Iraq, “is going to have a
thousand people hunkered behind sandbags. I don’t
know how you conduct diplomacy in that way.”

It is tempting to think that the Baghdad compound
must be an anomaly, a special circumstance dictated by
events on the ground in Iraq. But, while it is larger in
scope than other U.S. embassies opening around the
world, it is hardly unique. Since al Qaeda bombed the
American missions in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, the
State Department has been aggressively replacing
obsolete or vulnerable embassies with ones designed
under a program it calls Standard Embassy Design. The
program mandates look-alike embassies, not the boldly
individual designs built during the Cold War, when
architecture played an important ideological role and
U.S. embassies were functionally and architecturally
open. The United States opened 14 newly built embassies
last year alone, and long-range plans call for 76 more,
including 12 to be completed this year. The result will be
a radical redesign of the diplomatic landscape—not only in
Baghdad, but in Bamako, Belmopan, Cape Town,
Dushanbe, Kabul, Lomé, and elsewhere.

If architecture reflects the society that creates it, the
new U.S. embassy in Baghdad makes a devastating
comment about America’s global outlook. Although the
U.S. government regularly proclaims confidence in
Iraq’s democratic future, the United States has designed
an embassy that conveys no confidence in Iraqis and little
hope for their future. Instead, the United States has built
a fortress capable of sustaining a massive, long-term
presence in the face of continued violence.

Forty years ago, America was forced to flee a newly
constructed embassy in Baghdad just five years after it
was opened, when the United States broke off relations
with Iraq after the 1967 Six Day War. Given the costs of
the new compound, the United States would not likely
part with its latest Baghdad embassy under almost any
circumstances, including escalating violence. As much
as the situation there may deteriorate—the fighting
already includes missile and mortar attacks in the Green
Zone—the biggest problem may not be the embassy’s
security; indeed, it is the most impenetrable embassy
ever built. Rather, the question is, with its high walls
and isolation, will it be hospitable for conducting American

throw out

Artist: K.H.Ara

Ara´s celebrated Mangalorean Hindu nude is now quoted
at about two million plus in international art market.

islamized hindus
before it is late

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,Monday,March 17,2008: I am reminded of my friend
Krishnaji Hovlaji Ara,who passed away in sleep at his adopted
daughter and painter Ruxana´s parental house on the Chapel
Road,Bandra, Bombay in 1984 summer as I was attending a
conference in Budapest, Hungary. Ara, one of the greatest
of humans, will remain forever among the greatest of Indian
painters even though the late selfish to the core K.K.Hebbar,
encouraged illiterate J.J.School of Art students to make Ara´s
living ´putla´, his neighbour Meinduck Balya Thakeray istyle.
Putla in Marathi (not meant dead) language means a sculpture!
K.K.Hebbar´s eyes were on taking over the Artists´ Centre in
Bombay´s Rampart Row, now known as Kaikushru Dubash
Marg, through a futuristic Lalu Prasad mob politics away from
Ara´s influence!

Friend Ara and Usha Khanna,
the wife of late filmmaker friend
Rajbhans Khanna

Ara used to call friend, uncle of Musalman Rushdie´s, M.F.
Husain a Jatka Sab endearingly,because of his fondness
for painting wood curt horses. Following Ara´s free expression,
I suggest to Husain recite Bhagavadgita silently, that is in
the form of ´ajapa japa´, ´svadharme nidhanam shreyah
paradharmo bhayavahah´ ( It is better to die with one´s own
merits, stealing other´s merits is dangerous´.Then advise
auctioneers Christie´s to buy a huge fishing net which can
accommodate the entire gujju Islamized Hindu lot in the
U.S. to sink them in the Atlantic Ocean until they all die
as fish out of water to go direct into the heavens as they have
appealed for demonstration against his paintings true neo
tradition of sand land kingdom of holy places!

The context is the following report in Mumbai Mirror,
self explanatory.Text with illustration:

A group working to advance the cultural heritage of Indians
in the US along with a Hindu organisation has threatened to
hold a demonstration unless the Christie’s Art Gallery here
stops the scheduled auction of several paintings of noted
artiste M F Husain on March 20.

In a letter to Christie’s, the Indian American Intellectual Forum
— which has joined hands with Hindu Janjagruti Samiti against Husain
— said the painter has gained “ignominy and notoriety.

A group of Indians have sent a letter to Chirstie’s asking it to refrain from auctioning Husain’s paintings
Therefore, it is a matter of “great regret and shame”(on them)
that auction by Christie’s Art Gallery, as part of the Indian and South
Asian sale on March 20, is featuring several of his paintings. The letter
by Forum President Narain Kataria was released by the organisation on Saturday.

Christie’s expects some of Husain’s paintings to fetch between $120,000
and $180,000 and several between $20,000 and $40,000. Kataria also
sent a power-point presentation to Christie’s which, he says, “lists his (Husain’s) deliberate distortion and degradation of Hindu culture”.

“Seven cases have been registered against him. Six courts have issued
arrest warrants against him. More than 28,000 people have signed a
petition condemning Husain for his malicious attempts to vilify Hindu people. 1250 police complaints have been filed against him,” Kataria claimed.

In this background, he said it is “unbecoming on the part of Christie’s,
a reputable Art Gallery, to associate with a person of criminal
background and promote his paintings.”

Asserting that Christie’s association with Husain would “jeopardise”
its business in the long run, he urged it to “refrain” from auctioning
Husain’s paintings.( It is Gujjus association with Hitlerite Naradhama
Modi, that in the long run will make the Hindu jihadists to sink
themselves all together in the Atlantic.Take the writing on the
wall seriously.kb)(end)

Sunday, 16 March 2008


hidden unity

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,SundayMarch 16,2008: It was a great experience with Prof.
Kazuyuki Funatsu of Communication Art at the Shinshu University
of Matsumuto, Japan, who demonstrated last evening in Vienna´s
experimental Lalishtheater, intended to point at the indivisible
nature of art,culture and nature at all times.How classic and folk
art forms of all kinds derived lessons from nature surrounding
those who created them. For example, he showed how karate
weaponless self defense art of Japan imbibed from India´s southern
Kerala via China as kempo to become karate in Okinawa in the
nineteenth century intermingling Japanese rice planting and fishing
movements with Kerala´s own steps of elephants,lions,tigers,
snakes,wild boars,horses and of course fish,with the martial art
of defense ´kalaripayattu´. The art was taken to China in early
fifth century by Mahayana monk Bodhidharma.It became kempo,
kung fu in China, karate in Japan.It was indeed an education to a
mixed audience made of Austrians,Indians,Kurds,Ukranians,
Kosavars, Albanians, Turks and of course Iranians. It was the
western route of the one branch of Arctic Siberian shamans from
the region of Kamchatka Peninsula, who came to India several
thousands of years ago following the seasonal birds using the Khyber
pass. Yet another route to India was via Mongolia,China and Tibet
to enter India from the North East.His hidden message: the identity
of unity of humans remains unobtrusive as if forgotten by the
whole world. (end)

yoga poem


By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Tri shoola is the name for God
in hindu calligraphy
for pranava, for aum

one of the three for brahma of the trinity
two of the three for Vishnu of the trinity
three of the three for mahesha of the trinity

of the negative three shulas/gallows
the first is for layman’s dharma-idol worshipping
the second for layman’s artha- money making
the third for layman’s kama-carnal desire

after you kill the three demons
you are on way to self realization

together for god known as paramatma,
conscious unity
just one
like the mahatma

in yoga language
tri shoola as the set bow with arrow
shows samyama - three in one

dharana is one
dhayana is two
n Samadhi is three

tri shoo la is the name for peace
peace for all
you and me (end)


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Mamata Banerjee, the founder leader
of Trinamool Congess of Westbengal.

human weed leader

By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,Sunday, March 16,2008: She is supposed
to be West Bengal´s grass roots Congress. Before
her, in Bengal there was another regional congress.
In Mamata´s case, she was first eager to push
Sonia Gandhi as President of Indian National
Congress. When Sonia took her time to decide
Mamata decided not only quit the party but
also decided to join the ranks of the Hindu
Rashtriya self helfers without disbanding her
own outfit. She made a mess of the Ministry of
Railways entrusted to her management.Now confined
Calcutta, renamed Kolkota, she is roaring her
pledge to bring down the Left Front Government
there led by Communist Party of India Marxist.
All great political personalities with nothing but
destructive potentials.Leaders of Hooliganism.
For them, it is all fun. For India in general hindered
progress. If only the country had more of Amartya
Sens less of these human weeds India would have
been long ago among the leading industrialized
nations of the world,where citizens would have
cherished some quality of life.(end)

Saturday, 15 March 2008

save females

Beate Uhse, founder, Beate Uhse Group
Beate Ushe,ex-German war pilot,founder
the sex shop chain 1946/47 now with
20,000 products selling in several
erotic shop chains,a few
months before her death on July 16, 2001.

invite disposable
wife substitutes
to dalal street

By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,Saturday,March 15,2008: I would suggest
to my country India´s Forbes listed billionaire
businessmen, known as Marwaris like Mittal,
Pittal etc. to open erotic malls in India.They can
go in partnership with the late front line pilot Beate
Uhse´s monumental publicly listed firm Beate
Uhse AG.India´s cash rich sex starved middle
class males can enjoy the plastic female substitutes,
instead of drugging and raping innocent females.
It would make India safe for tourists both Indian
and foreign origin.Policing alone does not help.

I would also suggest that Finance Minister P.
Chidambaran offers financial incentives to the
businessmen just as provided for loops or balloons,
I mean French leather for population control
in the name of family planning!

Beate Uhse, a contemporary of Indira Gandhi,
who participated in Hitler´s war as the first
front line female transport pilot,pioneered in
promoting sexual hygiene education and then
providing relief for men with crude fantasies
of sexual prowess.

Leading almost 2000 and odd employees until
her firm went public in 1999, she developed and
devised erotic substitutes and supports numbering
over 20,000 products for men and women who
have no time and taste for tenderness.She ensured
satisfaction for the ever growing customer range
by singular dedication so the decent females and
young men remain unmolested by those who crave
for wild sex.

She was indeed a great human being, who kept the
young from harms way.If Indian businessmen go
for partnership with her firm,one day may be, they
can supply the whole lot of males in Western India
ruled by proud Hindu fundamentalists set on aborting
female pregnancies even illegally, good wife substitutes
in soft plastic disposables.Digambar Jains can use them.
Sati temple cult Rajasthani Maharani Rajes can use them
without harm.For Mittals etc. that means mountains
of cash.

Beate Koestin Uhse was born on October 25,1919 to Otto
and medical Dr.Margarethe Koestin as their youngest
of three children.Dr.Margarethe was among the earliest
German female medical practioners.Her daughter
fancied to be a bird and dreamed of flying as her career.
Otto and Dr.Margarethe loved their daughter so much
they let her take a stunt pilot´s license. That was it
what made the little girl, who taped chicken feathers
on her arms to fly from the roof of family house. Just
before the outbreak of war, the teenager Beate had
become a pilot graduate of Rangsdorf Flying School
near Berlin. Like Sunita Williams, she did not hesitate
to fly transport sorties to the battle fronts. At the end
of the war,she devoted herself promoting education
on sexual hygiene distributing in a year over 32,000
pamphlets on contraceptives.It was then she came to
the idea of developing erotic substitutes to the living
and supports. She began first with mail order service,
without caring to obtain business license.On this ground
until she opened her first official erotic shop in 1962
she was indicted a total of 2000 times. With the opening
her shop, she became a celebrity. At the going public
she had topped sales upwards of 250 million EUROs.
India can easily triple the turn over.(end)

loud mouth

when laddus are

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,Saturday,March 15,2008: BJP leader,L.K.Advani,who is
right showing his open mouth reserved for horse gram powder
made sweet laddu balls for the benefit of media cameras, accuses
Congress reserving top jobs to Nehru family.The laddu eater in
public has hidden the fact, he too has reserved in his party top
jobs and ministerial posts for willing Nehru family members like
Maneka Gandhi or her son Varun Gandhi, the poet politician
of PoemPM undshund Atal Behari Bajpayee type. I wish the finger
pointing loud mouth makes introspection first.

Why not this Hindu criminal gang leader go underground like much
in demand don Dawood Ibrahim is my question.If you are real
politician Lal Kishan answer my question:what is indeed politics?
In democratic context of the twenty first century? If you pass with
35 percent to this question you can be the candidate for the post of
the Prime Minister, weakest or strongest.

In the past sixty five or more years of your public career, you have
not shown any indication that you know what is politics and that
too in a democratic set up.Rowdism yes,you are the best of rowdies
to indulge in the destuction of places of worship of Rama´s or Rahim´s.

Friday, 14 March 2008

fashion rape

IFW Delhi '08: Rajesh Pratap Singh

Debbie´s eyes are still open reluctantly,when her fashion
dress began undressing her.The next photos all show
in closed eyes.

when dress began
to undress

By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Taravadu Taranga Trust for Media
Monitoring, (TTTMM)

Vienna,Saturday,March 15,2008:In my country, India
even fashion designed by Rajput Maharaja Rajendra
Pratap Singh has gone raping the foreign model,Debbie.
She had to walk out and disappear disgusted.Poor Debbie
should thank, no one made her unconscious by drugs
on stage to show how Indian middle class male crowd
raped their foreign victims.But all the same Debbie closed
her eyes in shame before disappearing.I do not copy and
reprint that photo.

The Times of India, tenderly addressed as the Old Laundy
of Boribunder,reported how the fashion designer´s wardrobe
raped the virgin Belgian model Debbie! It was all done at
the capital New Delhi´s Pragati Maidan, meaning the
Meadows of Progress in the name of International Fashion
Week! The Rajput designer was away in Paris,perhaps
helping President Sarkozy unwrap his model wife
Carla Bruni, Rajput istyle!

In India of today, models sell naked and dead after getting
gang raped.Love is forbidden even among consenting
adults.Shilpa Shetty and Richard Gere were lucky
to go unpunished after the actor planted thank you kisses
on the actress´s both cheecks.In Hindu Raj male monkeys
and female bulls are expected to protect their modesty
by dressing their private parts well, so they get their part
of worship.

I must give credit to the old laundy edited by then the late
Hindu Girilal Jain for launching India´s glorious rape season
as early as 1982 by reporting gang rape of a lady advocate
just in front of St.Xavier´s College, not far away from the
Esplanade Courts and the Ambulance of Dhobi Talao,where
goons used to piss on the walls of the ambulance close to
the public bathrooms attended by municipal corporation


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