build a tomb for
General Ashfaq Kayani
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,Wednesday,March 12,2008:Hopeless? I mean
Pakistani situation.I think it is on the brink of a nightmare.
Suicide belts are still on the market.Death volunteers
are not less.Politicians are blind and deaf.Asif Zardari
hopes to become Prime Minister after after three months.
I mean if survives.As it is, crying ´wolf´ loud, he has already
rigged the elections.So says Fatima Bhutto,the sweet
articulate niece of the late Benazir.With Benazir alive Asif
Zardari was the boss. Now he has no the covering offered
by Benazir´s half veil.He is exposed up to his stumped
genitals. It looks as though he does not realize his true
Yes; Pervez Musharraf is unpopular. But no one is popular
in Pakistan.Not even a mullah, who indoctrinates the
young within the precincts of Madrassas sheltered by the
mosques.The armed forces are demoralized.Unidentified
drones fired from undisclosed locations are not considered
as foreign forces operating from Pakistani soil.The strategic
Assets of Pakistan are said to be safe under Pakistani
command and control.Unbelievable.I believe the country
now has an invisible guardian.That is however, not god
called as Allah.Dollars come into the territory in showers.
General Kayani has a difficult task on shoulder of fighting
own population,the Pakistani constituency.There is no peace
in Afghanistan.Indian stability is fragile with Hindus running
amok as ´langoti´ monkeys and the left forces are struggling
on two fronts,parliamentary and extra parliamentary as
Naxalites. Indian security forces are called upon to protect
internal security from the foreign agencies infiltrating from
Pakistan, Bangla Desh, Nepal and elsewhere as well as
internal lawlessness promoted by the ruling political forces
as evidenced in Kerala.
The sub continent,including Sri Lanka and Mynamar (Burmah)
do not provide safety to any one.A girl who visits a
colleague friend´s birth day to sing him happy birth day
becomes his and his male friends´ unconscious rape victim
for days.Teenage girls like Scarlet visiting India get raped
and murdered. Why not Indian free enterprise take a franchise
for the German multinational public undertaking Beate Uhse
with some 3500 types of substitute sex objects on market
to sell them to the exploding male rowdy crowd? They will
sell like hot cakes among the RSS,Shiv Sena,chaste Hindu
Middle Class.This is just a suggestion.May be a drop in
the ocean solution to the entire subcontinent gone mad.
As for Pakistan, I think even after the Americans withdraw
from Iraq, this 150 million fragmented country will remain
a market for the entire U.S.military industry and advisers.
That is my fear.I wrote just as Benazir Bhutto arrived
from Exile in Pakistan, she should settle for a joint venture
with the general or forgo even her father´s land assets in
Larkana,Sindh.She ended up in a hole just there. I am sure
now Asif Zardari is not going to build a tomb there in her
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