Wednesday, 5 March 2008

yoga ishvara (27)

is not it simple dawn?

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,Wednesday,March 5,2008:The next six
sutras speak of god as support for reaching the
goal of =samadhi= both =samprajnata= and
=asamprajnata= direct perception being aware
and abstract wider perception without being
aware and in continuity without obstructing
normal attentions of the mind required in routine
life under seclusion.The continuous samadhi of
the unawareness make normal process of
kowledge derived by senses,inference and
authority meaning vedas from =samhitas= to
=upanishads= (vedanta) for worldly knowledge
as defined in sutra seven.In other words this
knowledge is =vyavaharika= business of
interaction on the surface with humans and
environment.=Samadhi= direct perception is
deeper all encompassing abstract level and
extremely profound, the goal of a yoga student.

For those, who are weak support of Ishvara,
(god) helps.=Ishvara Pranidhanadva=.For
getting this support, the student should
surrender himself to him,her,it because the
status of Ishvara not confined to man,woman
or neutral things. Shankaracharya, citing
Upanishads and Bhagavadgita calls this Ishvara
Lord,Parameshti.It should be pointed out that
=agama= or =vedanta= based knowledge is
meant for day to day application.Not for deeper
yogic perceptions.The weaker student by devotion
to Ishvara can transcend superficial level to reach
the deeper insights.

=klesha,karma,vipaka adibhih aparamrishtah
purusha visheshah ishvarah=.This Ishvara is
untainted by blemishes,actions,fruits of actions,
and others staining elements, because there
is no natural material contact involved.Appearance
and disappearance as required like switched
on and switched off light does not cause the
current attract impurities.Impurities come to
the bulb not to the current. In other words Ishvara
is also bodyless and absorbed in nature
=videha, prakritilaya= and much more, only single
special =purusha= consciousness and universal.

Shankaracharya describes him the following
way:=Nor can there be any obstruction by solid
forms any more by space, for his mind is in contact
with all things.There being infinity of objects,
there is infinity of their appearances an
disappearances of memories and purposes; but
the process of that mind is like the light of the sun,
for it grasps them in their forms as objects=. In
fact it is light as poet Bendre sang =idu bari
belhagallo anna=,brother,is not it simple dawn?=.

This power of light, knowledge omniscient.That
is being said in the next sutra: =tatra sarvajna
beejam=, there is the seed of omniscience.
=Sa purvesham api guruh, kalena
anavachchedat=,he is guru of all old teahcers
since he is not time bound or terminated,thereby
eternal.=Tasya vachakah pranavah=,Aum, this
rounded sound his identity.So any one who
seeks the support of this =purusha= should
recite =aum=, being aware of the meaning.
There are no other prayers or gods as far as
yoga is concerned. This is called =Ishvara

The sound is radiative,establishing contact
with the current.That is the secret of music,
church bells,Muezzin´s call at Mosques,
temple bells even prayer bells of the Buddhists.
The round sound is in fact from the ancient
times served as switch.(end)

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