to humanity
Sheila Dixit, Chief Minister, New Delhi,
well spoken on the =LEFT=
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,Thursday,March 6, 2008: I am happy
and welcome Mrs.Sheila Dixit´s out spoken
comments on the left of the LEFT Front, to
the left of whom are operating Naxalites and
Maoists, to the right of them are mulla mobs
of Calcutta,where even today men pull carts
carrying Buddhodeb and Jyoti Basu on the
streets.If Calcutta/Kolkota is anything better
today than Luis Malle´s Calcutta the credit
goes not to LEFT Front fools but to Mother
Theresa and Journalist Dominique Lapierre,
two foreigners!
As for the country, CPI and CPIM both do not
represent any one but the arm chair revolutionaries
of the worst type,themselves who mouth words
=national interest= but work for foreign
interests of the left or right.We can not place
Russian Federation now or China for that matter
as left or right.But we can certainly say Iran´s
Ayatollahis and sand land Saudi Arabia´s custodian
of holy places King Abdullah are competing to
be the worst kind of Rights,representing the
invisible god Allah.Their camp followers are Mullahs
who are either pro-Iranians or pro-Saudis. Our
Indian LEFT Front is behind the Indian mullah
mobs!There is no forgiveness to Yechurys and
Pechurys, who want to torment a decent young
woman, who stood her ground in saving abused
female children and abused minorities in Bangla
Desh, medical doctor cum writer Taslima Nasrin.
There is no suitable word to describe the scheming
Yechury,Karat,Raja combine. Note the writing
on the wall, Yechury.
revolver to run with terrorist mob?
You have to prove indeed you have
balls,and they are not in the hands
of mullahs or indesribable foreign
As for the LEFT Front´s ideology of Marxism,
has Marx in Das Capital provided for aspirant
proletariat class ? Can any one answer me.You
do not represent them.Naxalites and Maoists exploit
the tribals and adivasis.Mayavati claims to represent
Dalit Bahujans, the poorest of the poor rural working
masses, not the proletariat.Ambedkarite
Republican parties are apart, Dalit Panthers
advise Sitaram Yechury type Leftists to have the
luxury of swimming in city sewage manhole tanks!
They should be proud of their left Marxism!
What do they expect to gain by supporting Ayatullahs
near us to obtain capabilities to make weapons of
mass destruction (WMD)?It is not for nothing Indira
Gandhi deputed Mr.Narayan Dutt Tiwari to Paris
to represent the Indian National Congress in Socialist
International Congress just a few months before
her assassination. I have seen her letter of
authorization to Mr.N.D.Tiwari.
When proper elections are held in India, even in West
Bengal, under the rule of law, the Marxist murderous
shit have no chance.They have been exposed in
Nandigram.Later both Jyoti Basu and Buddhodeb
go unashamedly pleading for Capital as they find no
alternative to capitalism!That is new avtar (incarnation)
of Left landkhanjarites of India!
It was Chakravarti Rajagopalachari, as Chief Minister
of undivided Madras State, who abolished first man
pulling man on carts in the city of Madras, who declared
openly Communists are but enemies of India.He fought
them in Telangana long march field to win hands down.
Rajagopalachari was dubbed by these leftists as
=reactionary right=.But he defeated them in Telangana
even with out seeking the help of Central government.
I know my own late brother was in the university with
tendencies of joining the Leftist Telangana movement.
Rajaji wrote to my father to reign in my brother and
succeeded. Rajaji got Narayana Holla arrested in Mangalore,
when he was being taken as prisoner out of Mangalore
by train, the communist left kidnapped him near Ullal
by stopping the train.But Rajaji succeeded in tracing Holla
and making him a life long congressman out of the
revolutionary Narayana Holla. Then Telangana
leader Rajni Patel. He ended up as Bombay Pradesh
Congress Committe President.It is all history. But
Yechury type, if they make history make only as
traitors to humanity.Like Morarji Desai,they are only
awaiting as candidates for Bharata Ratna award or
Nishan e Timbuktustan! They deserve joota seva
nothing else.(end)
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