kulamarva balakrishna,now 73, is interested in promoting human oneness and unity.in encouraging readers to become integrative of rest of the people irrespective of race, religion,caste,creed,sex and age differences.oppose obscurantism of all kinds
hindu or muslim or any other,support women´s equality especially where they are shut out as in saudi arabia.open to new ideas.love and peace are the goals.
Vienna,Monday,March 17,2008: It is five years now, George Bush junior in every conceivable respect,deceitfully invaded Iraq cheating the U.S.citizens.An estimated 150,000 men,women and children from the U.S.U.K.Iraq,and other drawn in mercenaries were
sacrificed in the altar of a sacred war for cash for a person,who hijacked the White House some seven years ago. The count of injured and mimed run into millions. The stability of the world ramains in balance.Un less the United States´ citizens now vote for a woman in the White House I think the chances of healing the wounds of war is remote.
In Memoriam A Marine corporal honors the memory of fallen companions at Fort Pendleton, California. After five years of war, nearly 4,000 U.S. soldiers and Marines have given their lives in Iraq.
I present below a reprint from the Foreign Policy Magazine, published by Carnegie Endowments on George Bush´s Iraqi hiding place as against that of hanged Saddam Hussain,as American Embassy within Iraq.History will gobble up in the Babylonian sands even this monstro city,built by Bush by hood winking the innocent American public.I hope one day,the American public wake up, earlier the better for the world we still live in.Let them use the boots of 4000 American obedient young men,who volunteered to done uniforms in the name of America, miscalled so because the United States makes only a part of the North America.Let all those, who serve Bush including the shameless black girl, Condoleeza Rice hang their heads in shame what they did to this world so soon after they raped Vietnam but that tiny and poorest country defeated ´America` blessed by bloody gawd!
From Foreign Policy Magazine:
doom crazy´s embassy a hiding place for bush
By Jane C.Loeffler
The new U.S. Embassy in Baghdad is the largest the world has ever known. Thousands will live inside its blast walls, isolated from the bloody realities of a nation at war. Why has the United States built this place—and what does it mean?
Bush´s Fortress for hiding
A citadel is rising on the banks of the Tigris. There, on the river’s western side, the United States is building the world’s largest embassy. The land beneath it was once a riverside park. What sits atop today is a massive, fortified compound. Encircled by blast walls and cut off from the rest of Baghdad, it stands out like the crusader castles that once dotted the landscape of the Middle East. Its size and scope bring into question whether it is even correct to call this facility an “embassy.” Why is the United States building something so large, so expensive, and so disconnected from the realities of Iraq? In a country shattered by war, what is the meaning of this place?
For security reasons, many details about the embassy’s design and construction must remain classified. But the broad outline of its layout says a lot about one of America’s most important architectural projects. Located in Baghdad’s 4-square-mile Green Zone, the embassy will occupy 104 acres. It will be six times larger than the U.N. complex in New York and more than 10 times the size of the new U.S. Embassy being built in Beijing, which at 10 acres is America’s second-largest mission. The Baghdad compound will be entirely self-sufficient, with no need to rely on the Iraqis for services of any kind. The embassy has its own electricity plant, fresh water and sewage treatment facilities, storage warehouses, and maintenance shops. The embassy is composed of more than 20 buildings, including six apartment complexes with 619 one- bedroom units. Two office blocks will accomodate about 1,000 employees. High-ranking diplomats will enjoy well-appointed private residences. Once inside the compound, Americans will have almost no reason to leave. It will have a shopping market, food court, movie theater, beauty salon, gymnasium, swimming pool, tennis courts, a school, and an American Club for social gatherings. To protect it all, the embassy is reportedly surrounded by a wall at least 9 feet high—and it has its own defense force (Bush´s Presidential guards!). The U.S. Congress has appropriated ( meant authorized Bush) $592 million for the embassy’s construction,though some estimates put the expected building costs much higher. Once built, it could cost as much as $1 billion a year to run. Charles E. Williams, who directs the State Department’s Overseas Buildings Operations, proudly refers to it as “the largest U.S. mission ever built.”
But, the idea of an embassy this huge, this costly, and this isolated from events taking place outside its walls is not necessarily a cause for celebration. Traditionally, at least, embassies were designed to further interaction with the community in which they were built. Diplomats visited the offices of local government officials, shopped at local businesses, took their suits to the neighborhood dry cleaner, socialized with community leaders, and mixed with the general public. Diplomacy is not the sort of work that can be done by remote control. It takes direct contact to build goodwill for the United States and promote democratic values. Otherwise, there would be no reason for the United States to maintain its 250-plus diplomatic posts around the world.The embassy in Baghdad, however, appears to represent a sea change in U.S. diplomacy. Although U.S. diplomats will technically be “in Iraq,” they may as well be in Washington. Judging by the embassy’s design, planners were thinking more in terms of a frontier outpost than a facility engaged with its community. “The embassy,” says Edward L. Peck, the former U.S. ambassador to Iraq, “is going to have a thousand people hunkered behind sandbags. I don’t know how you conduct diplomacy in that way.”
If architecture reflects the society that creates it, the new U.S. embassy in Baghdad makes a devastating comment about America’s global outlook. Although the U.S. government regularly proclaims confidence in Iraq’s democratic future, the United States has designed an embassy that conveys no confidence in Iraqis and little hope for their future. Instead, the United States has built a fortress capable of sustaining a massive, long-term presence in the face of continued violence.
Forty years ago, America was forced to flee a newly constructed embassy in Baghdad just five years after it was opened, when the United States broke off relations with Iraq after the 1967 Six Day War. Given the costs of the new compound, the United States would not likely part with its latest Baghdad embassy under almost any circumstances, including escalating violence. As much as the situation there may deteriorate—the fighting already includes missile and mortar attacks in the Green Zone—the biggest problem may not be the embassy’s security; indeed, it is the most impenetrable embassy ever built. Rather, the question is, with its high walls and isolation, will it be hospitable for conducting American diplomacy?(end)
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