| By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,Monday,March 10,2008:That is not gentleness you monster of an Indian middle class Hindu humbug.If you have difference of opinion you open your loud moth and speak in articulation.Stones do not speak but break heads,windows, make no sense.Do you have any sense un identified fool? Today you are in New Delhi.Tomorrow you go begging abroad for cash from semi starving Indians earning bread there.You are a beggar jihadist. Tomorrow is your turn boy, langoti monkey to be branded as terrorist.Writing on the wall take note you bastard born of rape.You have no idea of love because you were born in the womb of your mother when she was unconscious caused by hidden drugs in drink as it was done in Nallasopara in Bombay suburbs by your cousins yesterday before getting into police lock up after two days of rape of that 28 year old unfortunate girl,who came to his birth day to sing happy birth day to him.Where did he keep his heart locked up then Hindu saheb? Matherchod?
How were you born a Hindu? Was it your choice that you were not born in a Muslim house? Was it your choice, you went to Hindu Mahasabha school not Marxist Leninist indoctrination session of the Communist Party of India (M)? Tell me. You were pimped to go to a school by your parents, a third class school where urchins were teachers, yes? Do you know what it means being a human? What is a sense of belongingness? Birds belong.But humans like you, monsters of the old savage ages do not belong.That is what your cartoon culture teaches you.Your ball,pottel,taradu,testicles wood/door darshan entertainment education like Vikram Seth had his under a courtesan singing girl on the banks of ganga yaar. better late than never amend yourself,you hulcut. (end)
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