Beate Ushe,ex-German war pilot,founder
of the sex shop chain 1946/47 now with
over 20,000 products selling in several
thousand erotic shop chains,a few
months before her death on July 16, 2001.
invite disposable
wife substitutes
to dalal street
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,Saturday,March 15,2008: I would suggest
to my country India´s Forbes listed billionaire
businessmen, known as Marwaris like Mittal,
Pittal etc. to open erotic malls in India.They can
go in partnership with the late front line pilot Beate
Uhse´s monumental publicly listed firm Beate
Uhse AG.India´s cash rich sex starved middle
class males can enjoy the plastic female substitutes,
instead of drugging and raping innocent females.
It would make India safe for tourists both Indian
and foreign origin.Policing alone does not help.
I would also suggest that Finance Minister P.
Chidambaran offers financial incentives to the
businessmen just as provided for loops or balloons,
I mean French leather for population control
in the name of family planning!
Beate Uhse, a contemporary of Indira Gandhi,
who participated in Hitler´s war as the first
front line female transport pilot,pioneered in
promoting sexual hygiene education and then
providing relief for men with crude fantasies
of sexual prowess.
Leading almost 2000 and odd employees until
her firm went public in 1999, she developed and
devised erotic substitutes and supports numbering
over 20,000 products for men and women who
have no time and taste for tenderness.She ensured
satisfaction for the ever growing customer range
by singular dedication so the decent females and
young men remain unmolested by those who crave
for wild sex.
She was indeed a great human being, who kept the
young from harms way.If Indian businessmen go
for partnership with her firm,one day may be, they
can supply the whole lot of males in Western India
ruled by proud Hindu fundamentalists set on aborting
female pregnancies even illegally, good wife substitutes
in soft plastic disposables.Digambar Jains can use them.
Sati temple cult Rajasthani Maharani Rajes can use them
without harm.For Mittals etc. that means mountains
of cash.
Beate Koestin Uhse was born on October 25,1919 to Otto
and medical Dr.Margarethe Koestin as their youngest
of three children.Dr.Margarethe was among the earliest
German female medical practioners.Her daughter
fancied to be a bird and dreamed of flying as her career.
Otto and Dr.Margarethe loved their daughter so much
they let her take a stunt pilot´s license. That was it
what made the little girl, who taped chicken feathers
on her arms to fly from the roof of family house. Just
before the outbreak of war, the teenager Beate had
become a pilot graduate of Rangsdorf Flying School
near Berlin. Like Sunita Williams, she did not hesitate
to fly transport sorties to the battle fronts. At the end
of the war,she devoted herself promoting education
on sexual hygiene distributing in a year over 32,000
pamphlets on contraceptives.It was then she came to
the idea of developing erotic substitutes to the living
and supports. She began first with mail order service,
without caring to obtain business license.On this ground
until she opened her first official erotic shop in 1962
she was indicted a total of 2000 times. With the opening
her shop, she became a celebrity. At the going public
she had topped sales upwards of 250 million EUROs.
India can easily triple the turn over.(end)
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