Saturday, 1 March 2008

yoga ultra samadhi (26)

god or nature
the ultimate

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,Saturday,March 1,2008:Samadhi in
unawareness or ultra cognitive state known
as =asamprajanata=samadhi, what is natural
to body less and absorbed in nature like
birds,animals,rocks,river ocean etc.,is attained
by humans by the faith in devoted practice as
between mother and child,energy,memory,
samadhi in awareness and finally knowledge
derived by the process.This samadhi in un
awareness is closer to those who are intense
in their devotions.

That is said in the sutra =teevra samveganam
asannah=.Commentator Vyasa divides first
the intense one in three grades, namely very
intense,moderately intense,and mildly intense.
They are again classified intense, moderately
intense and mildly intense making a total of
nine stages of intensities of devotion to dash
towards the samadhi tape.Even here there can
be variation because no individual student can
be exactly like another in his approach to
samadhi of unwareness.Shankaraacharya
explians the two sutras meant to boost the morale
of the students not to give as hopeless but
go on.

=Mridu madhya adi matratvat tatopi visheshah=,
this twenty second sutra fortifying the spirit,
Patanjali guides, those who may still need support
to depend on pure un tainted and un taintable
main of consciousness calling it Ishvara. Ishvara
is the designation given to the wholesome safe
consciousness identified by believers as
supreme godhead.Sankhya philosophy on which
yoga system is based does not accept god.It
accepts consciousness and natural material
mass.Their union is life.Those who believe in
supreme god as universal spirit do not accept
this division.Their contention is that everything
contains the universal consciousness there is
nothing to differentiate the human, birds,
animals, rocks,rivers and the ocean,space
wind or sound or light.These are interrelated
keep radiating and united.Yoga makes human
aware of it allowing him harness that might for
the good of all.That apart it gives human the
power to navigate nature´s evolution into higher

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