Mamata Banerjee, the founder leader
of Trinamool Congess of Westbengal.
human weed leader
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,Sunday, March 16,2008: She is supposed
to be West Bengal´s grass roots Congress. Before
her, in Bengal there was another regional congress.
In Mamata´s case, she was first eager to push
Sonia Gandhi as President of Indian National
Congress. When Sonia took her time to decide
Mamata decided not only quit the party but
also decided to join the ranks of the Hindu
Rashtriya self helfers without disbanding her
own outfit. She made a mess of the Ministry of
Railways entrusted to her management.Now confined
Calcutta, renamed Kolkota, she is roaring her
pledge to bring down the Left Front Government
there led by Communist Party of India Marxist.
All great political personalities with nothing but
destructive potentials.Leaders of Hooliganism.
For them, it is all fun. For India in general hindered
progress. If only the country had more of Amartya
Sens less of these human weeds India would have
been long ago among the leading industrialized
nations of the world,where citizens would have
cherished some quality of life.(end)
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