Friday, 29 February 2008

nigerian high court

Fleecing the
once fleeced

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,Friday,February 29, 2008:I have a
clip How to fleece the from my friend,
Mr.M.P.Prabhakaran,who was cheated in
my name by my phished former e mail
address SOS message last year,of a
notification by e mail he got from =the
Desk of the Federal High Court of
Nigeria=! No address no name. But there is
a demand for payment of just no more
than 150 dollars.Apparently this message
copy has gone to several thousand men,
who have been fleeced by the Nigerian
=gentlemen= and their associate =gentlemen=.
They dare to tease even the FBI of the U.S.
Or is it to be considered a challenge to
the Federal Agency?

Just in case my readers get this kind of
funny message consider what you must do
very carefully.It may be possible to
trace the links through out the world.
Only yesterday, a certain Nigerian Cyril
in Ahmadabad,Gujarat India went from shop
to shop offering to import millions worth
furniture into the lawless sweet crude
petroleum land.Cyril and his companions now
sit in jail.Now think of Nigerian credibility!

Message Text:


Attn: Beneficiary,

This to acknowledge you that your e-mail
address was found among the list of foreigner
that have been scammed by Nigerian Fraudster.
It might nterest you to know that we have
signed an agreement with the UNITED STATES
GOVERNMENT during our first meeting this
year with our PRESIDENT Commander In-Chief
Federal Republic of Nigeria, ALHAJI UMARU
MUSA YAR'ADUA and the FBI to fight against
this and to return all contract funds that
has been stolen and people who has been
scammed too.A total sum of ($2million)
united state dollars in cash has been set
aside for compensation which will be
delivered to your door step by an accredited
diplomatic courier.

Endeavor to contact the chamber in charge
which is currently been headed by Barrister
Richard Patrick esq.You are further advised
to deal directly with him and do what so
ever you are asked to do because that is the
only way you will achieve the success in the
delivery of your funds to you as designated:

Name: Barrister Richard Patrick (esq).
Private E-mail Address:(
For more information on how to make sure your
fund is delivered to you, get back with the
below information:

Full Name..........................
Home address.......................
Telephone number........................
Occupation........... ......................
Zip code..........................
Any form of identification of yourself......

Please we demand an urgent response prior to this
matter and to work with us to enable track those
Miscreants and send their information to the FBI
to carry out actions in the US immediately because
those Miscreants have some agent all over the
country and we are now working with the internet
operation such as, yahoo, AOL,MAIL,the Nigeria
police and also the Economic Financial Crime
Commission (EFCC) so that the scam can be
eradicated in this country, hence i want you to
follow your fund code which below, which
is given to you by the high court of Nigeria
(NG29820FGN). You are to keep this code for
security purposes.

Note that every beneficiary will be responsible
for shipping fees which cannot be deducted from
the fund because there is a bond holding the
consignment that stated that only the sole
beneficiary of the fund is permitted to open it
after it has been sealed by the foreign payment
department. The shipping fee is only ($150.00usd).
Also note that the federal high Court here will alert
the united state bureau and also your state police
immediately your shipment leave the shore of
Nigeria so as to avoid any restriction and problem
when the fund get to its port of destination.


Best Regard.
Federal High Court Of Nigeria.(Message end)

Ampbreia, Redmond,WA,U.S.A.
Don't worry about me, I'm well familiar with
the Nigerian scam having researched it out of
sheer curiousity and so is the FBI, which operates
a sting operation to catch the little buggers on a
regular basis. The worst cases are when they
(the scammers) presuade the intended victim
to come meet them on foreign soil whereupon
the victim is kidnapped or killed and robbed,
most particularly of his or her passport. Most
often though, they just ahold of the victim's bank
account information and then empty his/her
account. And this scam operated from other
African countries and the Middle East as well.
It's just that the Nigerians have the worst
reputation for it. As a result, I trust no business
offers coming from Africa (or the Middle East) as
all. But it's more than that: most often when
they make an offer, it's shady sounding to begin
with so no decent minded person would want to
take them up on it in the first place. Most of the
victims are either people who thought to get illegally
got gains without consequence or are simply very,
very naieve. So really, it's master crimminals of
the most loathesome sort taking advantage of
lightweight would-be newbie crimminals.
I feel even miserable my friend Prabhakaran
simply thought, the message coming in id was
correct and wanted to help me so sent cash
to the crooks by Western Union as advised to
a third party.He lost a fortune from Indian
standards about 3500 dollars! Such a good friend,
thought of helping sick old friend still ticking.
Emergency, pressure of time makes one panic.
-Kulamarva Balakrishna

vanishing soldiers

what is tarun´s

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,Friday, February 29,2008: If reports
are to be believed, an interest in a career
as soldier is vanishing in India.Formerly,
army jobs were prize jobs for middle class
professionals as well as rural poor.For the
rural poor it also served as a school for
character building and education in general.
A soldier also served as a factor in national
integration.In a country of one billion plus
there is no conscription.Voluntary service
remained competitive.Not all volunteers
were absorbed.In the wake of Chinese
invasion in 1962 many colleagues gave up
journalistic career to seeking emergency
commission.I myself offered to join but was
rejected as underweight.

But today things have changed. Army posts
now bring less in return home for the risk and
the vigil involved.In other fields salaries have
sky rocketed.Business if a craze. Those who
would have volunteered as soldiers are now
volunteering to be langoti monkeys or pantie
clad langoors for the so called nationalist
political forces,some of which even do not
recognize Indian national identity.With a newly
imported authoritarianism indulge in disturbing
the public peace as evidenced by the
Maharashtra Nirmana Samiti campaign against
immigrating North Indians from the backward
states there.Even in those poorer northern
states like Uttar Pradesh and Bihar bribes
get indisciplined lot uniforms and power
as seen in U.P. where the change of the
government had to dismiss some 18,000
langoti monkeys from the uniform posts.
Similarly in the neighbouring Bihar, we see
policemen punishing suspects cruelly in
public.U.P boasted the Monkey Trade
Mark of the police by employing a man for
the top job of the force who came for duty
in sari and with bangles on wrist only to
sing his love for the Lord Jagannath.

With the lucrative chances of heaping up
cash without giving anything in return or
bringing harm by thuggery to the nation has
discouraged the tendency among young
men to volunteer to join the defense services.
It is indeed a sad state of affairs.Who should
take responsibility for this? Tarun Vijay?
Rashtriya Svayam Sevak Sangh? General
right opposition scum that undermined the
rule of law?

Between 1962 and 2008 political stability
security environment from surrounding India
has become extremely fragile.Unstable
Pakistan,Bangla Desh,Mynamar Nepal and
a fledgling Bhutan all face to face with a shrewd
China cause India´s security vulnerable.In
the South also Tamil Tigers of Sri Lanka play
the role of Hindu Taleban.

Will you,Tarun Vijay, blow Pancha Janya and
address a new Bhagavadgita for the Indian
Rashtriyas? Will your indisciplined short pant,
cheddi boys volunteer to join Indian Armed
Forces, just for a routine seven years national
service?Take the writing on the wall Tarun young.
That is the need of the hour when from across the
border in Kashmir from K2 mountain high armed
volunteers are determined to cross the line of
control in deep snow.It is time to show patriotism
that is shouted from house tops.M.F.Hussain is
not the issue Tarun, the issue is national defense
and internal security.Both are very important.
Not sentiments but reality of danger we need
to face yaar bachche.(end)

Thursday, 28 February 2008

yoga system (25)

three plus one
edcational norm

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

( discussion,debate welcome)

Vienna,Friday,Februay 29,2008: The education
system of the ancients was made up of a three
tier arrangement.I have already pointed out the
special system meant for play boys.For the
general education, the three tier method worked
in the following way:authoritarian, =prabhu
samhita= ,reserved for the Vedas meant to be
followed or enforced,they are based on unalterable
words,=suhrutsamhita=, the territory of the epics
and vertical gossip puranas,used for learning from
friends and relations,where the message involved
is important,and finally =kanta sammita= used for
a co-education with lover, who help one another
to learn through heart.The last part is played by
general liiterature including prose and poetry,
fiction and non-fiction.

Learning for the play boy princes were not by the
courtesans as Vikram Seth would like us believe.
He is right for the recent past but not for the ancient
times.In ancient times, the five fold tactical behaviour
was designed as Pancha tantra by Vishnu Sharma,
a great scholar, which became all time best seller
through out the world.

This system of education was operative unbroken
several thousands of years.When it became inadequate
Buddha began educating in plain folk language of
Pali without resorting to use the enriched Samskrit
language.The teachers´ standard by Buddha´s time
had greatly deteriorated.Although there were intellectuals
of highest order of whom we can be proud even today
numbering over a dozen, the Buddha Gauthama
created a one man revolution also based on his yogic
awareness.Shamanism was running amok as we
see today caricature educated langoti monkies, or
pantie clad langoors.It was indeed the shamanist
=damaru= or =dunger= that caused Panini explain
the architecture of the enriched language Samskrit.
Panini is placed before the Buddha in time who
tried by explaining the language in grammatical
terms understandable to the deteriorating teaching
class.As the grammarian sage was set on mediation
he heard the beating of a shamnist single hand held
drum called =damaru=.He received the sounds
in the following order ounted fourteen beatings:
10.jabagadash, 11.khaphachathathacatatav,12.kapay,
13.shashasar,and 14.hal. At once he got the
structure of the entire phonetic language in the
sounds.The first four sounds covered the vovels.
The next two revealed the out step letters like
ya,ra,la,va,sha, sha,sa and ha, nine letters.Then
he got the five nasal sounds,to be followed by
between four groups of four letters with hard and
soft pronunciations as sixteen diphthongs.
From this reception of the remote sensing he
wrote the law for the language in about 2000
sutras divided in eight chapters.However,it
did not make things easy for the layman
student.That motivated Gauthama Buddha´s
revolutionary step to teach simple folk´s
language,universal language for every one.

However, Panini´s efforts were not in vain.
He helped to understand the earlier teaching
of the authoritarian teachings known as
=shruti=, meaning that was heard by ears.
The entire body of literature of all kinds then
heard and memorized was enormous at a time
men had no means to jot down things.These
then have to be learned and retained in tact
for use,application.This awareness of linkage
to the knowledge and application remains
almost lost in today´s Indian,who is inheritor
of the learning of the ancient sages.It is
said: =laukikano hi sadhunam aratham vag
anuvartate;rusheenam punaradyanam vacha
martho nu dhavati=,meaning current learned
ones (sadhus) follow the meanings of the words.
But what the ancient spoke was followed by the

Comment for discussion:
From Prof.K.P.Rao, Manipal 29-02-2008
I have a word on learning that you discuss in
one of your letters (and postings). The learning
in ancient sense involved two things- learning
the grammar and language possibly by the way
you described and learning texts by a different
procedure. especially in connection with Vedas
and similar texts it is Shiksha and we have
paratishakhyas- the books on linguistics-
which may be very specific and regional. My
grand father was considered an authority in
taittiriya Prathisahakhya and I ad the privelege
of learng it from in my early days. I had a
Chance to discuss the linguistics of the
parathishakhyas with many learned people
and found them to be very accurate in some
parts and the commentators especially
Shivaswamy had made a minor mess as he
was impressed by the colossal work of Panini.
The roting technique for Archival of text as
practised in Kerala in particular with the ghana,
jataa etc. versions (again attributed to Veda Vyaasa)
is the ultimate method of saving text better
than printing as there is no typogrpahy, script
and hence printer's devil.
Response: Thank you for additional info.Do
make a note and when you visit Pune to go
to Sanskrita Vaidic Sahitya Sanshodhan Mandala
at Tilak Vidyapeeth to find a short film on
the Ghanapatha technique. It is all India,
practiced in Pune,Rajmundry, Gokarna if
I am not mistaken even in Kashi.Shiksha,
Vyakarana, Chandas, Nirukta,Jyotisha
and Kalpa are meant get into the core of
the Vaidic Text.Yoga is Darshana shastra
and used to keep it in compressed
memory.Thank you Prof.Rao once again.
Readers are welcome to participate with
serious inputs.
Kulamarva Balakrishna

yoga five steps (24)

education science

By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,Thursday,February 28,2008: The samadhi
of unawareness,=asamprajnata samadhi= once
reached, then the the student should hold on to
it, in unawareness level itself in order to be able
to engage his mind on routine matters,as if out
of reflex. Vyasa gives the sequential movement
of the mind to that level in his commentary.
Shraddha gives energy,(virya,and motivation),from
energy become memory steady,which leads
to samadhi of awareness,=samprajnata samadhi=.
At that level th awareness gives us the knowledge
of reality as it is in all aspects.It is this knowledge
we as yoga students internalize into unawareness.
This knowledge is then saved.

This process goes on.As long as there are territories
to be defined and digested there should be first
samprajnata samadhi leading to asamprajnata,
unawareness or of abstract level.It is a matter of
possessing the world itself.Trever Legget translates
it as ultra cognitive samadhi.

All the Vedas,Brahmanas,Aranyakas,Upanishads,
Vedangas, Darshanas and the whole gamut of
literature connected with the ancient language
itself are retained this way in the mind.The student
or brahmachari is taught this methodology.Beginning
with the prayer time itself.According to David Frawley
who studied Vedic times in depth and came to
accept Bal Gangadhar Tilak´s view on the times
of Vedas on the basis of vedic contents, without
this mind training system it would have been impossible
to retain and preserve the heart of sanatana dharma
to this day.First for limited writing they used Birch
tree barks, then came palm leaves,then paper was
made, printing boom came now we are reading
from space with the help of monitoring mirror.

Tool technology wise we have made advances.But
as humans we have deteriorated.Especially on core
issues of sharing with a sense of belongingness
we remain illiterate.The first adult education method
was discovered and used in India to educate princes
to qualify them manage public affairs as politicians.
That was and is the best seller in all languages
Pancha tantra or five tactical principles by Vishnu
Sharma.Even though all three higher castes had
rights to education, the princes being rich tomboys
neglected learning.The method of pancha tantra
story telling was created to make education
entertaining and attractive by opening up curiosities.
This was the only education system kept seemingly
outside the yogic system but in reality, this also
confirms to yoga if one considers Mahesha Yogi´s
Transcendental Meditation technique.I will point
out the key sutra as basis of Mahesh Yogi as we
reach there.Now take it from friendly literature,
=suhrutsamhita= Bhagvadgita =yogah karmasu
kaushalam=,yoga is proficiency at work.We may
now add to it,=devised to serve computer less
age of the past.(end)

in bombay

arun gandhi in front of grand father´s photo

heavens, no segregation
apartheid not even jewish!

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,Thursday, February 28,2008: I know Arun Gandhi
was in Bombay yesterday and was briefly arrested as he
approached his grand fahter´s statue with a group of
people, =to touch his opa´s feet=! There it is a statue
in the public in front of the legislature.That is a guarded
place covered by the dirty blood soiled uniforms.What else
do you expect Arun? If the statue of apostle of peace
and non violence is imprisoned at home you should not
take bad after you handed over M.K.Gandhi Institute
for Non-Violence to the semitic Jewish Kosher savages.
You should not complain, on the contrary be happy you
have grand father´s blood alive in you.You are not young
any more.No one remains young excepting the jihadists,
Hindu,Muslim,Jew and all other kinds, who gate crash
heavens where beautiful girls are awaiting them like in
Alexander Kuprin´s Yama, the Pit.There is no old age,
death or suffering.Char Minar smoking pantie less girls
make you feel you are the Lord Shiva as they play Parvathi
on your lap! Where there is a huge garden surrounding
the =golpitha=.Where they indulge in mass love making.
Even sons are welcome to make love to their mothers there.
So it is written in scriptures, I mean Q´uran, Puranas,
vertical gossip and what is that Torabora or some such
thing.Where all funny dirty things are considered not
obscene, blasphemous, hurting the faiths and sentiments
of mere mortals.If you are virtuous you are welcome there.
If you infringe Jewish Trade Mark of Hitler there no one
will bother you. If you are a Satan of course they reserve
you the best place.The heavens are but the unknown,
known only in dreams.Ideals.Are not for this world.Take
a promissory note or Nishan e Pakistan doubled up Bharata
Ratna Morarji Desai´s gold bond or make a saving chit
funds offered by all crooks. In heavens they do not
discriminate between caste,sex, religion, race etc.It is on
earth even modern garbage dumps practice segregation,
apartheid.Your host there is none other than true guest
lover Pasthu speaking Khan from the tribal areas,
who has special rights monopoly to charge interests,
keep girls in heavens, offer you a chandu pipe etc
without violating =sharia laws!=(end)

Wednesday, 27 February 2008

syed bukhari

authoritarianism of the absurd

Imam Bukhari on the march to land of the pure

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,Thursday,February 28,2008: Now at least the Bukhari Saheb wakes up to reality.He should have taken
the initiative even before he gave his old black cap to Raja Vishvanath Pratap Singh.A lot of blood letting of the innocents in India could have been spared if he had told
his land of the pure brothers serving their British and American Masters to co-operate.Raja V.P.Singh is not yet dead.But he lives with the damage he has done to his

It is note worthy,land of the pure no man´s land masters
insist no outside forces are allowed to operate within the
territory on anti terrorist drive although terrorists from abroad operating from within its soil is welcome.Neither
do they have any objections to heavenly U.S. missiles pounding its mountains,caves and tribal houses day in
and day outs.

I am reminded of the ancient Nemuchi story in the
Vedas.Indra and Nemuchi fought but only to make a
draw.The condition of peace then was Indra should not
offend Nemuchi and kill him during day or night and with any sort of hard or soft weapon,made of steel, stone water whatever.Indra agreed to the condition but devised foam as weapon to suffocate Nemuchi.By sending drones on the pure holy territory of opium and savergery, the new incarnation of Indra American George Bush is keeping the honour of his friends.

As for Hindumukh Muslims of India, holding the banner of Hindutva Nationalism not Hitlerism, they have yesterday rampaged the Delhi University because my
friend the late A.K.Ramanajan had counted some 300
Ramayana versions in his research book on the great
popular epic of the subcontinent, initially written by
sage Valmiki several thousand years ago.According to these Hindumukhs of Akhila Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad students political union affiliated to Bharatiya Janata Party only Valmiki Ramayana and Tulsi Ramayana of 16th century are valid Hindu mythological coins where faith and sentiments are due.The rest are blasphemous.They should vanish in thin air.Then how do these langoti mankies, pantie clad langoors account for Verappa Moily Ramayana or Kuvempu Shree Ramayana Darshanam or other versions?There is a limit to the
authoritarianism of the absurd.But there it is.(end)

yoga samadhi (23)

samadhi in unawareness

godmen but not yogis, do not be cheated

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,Wednesday,February 27,2008:Yesterday
I have said that belief with a basis,Shraddha
protects and motivates some one who seeks
to achieve the yogic goal of the most valuable
abstract =samadhi= in unawareness.The belief
is compared to mother.The mother baby
relation is clear mutual trust,which is the basis
of the sound health of both.This belief then
leads the student of yoga with energy,memory,
samadhi and knowledge to obtain =asamprajnata=
samadhi of abstraction.Like remote sensing
covers a wide area as territory, samadhi of
unawares also has a much wider range to grasp
and file in abstract form.The student of yoga
using this method covers the whole universal
nature to save in his computerized consciousness.
It should be noted memory and knowledge
both are part of the tainted and untainted
quintets of mental activities meant to be
=suppressed= as generally misinterpreted by
trade mark yoga gurus.There is therefore no
suppression of mental activities involved in yoga
but a training of harnessing the mind unobtrusively.
It is then can be compared to mind irrigation,
for gardening and energy generation.

The mind gives away nothing but absorbs
everything for use all the time.At the same time
the consciousness remains the boss.As we go on
we would see the student would be asked to
define fresh territories for gain for particular
results.The third and fourth chapters of the
yoga sutras spell them out.The student goes
on practicing =samprajnata=,close up and
=asamprajnata= remote sensing samadhis
alternatively to make the technique a
spontaneous nature of the mind,without disturbing
the five fold duel mental activities, namely
knowledge,false knowledge,imagination,sleep
and memories unhindered.This allows the
mind sharpen focus where needed for blow ups.

The next sutra, the twenty first of the first
chapter emphasizes the importance of mental
density,guiding into nine pauses as the student
climbs the mind science up.The sutra reads:
=teevra samveganamasannah=.We look at
the detail at our next view. (end)

bad taste & sub judice

reconstruction or visual

reporting cannibalism?

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,Wednesday,February 27,2008: In my mother
India, of late things are happening that could have
been believed to have happened some seven thousand
years ago.But why? Such things happen even in
Germany. In my autobiography of egotism, chapter
one I have reported about Sabine Hilschenz, a mother
of a dozen or more having killed her own eight babies
and on their lifeless bodies growing vegetables and
flowers.I was reminded of Ganga, the river as the queen
of king Shantanu having done to death by drowing
her seven infants.A Mahabharata episode.Here one
has to compare only a mother killing at birth so
many of her own babies,nothing more.In details
there is no comparison.

Almost two years ago, in a village called Nithari
being a part of a huge Industrial complex of several
villages clubbed together andknown as NOIDA in
Uttar Pradesh,near New Delhi a resident businessman
got his house servant bring in almost 37 female
young ones,raped them, before
cutting them into
pieces for eating.Investigations are
on.Not all the
37 poor girls or their left
overs are traced in dumping
places.On some cases as yet.W
hat have been
traced are before a court of law which is engaged in

the process of implementing the rule of law.That
means the case in a mass is sub judice. But that
did not prevent India´s about dozen creative geniuses
from presenting in a gallery the gory episode in details.

After all Mahabharata war of eighteen days was
subject of a running commentary as the =great=
war was under progress by sage Sanjaya
acting as special broadcasting correspondent
to the blind father of the one of the warring parties
in a chosen war game stadium near New Delhi.

The epic Mahabharata itself is the result of sage
Krishna Dvaipayana´s later known as Vedavyasa
for editing the scriptures,own autobiography since

he played the gigolo grand father role of the
two groups of fighting princes related to each
other as cousins.He came observing as war
progressed at the Kurukshetra Stadium where
eighteen divisions then known as Akshohinis
were assembled to fight it out.It was here common
man´s yoga book Bhagavadgita revealed in
simple Samskrit language.At several points
had to be protected while reporting special
correspondent, Sanjaya, from
war mongers identifying
as he belonged to the
today is a city rehabilitating
refugees from
Pakistan after the partition of Indian
subcontinent.Haryana State Government attracts
tourists there claiming that in a
pond known as
Sannihit Sarovar there,
contending Kaurava
Crown Prince said
to have hid himself under
water when he
saw no chances of winning the war.

India´s probably the world´s first poet Valmiki
also wrote the epic Ramayana as the events of
the story were going on.He in fact made the twin
sons of Rama, the hero of Ramayana sing the
epic,named Kusha and Lava before the Hero!
May be Aryan Hindu India going backwards
in time by divine grace! India remains the same

because the events took place thousands of years
ago near New Delhi.It is again near a New Delhi
Gallery the gory details of contemporary
cannibalism of females indulged in are visually
being presented. It is worth recalling this region
in India today is known to abort more than two
female pregnancies out of every ten! Should we
take it then the presentation as a journalistic

Here is Mr.Lalit Kumar´s report

for The Times of India News Network:

=Lalit Kumar, TNN

GHAZIABAD: Art often borrows from life, courting
controversy. When books, films, theatre and
paintings depict something contemporary, the risk
is greater.A local art gallery is in the eye of a
storm for allegedly trying to sell paintings of the
Nithari rape,murder (and cannibalism,omitted
for some unknown reason.kb) victims made by a
number of artists.

The local police say they were "being distasteful
and indulging in commercial exploitation" but they
are referring the one dozen paintings to "experts
because we do not want to appear to be indulging
in moral policing. Art is not our domain."

A police officer said a report (complaint) had been filed
against the Vaishali-based art gallery owners at
Indirapuram police station. The complaint was made
by Karanvir, whose daughter, Madhu, was among
those murdered at Pandher’s house, number D-5,
Nithari, Noida.
In fact, a number of kin of the Nithari
victims had on Tuesday demonstrated outside the
gallery, demanding arrest of Neeraj Nigam and
Chandan, owners of the gallery.

They had also demanded arrest of the artists. A
case has been registered under section 292 of the
Indian Penal Code, which pertains to commercial
exploitation of obscene depictions.
According to
Ghaziabad police chief Deepak Ratan: "Some of
the paintings, as we see them from the catalogue
of the exhibition, do not seem to be relevant to the
grim subject of the Nithari rapes and killings, to
begin with.

These could easily also be regarded as distasteful.
But, obscenity, in strictly legal terms, is another
issue altogether. And, we are seeking expert opinion
on that."
No one has been arrested yet. Khalid Khan,
counsel for Karanvir in the Nithari case, said: "At
least two of the so-called works of art in the exhibition
are far removed from being art at all. This is commercial
exploitation of the grim tragedy. The police should
arrest the gallery owners and the artists."

Babul Lal, father of Rachna, who was raped and
murdered in Nithari, said, "There cannot be a greater
insult to the memory of those killed than to have them
depicted like this, like what we see in D grade Hindi
movies. This is not art." (end)=

reporter´s job

business reporting
from india

Vienna,Wednesday,February 27:Prof.Sree
Sreenivasan of South Asia Journalists
Association (SAJA) desires to bring to the
attention of Indian business journalists
about an opening with Forbes Magazine.


Reporter/Market Writer
Reports to: News Editors, Bureau Chiefs,
Senior Editors, Channel Editors or
Executive Editors
This position requires a minimum of
two years professional writing and reporting
experience or the equivalent. A college
degree is preferred.Reporters are
responsible for covering a beat/industry
/industries as assigned. Reporters are
responsible for generating 5 stories a
week at an acceptable level of quality.
Reporters should have a developing
understanding of how companies work,
how to read a balance sheet and
company report, macroeconomics and
the stock market. Ability to meet
tight deadlines a must.

Send resume, cover letter and references
Subject line = India position

Please mention in your cover letter
that you heard about this via the SAJA
mailing list. (end)

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

yoga shraddha (22)

do not trust
trade mark guru

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,Tuesday, February 26,2008:In the
earlier sutra we have identified who are
bodyless and who are absorbed in nature.
We are with nature,when we pray nature
also joins us in prayer has been the conviction
of the sages who evolved the system of
our daily dawn,noon,dusk prayers.Then in
the last posting I mentioned just the three
dimensions of truth.Now before we take up
the road to =asamprajnata samadhi=,
samadhi reached unaware by humans the
route of five steps are described.

=shraddha 2.virya,3.smriti,4.samadhi, and
5.prajna purvaka itaresham=,meaning for
humans faith,energy,memory,samadhi and
derived knowledge get =samadhi of
unawareness, that is abstract samadhi.
We get a chance here to note that yoga is
not a simple suppression of five fold flow
of the mind, a common misrepresentation
by most trade mark holding yoga gurus.
In the above quintet we note the five elements
cause the flow of the mind.The more intensive
the elements are the better for reaching
the target.There is then no suppression is
in involved but promotion, channelization
is involved.Maharshi Maheshyogi was
right in his suggestion while propagating
his transcendental meditation, that mind
should be guided to its defined goal.

Of the quintet, the first shraddha is the most
misunderstood word of Samskrit. It is
generally translated as faith.The word is
mentioned in Bhagavadgita =shraddhavan
labhate jhananm=.The general simple
translation of the sentence is the one who
has faith gets knowledge.When elders ask
children to learn attentively they use the
word shraddha to describe the nature of
attention required to get success.Apart
from attention, devotion also involved in
shraddha.But preceding the two elements
there is a pre-requisite that is a clear
understanding motivating devotion.
It is described by Trever Legget in his
English translation of Samskrit commentary
text of Vyasa,perhaps also know as
Badarayana Vyasa to differentiate him from
the notorious gigolo Vedavyasa, as
=faith is a settled clarity of the mind: like a
good mother,it protects a yogin (student).=
The mother has love for the child,understands
the child,she gives her devoted attention
to the child, she not only protects it but
also promotes it.Faith has all these qualities.
It mobilizes strength,energy.Then to describe
the word shraddha in simple terms of a
=belief= is off the mark. Most gurus including
religious, play with faith of others and
make the believers almost like slaves.
Which is not meant by belief, confidence,
and faith.The common gurus are conmen,
confidence tricksters.They aim at creating
confidence to misuse it immediately
after gaining the confidence. It is then
good to an individual not to trust a trade
mark guru.

Such trust in a trade mark guru is =andha
shraddha=, superstition,blind belief causing
disasters.Make sure the guru is indeed
trust worthy.He is not a marketing man.He
is not identified by his clothing, beard, laugh,
funny stories or cheap magic miracles.
Do not be fooled by garbed looks or his
stage performances.Do not be led to the
deep pit of superstitious muck.
There are not many in India of today gurus.
Because yoga is a way of life that leads
us to live away from the crowd let alone lead
the crowd even mob.The crowd gathers
are not yogis.They are bhogis meaning

Monday, 25 February 2008

declaration or fatwa?

not enough
to establish peace

Yahya Kamakutty, a product of Madrasas caught red handed--------------- what more you want Deobandi?

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,Monday,February 25,2008: I have news
from India that revivalist Deobandis of Islam near
New Delhi have made a declaration as =terrorism=
is un Islamic.That has been made under pressure
not out of conviction of plurality of Islamic Umma
meaning Republic.That is not enough.It has been
done to hold on to mullah authority on general
public life of individuals born without choice in
Muslim families.First and foremost,they have to
accept for themselves human identities which
has implications of human sense of belongingness
out of choice.That is to choose one´s own friends,
mates,life style, philosophy, profession etc and
integrate oneself into a normal modern society in
public life leaving politics of managing public
affairs outside of the religious tenets.Religion is
an individual affair it is not a crowd of human sheep
being guided by a foolish bearded man!If there is
no the crowd, but only responsible individuals
then we can accept Islam is against terror.

Look at Karnataka, how come Muslims become
the part of the sheep practicing modern fire arms
on the ruins of twelfth century hoysala temples?
They have the inspiration and approval of mullahs
and madrassas! Now I am aware the declaration
is now being sold as =anti terrorist fatwa=. It
served to distance mullahs from those who are
caught red handed.They belong to the authoritarian
mullah umma!,what you call Jamat.They did not
practice fire play on own volition since in Islamic
Umma individual vote allowed in a democracy is
grabbed by the Umma to be handled by its so called
spokesperson, mullah who thus holds all 150 million
Indian muslim votes.That was the threat to Taslima
Nasrin.There is no vote gathering in sand land
custodian of holy places of King Abdullah´s Saudi
Arabia.There is no respect there even to the
mother of Islam,Khadija bint Khuwaylid,who gave
employment and then married to bear the child of
the later Prophet!The Mullahs´ denounce singing
of Vande Mataram degrading the true mother of

=Denouncing terrorism in all its manifestations,
top Muslim groups in India on Monday adopted
a declaration calling it "un-Islamic" and terming
it against the Islamic principle of "peace"
The declaration adopted by the organisations at
a meeting in Deoband on Monday, however, also
criticised attempts to malign Muslims and

If one looks at the above declaration, there is a
clear resentment expressed against individual
rights of choice.Period.There is no compromise
that love and democracy are based on voluntary
will.Any Islamic tenet to be accepted by the
rest of humans in the world should be based
on voluntary choice of the individual within
Islamic families or outside.Let the mullah keep
himself to leading prayer in peace of mind.
Let him not arrogate himself the authority
of imposing any religion at all.We are in the twenty
first century. Not in the eighth century.

The occasion of the declaration was the
conclusion of an =Anti-terrorism Conference
organised by Islamic Seminary Darul Uloom
in Uttar Pradesh's Deoband town was attended
by clerics, scholars and religious leaders from
several sects and groups across the country=.

=Islam is a religion of mercy for all humanity.=
Why mercy? Show understanding for another
person,accept him/her.He or she does not have
to depend your =mercy= donation,charity or
the Hindu passive =tolerance= for that matter.
Again period.Let the individual to be and free.
Let there be no =fatwa=whatever.

=Islam sternly condemns all kinds of oppression,
violence and terrorism. It has regarded oppression,
mischief, rioting and murder among severest sins
and crimes," said the declaration, adopted by
over 10,000 participants=.

The above statement holds all mischief. Islam is
an idea expressed by individuals.The group is
reflective of a sense of belongingness not cut
away from the rest of humanity.If that is reiterated
by the declaration we make a forward movement.
Without that forward movement there is no way
avoiding conflicts.Do accept man lived before Islam
and would continue to live after Islam. Accept also
Khadija bint Khuwaylid was a woman who nursed
the new idea with the man propagating the idea.
That is why when I sing Vande Mataram, I think
of Khadija, the Prophet´s motherly wife.Why you
grudge it?This acceptance alone will make woman
free,under Islam.No less.That will make girls like
Taslima Nasrin and that charming pride of India
Sania Mirza, loved human beings not covered by
mullah´s =mercy=. Full freedom for these inheritors
of Khadija´s values are what required.

We are as humans globally concerned that a part
of us seek separate identity with authoritarianism
instead of a living on consensus.We have seen in
Islamabad the Mosque called Lal Masjid attacked
by the soldiers for liberating it from the terrorists.
These were not death caused by implication but
by proof.These were measures of an unpleasant
nature to protect the larger constituency of the
human nation from mere obscurantists wielding
weapons that were not available to the Prophet
of the Religion stored in mosques and madrassas!
If you want to stick to Islam of those days of
Prophet why do you not use the weapons
of those days, I mean camel bones, you humbug?
Who brought explosives to Ajmer an open place
of pilgrimage where no one needed permit to go
and help himself spiritually even without a
label being a muslim(end)
Comment:Ampbreia from the United States of

Absolutely so! I had the same reaction.



Dear Balakrishna,
For a change you appear to be seeing
some light. I thought your bias towards
Hussain, Sonia and Sania will make
you think otherwise.
Regards, KPRao,Manipal,India
My response:
Thank you Prof.Rao, first there are
levels.Second an intellectual remains
non-aligned but concludes on the basis
of merit.Hussain,Sonia,Sania and other
other preferences are to be seen in
context of different levels of realities
and interactions of events.Crowds and
mobs do not think.An intellectual can
not afford to follow crowds of sheep.I am
not a changed man.I have expressed
similar views before.You may have
missed them for subjective reasons.
I hope I die after giving the insights
into Yoga Sutras. I am now only
elaborating the 20th sutra of the first
samadhi pada.I thank you once again
for reading what I write and giving
All the best,Kulamarva Balakrishna

Sunday, 24 February 2008


mind making
by the media

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,Sunday,February 24,2008:Mr.Vir Sanghvi,
Hindustan Times email author, writes today on
the problem of U.P.and Bihari immigrants to
industrialization pockets of the very backward
state of Maharashtra.I am sure Savnur Diwan´s
grandson, Dileep Padgaonkar will not enjoy my
description of Maharashtra.I say Maharashtra
backward for two reasons.Barring Bombay,
Pune,Nagpur, Aurangabad industrial pockets
rural Maharashtra remains worse than the aboriginal
Madhya Pradesh or Orissa or for that matter.Still
worse U.P. and Bihar.In politics, following Shivaji
and Peshva values, the general Maharashtrians
live about 250 years behind time thus missing
an opportunity to give India a Prime Minister! With
Maharashtrian identity painted dark on his forehead,
Sharad Pawar paraded himself in New Delhi
to succedeed assassinated Rajiv Gandhi and
lost the race to Narasimha Rao.

The Thackeray uncle and his pincle nephew Raj with
their CKP slogan remain isolated from Dalit Bahujans.
Maharashtra is rich because of immigrant workers,
invited by the late Jamshydji Tata for building Bombay
what it is today.As far as dalits are concerned, they
bracket Shivsena goons among brahmins and Marxists
for the luxury swim of Golpitha sewer river flowing under
the man hole.That is the problem of Maharashtra

Mr.Vir Sanghvi gives in his article some reasons of
Bihari and UP bhayya exodus to Bombay.It is not false
pride champion Bombay alone that attracts the
people of backward heartland of India.One can see
the bhayyas in Bangalore/Bengaluru,Chennai/Madras
and Hyderabad as well.So the message should go
to not only big Bachchan´s adoptive parents
Mulayaam Singh Yadav and their bahu Karodpati
opponent Mayavati.

She should not think she would
become the Prime Minister of India by waving her
magic single wing sari.Because the other end of
the sari holds feet tied down to the reality on the
ground.It is one thing to get finances from the Center
in hundreds of thousands of millions.But by putting
them to work for poverty eradication,she has to
prove herself.

Both Bachchan´s uncles Mulayam and Amarsingh
are responsible to answer for keeping U.P.backward.
Similarly the rich Bahujan Rani Mayavati is also accountable.
From C.B.Gupta,Chaudhruy Charan Singh downwards
all the U.P.Chief Ministers, have shown what humbugs
they had been.This includes the current leadership of
BJP.That is why their voters run away to other states
for their bread.This goes to other backward giant state
of Bihar of Taxi Union chief George Fernandes as well.
Imagine Buddha´s Bihar,Ashok´s Bihar led not only the
sub-continent but also the far east bordering eastern tip
of Siberia.Caste politics may help some time to get votes.
But not all the time.During elections, when people are
told the truth about the reason of their suffering poverty,
in the clear language that they understand,
things will not rot but would take a reverse turn for
a sudden change.The necessity remains of course
communication.Rahul should choose his field team
carefully. I am sure he is upto the task.He would
disappoint none.

The energies of Indian upper caste middle class today
remains diverted to hooliganism of the worst kind
unleashed by the BJP and partners Peshva gurus.When
the hooliganism is checked, by the administration and
the Election commission by disqualifying politicians
indulging in breach of the public peace, then
as Nehru said from Bombay Chowpatty sands a few
months before his death, Indians are capable of
proving they can keep the promises he made and
manage the country. The time is not far off.Media men
like Vir Sanghvi also have a responsibility not only
during the election times but all time to keep awake
and alert.Media role is not a minor role in a healthy
democracy. If media becomes a Foras road randi
than no one can help any country.(end)

take it easy

no racial

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,Sunday,February 24,2008: I have read the
Times of India report that Indian doctors are among
medical professionals in Britain's National Health
Service (NHS) who have faced physical and verbal
abuse while performing their duties.
I give my perspective
on the report at the end of the report for the sake of

A survey by the British Medical Association (BMA)
revealed that a third of doctors in the NHS had
experienced some form of violence - including threats
and verbal abuse- and one in ten had been physically
attacked,including being stabbed, kicked, punched,
bitten and spat at.
Speaking for the British Association
of Physicians of Indian Origin (BAPIO), Joydeep Grover,
an Indian-origin doctor who works in the Accidents
and Emergency sections in the NHS, said, "We would
support the BMA report on violence in the workplace.
As it points out, medical personnel have a right to work
in a non-threatening and dignified environment."

He added that violence against doctors was not always
physical in nature, but was more frequently verbal. He
added that there was no clear evidence that ethnic
minority doctors were more liable to suffer from such
abuse, "but certainly racial language is still heard in
various circumstances".
Grover said that occasionally
patients demanded to be seen by white doctors, and
some, especially older ones can be overtly abusive.
However, he added that most hospital trusts had very
well structured policies against racist behaviour by
patients, and if the matter is raised the patients are
strictly dealt with.(quote end)

This is no news.If in India today,some people go for
Cow Urine Therapy we explain it because that some
have more faith in so called gurus even if they are not
medical experts, as competent to offer medical solutions.
Some go to doctors having fake certificates because
they are nearer relations.Some have an addiction to
bet on horses because they are outsiders promising
to bring larger share of rewards!There is nothing strange
to prefer the familiar t0 the strange.This then only one
factor that contribute to ill treatment of medical
personal of the health service.It is normal in Europe
and America, patients getting impatient and rude
with those who come to help them professionally
out of devotion to duties.At times, the healing angels
also find it difficult to take the rudeness beyond a
point.Even enough white doctors are subjected to
patient rudeness in U.K., other parts of Europe
and Americas.Thus far no further.When that stage
arises,even angels can become devils,djins,satans,
what not.

We in Vienna have medical personnel of all colours,
castes,gender etc.Elder patients here especially are
more demanding from the personnel than the younger
ones.It is because they are impatient with their age
being closer to disappearance.Then the elders feel
let down by the more active younger generation.
This has been dormant in India but going to be explosive
in near future.Medical staff itself over burdened with
the demands of their duties because of the cosmopolitan
mix of the patients.They are also burdened by the
unpreparedness of the health service management
to match the nature of the medical service realities.
It is therefore wrong to attribute this rudeness of the
patients as racial in origin.

In the eighties, Vienna´s medical personnel especially
the European members of the staff came to the
Thus Far borderline.Then they began to tell the old
patients :=aunt/uncle,dear gawd has reserved a room
for you in heavens, go there you will get better treatment=.
The conversation ended with their help in traveling there.
A total of three hundred old aunts and uncles were
thus sent to the heavens by the medical staff either
by administering water on the nose without giving the
breathing chance to the patient or by other undetectable
methods. The case came to light because of outing
by a =hispanic nurse.Nurse Waltraud Wagner,who is
taking a forced life long rest in prison now alone,accounted
for a total of thirty deaths of the patients.So please take
it easy.Do not blame on racial discrimination by the
patients or by the medical staff.Take it easy.

I have myself spent in more than one hospital managed
by the local self government and church under contract to
the local self government for a total of one month or
more. I have found the multi racial medical staff including
Asian especially Indians and Philippines being roughly
handled by the elderly patients in general.I have got the
best of attention and service by the attending staff nurses
and medical helps.In one case a qualified BBC part timer
journalist attended me.Unimaginable in India! In one case,
I have to record,I do not want to reveal the identity of the
very ugly and fat but clean great human hearted Austrian
nurse helping me shave saying =Uncle, let me help you.
I know how it works, I do it for my boyfriend.=I have
also bad experience of a nun nurse,but this is no occasion
for the story. (end)

Saturday, 23 February 2008

yoga satya (21)

hidden and

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,Sunday, February 24,2008: It may
be better at this stage itself provide some
insight into what is meant by =satya=,truth
fullness,which is the heart of yoga as Patanjali
puts it as one of the =souvereigns= of ten
elements involved in the system.It is part of
the=yama= quintet.In the second =sadhana=
pada chapter,30th sutra mentions truthfulness
as the second only to non violence.That also
explains why Mahatma Gandhi wrote his
autobiography under the title =my experiments
with truth=.

=satyam bruyat, priyam bruyat, na bruyat
satyam apriyam; priyamcha nanritam bruyat
esha dharmah sanatanah=, meaning one should
tell the truth, one should speak pleasant,one
should not speak unpleasant truth;also one should
not speak pleasant being untruthful this is the
ancient universal principle.This principle is known
to almost every higher caste Indian by culture.
But this principle has a key.That key has been
revealed by the first poet, Valmiki who wrote
Ramayana epic.He repeated it more than once
on two occasions. Once it came from the mouth
of a savage Mareecha magician uncle of Brahmin
Satan villain of Ramayana, notorious by the name
of Ravana. On another occasion also it was addressed
to Ravana by his cousin Vibhishana,who before
deserting him to join forces with the hero Rama
just before the war broke out,in the same words.

=sulabhah purushah rajan satatam priya vadinah;
appriyasya cha satysa vakta shrota cha durlabhah=,
King, the form of address is noteworthy,formal not
as =my nephew= or as =my cousin later= but as
king holding authority,= it is easy to find men who
speak always pleasant.but it is rare to find men or
women who would speak the unpleasant truth;
rarer still who would listen the unpleasant truth=.

It is one consideration basing scientific treaties are
made and so can be brought to notice at the appropriate
time to present onself as being neutral.Yoga system
serves as such a treaty to project truthfulness
for focusing in front of some one who needs and
who is in a position to understand the message.
Now here is the link up why I am frontal, while
focusing on the reality.It is worth remembering
Patanjali was not fore runner to Buddha in time.
He may be few hundred years after the Buddha´s
time. But the teacher has not created the yoga
system,which is even older much older than the
Buddha.By Buddha´s time, there were several
versions or brands of yoga as we have several
car brands.For the trade mark´s sake slight
variations in technique were incorporated that is
all.In essence however, the principles are the

There is a third dimension to truth.It involves
hiding the truth.Hiding can be done by silence,
or by misleading as is done in spreading false
news, for example the false news of the death
of Ashvatthama, the son of Drona, the teacher
of two war cousins Kauravas and Pandavas of the
Mahabharata vertical gossip. The guru Drona
was unconquerable because he held key to
the application of boomerang technology, the
pre-curser of the present missile technology.
To be impartial to his disciples he made it
clear to the both warring parties, he could not
survive the death of his only son Ashvatthama.
It is easy to spread false news but make it
credible the one who plants false news has to
trace it to a credible source.In this case, the
truth ful Pandu prince Yudhishthira´s forged
certificate was used to make the death news of
Ashvatthama trustorthy.Cheated Drona fell in
the war.The means used was the noise made by
the gawd player Krishna blowing his conch
shell, =panchajanya= not the Rashtreeya
Svayamsevaka Sangha (Hindu Hitlerite party)

Link up this to today´s events.In India forged
certificates are being used to spread false news.
That is Indian media from top to bottom. I say
this as the head of =Taravadu Taranga Trust
for Media Monitoring= (TTTMM). To some extent
this is true of the International media. In truth
manipulation world wide, The Washington Post
and The Guardian give the lead.Sorry to say this.
They both are taken to be credible media and
that is the reason, they are often used for obtaining
forged credibility.This will also help my readers
to take a perspective view of Arun Gandhi being
branded as the grand son of =purported follower
of non violence= Mahatma Gandhi. They have no
shame in subverting and arranging a false Nobel
peace prize for Menachin Begin. (end)

sonia sonia

why on the foreigner?

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,Saturday,February 23,2008: A film on Sonia
Gandhi? Why not one on Mayavati? On Sushma Swaraj
on Uma Bharti, Mamata Bannerjee or Film Diva Puratchi
Talvai for that matter?Making a film on Sonia? Will it not
compromise her loyalty to the country?Will it not promote
Christianity by a devious route? Will it not damage our
national security? Where are the lawyers? Their public
interest litigation clients by the hundred protecting the
national honour? Now those who made the film at own
risk seek approval from the Film Censor Board a
certificate.There are many more questions.Will it be
considered defamation,flattery, advertisement?

Why not make a film on Maneka Gandhi,the resting
animal right activist instead? Has some one thought
of making a film on Vasundhara Raje,Hema Malini
or Jaya Chamchan of Amarsingh,the famous independence
day guest, who caused thousands of school children
wait his arrival on hot sun and dozens collapse unconscious
sorry I mean Bachchan, the mother in law of our tamarind
beauty Aishvarya?

As for creative efforts I am sure the best seller film could be
made of Namdhari Gopalaswami,the fellow who is the
Chief Election Commissioner sporting a bright red vertical
Expresway painted on forehead above nose so smartly to
drive into gawd Vishnu´s mountain resort of Vaikuntha
heavens?What was his name the Sari clad bangle jingling
gawd Jagannath lover former male police director general of
Mulayam Singh Yadav´s crime free Ulta Pradesh? Lallu
is a good film material.L.K.Advani placing his laddu balls
on Bharata Ratna candidate Atal Behari Bajpayee mouth
and Atal Pital transfering the Udbhavalinga he received
from the mouth of Satya sai direct into LKA´s toothbrush
covered BJP Prime Ministerial candidate´s mouth can
also be a good scene if Naradhama Modi´s life is filmed.
They all have fans even though they live under good
air conditioning.They sell.Every one of them is a
brand name trade mark in Donald Duck´s Indian scene

Why there is a swami who keeps sharing stage in
Karnataka with his mother cow´s sibling son cum
=hisbend= showing of his lovely shapely hanging
balls, how cute bap rey, to promote cow urine therapy
is one of the best film material that would make a
guaranteed advance booking for it at Oscar Award
in =Holywood=.Also in our sandalwood infested
=Hosanagara= wood he is popular as Gopalakrishna.
Has any Thakur thought of making a film on that
Rajput prince dismissed for taking round about
bribe from Saddam Hussain´s Iraq under oil for
food programme and then went financing his post
hanging funeral of all the places in Bangalore?

I can suggest one more film idea on former
Prime Minister Daridra Deve Gowda and his
half term Chief Minister sitting for toilet in
a poor Muslim woman´s slum house at Ullhal.
It would be a great hit as film like the late
Veerappan partner Karnataka film hero
Raj Kumar movies.Every one of these suggested
characters have strong fan following.Let
Rashid Kidwai write the iscreen play and Thakur
film it. Bharat Shah is there for financing.
Bala,Balya, Balku (asaheb) Thackeray my
meinduck friend and his pincle nephew Raj
Thackeray will have no problem for permitting
the release of any of these films in Goregaon
bhainswadi sahita Marathi Mumbai (end)

Friday, 22 February 2008

retail upgrade

rasta kholo
open the road
don´t close

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,Saturday,February 23,2008: As I write this
in New Bombay retail traders of agricultural products
and related service personnel would be holding a car
rally against handing over the trade into the hands of big
companies including multinationals.I understand their
concern.I also understand their needs to keep in
step with changing times to update themselves and
their future generations.

I think, the protesters should find solutions with the
help of experts like Dr.Ila Bhat, the founder of SEWA
(Self Employed Women´s Welfare Association).
It is high time retail trade is organized.The Planning
Commission would welcome this. What is needed then
is big companies should accept retail traders as share
holding partners.They should give them infrastructure
like toilet facilities, uniforms, on site banking etc leaving
the marketing undisturbed in the retail traders themselves.
They can be provided with clean stands or shops,solar
powered hawkers´ carts, etc.Tata-BP Solar has the know
how and where withal.With the co-operation as in nano
car the agricultural produce sellers could be upgraded
without losing their jobs.

It is the United Progressive Alliance government´s
policy to ask the huge companies like Tatas, Ambanis,
Bajajs etc reserve jobs to the socially weaker class.
Here is then the opportunity to implement it.They
would be future enterprenuers.Prof. Amartya Sen
would certainly consider such development
positive.Thus Vyapar Rozgar Suraksha Kriti Samiti
should approach the planning commission, and political
representatives like Margaret Alva, I give her name
because she is concerned with Maharashtra,to take the
issue at decision making level to implement the
proclaimed policy of reserving jobs to the under
privileged by upgrading their self management skills.
It will work India wide to sooth the hardship of
farmers as well.

Their rally should be demanding
their inclusion as partners in the scheme.

The rally they should hold to create public awareness.
But it would have been better for them involve people
like Dr.Ila Bhat.So their efforts would be successful.They
would get response from the decision makers, who
would only be happy involve their representatives in
counsultation on how to implement, the scheme.World
wide super markets or malls give an umbrella shelter
with share plots, infrastructure, and services like
cleanliness etc. in the daily in take would get a share,
or charge a monthly rent.

As for the hawkers, they need better powered wheelers.
I know for the last ten years Tata BP-Solar make them.
They should be harnessed India wide so households
can buy their daily needs hygienic and safe.With updated
facilities even mathadi carts would benefit.If these vegetable
vendors can participate in car and motor cycle rallies
they would be certainly in a position to partner with
larger companies, in a manner technology eventually
transferred to them by seepage as in screen printing.

I am sure Mr.Mohan Gurnani, President of the
Federation of Associations of Maharashtra is capable
of linking up with other federations in other states
to make an India wide movement.He should know
=Rasta roko= (close the road) is not the
way but
Rasta kholo (open the road)
is the way to progress.

Mr.Vinod Shetty of FDI watch should welcome
opportunities to work in co-operation with the
firms, that is the way to create qualitatively
better employment for all Indians. (end)

roots of


By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,Friday,February 22,2008:My dear friend
Khalid Hasan has sent me the quote from Lord
Macaulay´s address to the British parliament
after his return from his evaluation visit to India
in 1834/35.This took place just after the Britiish
eradicated thuggery in India, where Hindu and
Muslim criminal gangs joined innocent pilgrims
to kill them with the help of a coin placed inside
a kerchief a la Charles Shobharaj of 1970s.
The part quoted is sourced to a Tamil file preserving
Lord Macaulay´s report to the parliament.

Quote:= I have traveled across the length and breadth
of India and I have not seen one person who is a
beggar,who is a thief.Such wealth I have seen in this
country,such high moral values, people of such caliber,
that I do not think we would ever conquer this country,
unless we break the very backbone of this nation,which
is her spiritual and cultural heritage and therefore, I
propose that we replace her old and ancient education
system,her culture, for if Indians think that all that is
foreign and English is good and greater than their
own, they will lose their self esteem,their native culture
and they will become what we want them, a truly
dominated nation.=

Lord Macaulay has succeeded.That is why we lost
our system of humanistic studies based on yoga
and we got the replacement of simplistic caricaturist
education.This made us trust only cash as value.
We buy some toothpicks just from the shop,which
it displays when an importer distributer brings
the shop to sell on a commission but paying for the
stock in advance.Our individual home computer,
our brains remain incapacitated to think for itself.
It is easier to exchange value for cash instead
of creating any substantive value by one´s own
efforts.We are pampered by our =foreign craze=.
The craze for the American is not different from
the craze for the British. The Americans are
the same British colonialists. That is the secret
of a socialist Tony Blabla following blindfold
on the footsteps of Chimpanzee George Bush.

Now there is a situation in India today we
believe even the sand land Saudi pittance is
more worth than our own wealth.Thus we,as
Pavlov´s exprimental cat, have got used to
down grade the value of voluntary love and
upgrade the disgraceful savage crime of rape.
We have begun to disgrace voluntary
democracy of sharing and togetherness
instead taken to present rape of democracy
by force by a criminal gang as true and real
democracy. In the sand land of Saudi Arabia
there is let alone democracy,not even is
there a benevolent dictatorship.There rules
the worst savagery pure and simple.Women
have no rights.Citizens have no votes.Even
queens or imported harem are subjected genital
mutilation by force so they can do without
any experience of happiness whatever. All
the happiness if reserved for one man, the
ruler. May be after him his several tens of
thousands of criminal princes.Not even
princesses have any right for happiness.
When should we understand that love and
democracy involves give and take on
voluntary basis that is sharing a common
happiness? (end)

Thursday, 21 February 2008

yoga (20)

linkage with

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,Friday,February 22-2008:Prof.K.P.Rao
has asked me a question in one of his comments.
At the time I answered him that current scientific
education and the old yogic education system
both are valid in time context. I gave him a cryptic
example that pistach paste mixed chocolate ball
and Indian traditional home made sweet ball
known as =shukrunde= both are tasty and they
should be eaten separately.In my earlier writing
I gave the instance of Einstein´s education as
a reference.Just interconnecting I say in the olden
days the young had a massive body of knowledge
to absorb.But there were no external help as we
have today.That is why internalization and remote
sensing of a kind was necessary.That was made
possible by developing the individual.Ego, ahankara
or self identity which can be had only for one who has
taken birth in human body.Without that asmita, I am there
awareness, which is individuation in man, is nothing.
Yoga teaches this ego with a body to link up with
the bodyless ego that is universal consciousness
including the mobile lives and the immobile like the
plants,rocks,rivers,ocean etc.

There are over 1331 or so schools of classic brahminic
education.They all sing at the thrice a day prayer time
=yam sada sarva bhutani sthavarani charani cha;
sayam praternamasyanti sa ma sandhya abhirakshatu=,
meaning whom all matter, living mobile and immobile
always at dawn and at dusk pray humbly may that time link
protect us.The significance of samadhi pada sutra
19 then is related to this awareness. Discarnate is body
less consciousness.Submerged in nature are birds,
animals,rivers,oceans,rocks etc.These two classes of
life are exempted from learning.By their existence itself
they get what they need from nature.But humans need to
learn.Yoga, then is the mode of humanistic studies of
the ancient.That is why Bhagavadgita says =yogah
karmasu kaushalam= in very simple way. Because of
the simplicity of expression the profound meaning got
lost with the majority who went for caricature eduction!
I hope I made clear I have no enmity against Mr.Anant
Pai or the late Mr.M.T.V.Acharya. (end)

I have said about the process of abstraction.Now let us
take the abstraction in reverse.Then we get all the
minutest atomic details of the object,like the google
mapping of the earth.What details disappear in abstraction
reappear at the time of analysis,which takes place
spontaneously when needed.That is made possible by
practice and dettachment.In other words our consciousness
is =sarvantaryami= is inhabitant every where.Within
the unit of individuated ego that is =antaratma or antaryami=,
inhabitant. Outside the same consciousness is =paramatma=
the great universal consciousness.Yoga teaches us to belong
to the universe.There is then no miracle or mystery is

cow mother´s

doubled up =hisbend=


By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,Thursday,February 21-02-2008: I am
being forwarded an article appearing in a website
Plural India,by my friend Khalid Hasan, which
I have decided to reprint in toto for the benefit
of my readers.I am a victim of this cow urine
therapy,indulged in illegally by mother cows´
sons doubled up as =hisbends=,celibate sadhus.
By mating with a human female, celibacy wow
is violated.By mating a cow there appears to
be no contravention.I think one of the main
reasons the swamis or sadhus indulge in this
racket is to overcome their sexualities! I am
aware these gather mother cow urine, and proclaim
making it =all cure= giving it a brand name
=arka= trade mark to sell it a liter at about five

Indian media in 18 languages including the old
Ramnath Goenka´s The Indian Express now
divided into southern and northern editions,
give free publicity under one pretext or another.
Prajavani daily, the Bangalore based Kannada
sibling of the Deccan Herald in 2004 published
an article and an editorial opinion piece by its
so called rare science editor giving his ideas
on a three year old experiment that was claimed
to have helped.My priestly uneducated brother in
law and his eldest mullahist uneducated son
together,with the knowledge of my younger
brother but hidden from me began administering
this concoction to my younger sister suffering
from brain cancer on empty stomach although
she was being treated by a competent medical
doctor at great expense.Her younger son and
daughter in law both practicing dentists passively
participated in the witchcraft.As a result my sister
died of swollen belly and uncontrollable excreta
discharges in bed.Their reasoning for the
behaviour was that any way a hopeless case, why
not this muck for a miracle? I took the matter to the
Indian media white elephant =quasi judiciary=
Press Council of India set up as a watch dog by
the parliament.But they did not the responsibility
that would be shown by barking dog! They did
nothing except taking an undertaking from me
that I will not get any compensation for loss and I
forgo another court action.The Press Council of
India presided over by a former judge of the Supreme
Court took it light and continue to get their
salt from the poorest man on earth.These hulcuts
have published their annual report that could be
had from the website.Even on google on tapping
on my name would point out at that report.

When I held a press conference on the subject, a
colleague who runs a daily published that the
cow´s urine was the greatest medicine when the
patient was made to drink it as it was being discharged
by the animal!t is not easy to live in a superstitious
India where these blind faith men and women
promote daily rapes but oppose celebrating Valentine
Day once a year! I want to remind my readers these
same =pinjarpole= interests offered to take in cow
shelter all the Jacobs mad cow disease cows of U.K.
about a decade and a half ago!I present you now
Mr.Puniyani´s text that was sent to me:


by Dr.Ram Puniyani

Recently the BJP ruled Uttarakhand Government
(Feb 2008) has announced that it will procure cow's
urine, on the pattern similar to the procurement of
milk by dairies, refine it and sell it to Ayurvedic
pharmacies. Other BJP ruled Governments are also
working on similar lines.

Cow has been having a central place in the political
symbolism of RSS combine. The place of this
symbolism may be only next to Lord Ram. On these
premises, so far cow has been projected as mother.
In its major campaign against minorities' right since
1950s, BJP predecessor Bharatiya Jansangh, had
undertaken a nationwide, Desh Dharm ka nata Hai
Gau Hamari mata hai
(Cow is related to us through
our religion and nation as mother) and also Janm
Janm Ka Nata hai Gau hamari Mata hai
(Cow is our
mother in our every birth). Since Muslims, one does
not know why Christians were not targeted for it,
are not prohibited from eating beef and since many
a butcher belong to Kasai (butchers) occupation,
this fact has been used to demonize the Muslim
community. We worship cows, they eat, they butcher
cows! This has been used to rouse the sentiments
of majority community time and over again.

With Uma Bharati becoming the chief minister of
Madhya Pradesh (2005) for a brief while, she introduced
cow based economy, funds for Goshalas (cow sheds)
were given from Government treasury, and her official
residence became the first such Goshala. Cow based
economy aimed at promoting cow products as the
core of economy. The present effort now transcends
the earlier efforts as faith is being transformed into blind
faith. The Government's move to collect urine, to procure
it, refine it and sell it as a medicine defies all the logic
of science and medicine. It is converting the political
symbolism into health related prescription which is
fraught with dangers.

As such urine is a product excreted through kidneys
and contains the waste metabolites. It can also contain
the bacteria, bovine tuberculosis for example, and other
harmful germs and metabolic products. The biochemical
studies of urine have clearly shown its composition.
There are some who claim magic healing powers of
drinking one's own urine, called Shivambhu, the most
famous consumer of the same was Morarji Desai.
Some claim that it contains antibodies which act
against the harmful diseases affecting our body,
but analytically and biochemical it has not been
proven so far. Physiologically kidneys do not let
the antibodies pass out of the body as the molecular
weight of antibodies is much more than the pore
of the kidney membrane. Of course when kidney
is damaged, these antibodies can pass out, not
when the cow is healthy.

Murali Manohar Joshi, who as MHRD minister
initiated the introduction of faith based disciplines
like Astrology, Paurohuitya (Ritualism) also
diverted some of the funds for doing cow research.
One CSIR lab went to the extent of obtaining a
patent on a pharmaceutical composition contating
cow urine distillate and an antibiotic. Another CSIR
lab, in collaboration with a NGO undertook a study
to see the effectiveness of cow urine in cancer
treatment. Our own ayurveda does not mention
any medicinal use of cow urine. Ayurveda as such
has lot of valuable empirical observations which
can be deepened by rooting them on firmer rational
grounds but that is shrouded in mystery and faith
and any questioning of it meets angry protesters,
who claim their faith is under threat. Baba Ramdeo
does claim that his 'Ramdeosim' is scientific but
forgets that the basic premise of science is peer
review, facing the questions and a constant
transcendence of inadequacies in our knowledge
system. The faith based enterprise of Ramdeo
is too individualistic, too much dipped in faith
and has too little to offer on rational grounds.
Same is the method of cow medicine, too much
faith, and that too of blind variety, too much
assertion and zero scientific research. One
will like to explore the veterinary sciences to
see if there is something drastically right in
cow's excreta in contrast to the excreta of
bullock or buffalo or a dog for that matter.
Also one does recall the claims of the section
that cow dung has purifying effect. Impurity
brought in by the shudras touching of water
was undone by mixing cow dung with the
water touched by a dalit.

The basic difference between medical
sciences, empiricism, and grandma's
medicine needs to be understood before
state Government investing and promoting
cow excreta, urine, for human consumption
and application. Mercifully one has not
heard so far of such efforts to promote
cow dung. The present effort by the BJP
government is an extension of RSS
combine's cow politics. It is totally
against the understanding of modern
medicinal sciences and also has no
mention in the traditional wisdom gained
over a period of time. In a way it is the
translation of RSS combine's political
understanding in to the arena of
application to human society. In some
Islamic countries, on similar lines, state
sponsored research to undertake the
study on djinns to solve the energy
problem. As per mythology djinns are
supposed to be infinite source of energy
so why bother about oil and electricity
when these blessed beings can solve
our problems for good. Surely these will
also prevent the wars which are taking
place in the globe for controlling the
energy reserves. And not on a very
different track, Christian right is asserting
creation science to oppose the theory
of evolution.

These efforts have no rational and
scientific basis, something which our
constitution ordains us to follow in the
public domain. Social auditing of efforts,
which affect human health are mandatory,
control by bodies sanctioning the drugs
and other medicinal means are an absolute
must for public safety, all the claims of
politics notwithstanding.

As such enough of politics has been woven
around cow. Just a few years ago, one of
the eminent historians of Ancient India,
Prof. D.N. Jha, came out with a book on the
dietary habits in ancient India, which showed
that beef was one of the major items
consumed in Ancient India. The move to
project Cow as holy animal, mother, was a

response to the non violence propounded
by Lord Gautam Buddha. With the rise of
agricultural society the cattle wealth was to
be preserved. As people started embracing
Buddhism, the aggressive reaction of
Brahmanism came up at theological, social
and political level. Cow was projected as the
symbol of rising Brahmanism, as a counter to
the non-violence of Buddha, and has remained
so through centuries. Many a Mughal kings in
deference to these sentiments, to respect the
feeling of the section of society, advised against
cow slaughter. Babar in his will writes to his
son Humayun to avoid the slaughter of cows.

In Hindutva politics also there are many streams.
While Savarkar called cow as a useful animal,
the other sections ignited the emotions against
Muslims around cow. Irrespective of that many
a poor Hindus and Adivasi did consume beef.
Incidentally it is amongst the cheapest source
of protein for the poor. Many a surveys showed
that a vast number of Indian communities
consume beef. RSS combine's propaganda
went on to assert that Muslims are violent and
one of the reasons is that they consume beef.
This is so much against the pyschosoiological
understanding of the human mind and the
violence. While one knows that beef is a staple
diet in major parts of the World, one also
knows and modern psychological theories
demonstrate that violence does not emerge
from diet but from social and political situations.

Beef can surely build muscle power in
conjunction with proper exercises, but
violence is in the mind.Undoubtedly one
should respect those regarding cow as
their mother. RSS combines' many followers
devote their lives organizing fodder and other
supports for Guashalas. Some of them, the
upholders of Cow as mother, non violence,
go to the extent of justifying violence against
dalits on the ground that they were skinning
a dead cow as happened in the killings of
dalits in Gohana. This cow urine in the
pharmacy shops defies all the logic and faith
and is directly a threat to health of people of
the society.(end)

Comment from Mr.Diwakar Shastry,whose
father also learned from my guru if I am not
mistaken and who was a priest:

Dear Mr.balakrishna,

Thanks for hurting the sentiments and
faiths of millions of people like us.

Pls donot send such emails to me , I had
requested earlier also several times.


Answer: Sentiments and faith are useless
without matching to the reality.You expect
knowledgeable people to work for you as
toddies and flatters, that is your problem.Live
in your false pride and hurting others without
quality of heart.In this case my sister met
with a miserable death after suffering two
weeks having to live on her excreta.Neither
the swami who promoted the cow urine therapy
as all cure or Dr.Wormudi, who being a faithful
of the swami supported him or Mr.Nagesh Hegde
of the Prajavani daily, who spread to the readers
the unsubstantiated claim of the efficacy of
urine as all cure therapy can in the first place
give back life to my sister.Nor are they in a
position to undo the suffering she has undergone.
She was not alone to suffer at the hands of those
who promoted blind faiths.They are all hurt.The
hurt for you is just the hurt for your blind faith and
misplaced sentiments.Take it easy and things
in perspective.
Kulamarva Balakrishna