hindu gwads ghettos!
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,Friday, February 8,2008: I have got
this morning a forwarded link to a German
researcher´s (Mr.Payer) work on Hindu
fictions.The forward came from a nephew
now on a short study leave in Atlanta, U.S.,
Srinivasa Bhat. It is regarding a compendium
of Hindu gods made by a German scholar,
Dr.Payer.It is sourced to Somadeva,who
borrowed and edited in Sanskrit the imaginary
stories first written by Gunadhya living in the
Vindhya mountains,close to Dandakaranya of
Ramayana fame, in the folk language of
Pishachis, a people used to eating carcasses
etc indiscriminately. That is because the name
was derived from pishita ashana meaning
eaters of not well preserved,thereby being
garbage hunters for food.It happens even
today behind India´s pride of Taj Mahal Hotel
in Bombay, there is a discarded old public yard
for throwing left over food.Poor beggar tramps
go there hungry but return satisfied.These
are now the successors of =pishitashanas=.
Eric Blair,who became famous as George
Orwell had also begun his creative career
as a voluntary tramp.He was born in India.The
rich tramp literature of a very high quality was
also born in India soon after the advent of
Christ era.It was the time all unexplained
appearances and disappearances were
not examined for verification but accepted
as divine.This approach permeated Hinduism
and Buddhism causing Buddhist split into
Hinayana or Teravada elderly and Mahayana.
This led to an explosion of divine population in
India other than that of heavenly gods described
in the Vedic literature,where gods were
limited to just under 400.They took no birth
and underwent no death.They did not bat an eyelid.
They remained in perpetual youth,enjoyed sex
with designated angels as well as humans.
They travelled in heaven/sky/space as if jet set.
Among them there were more than a dozen
castes including half human and half animal
Sphinx type interested in music and dance.
But all of these divinely caste men and women
were grouped as born of divine wombs= devayonis=!.
Even their cousins the demons/devils had similar
power of moving about in space but they were of
no sophisticated taste in food or sexual contacts.
It is easy to describe them as a class of savage
This Gunadhya´s paishachic fables were said to
be over twelve volumes in total.According to the
legends only one had survived and from that single
volume a Kashmiri Sanskrit Pandit called Somadeva
made a version of Katha sarit sagara that is the
ocean of rivers of stories/fables.Our own life time´s
phantasmo realistic writer Salman Rushdie has
cross bred the stories with the stories of Arabian
nights only in concept calling it Haroun And The
Sea of Stories to present a lake Baikal of stories.
Just as Baikal lake is the orgin of over 300 rivers,
holding about 20 percent of all sweet water in the
world,the Brihatkatha of Gunadhya, the mother of
Katha sarit sagara is perhaps one fifth of
all creative fantasies of man ever lived on this earth.
Every kind of human imagination we can think of
had come to us in South Asia from Siberia behind
the weather birds.These humans known as shamans
survive even today as gypsies or settled fools
untouched by the advance in civilization.
After the discovery and occupation of India, Europeans
including the British,German and Russians began their
investigation to come to the roots of common inheritance
of man.The language,culture influenced by time and space
are being studied by scholars to reconstruct a sociological
history of man.This work is under progress in a systematic
way in all branches of learning at all educational centres
all over the world.At the same time there are evidences
of Indians studying abroad as Udupi´s =Acharya=
studying in Cambridge investigating a theme that
Ramayana´s second queen mother Kaikeyi,the mother of
Bharata, cousin of Rama had a maid servant called
=manthara=, it was she who advised Kaikeyi to insist
sending Sri Rama on Vanavasa.His hypothesis is that
Manthara was a angel/prostitute of Vedic god Indra
and he sent her to earth as an adviser to queen Kaikeyi.
Manthara took to poisoning her mind so Rama could be
sent to the woods/forests.Indra´s interest it was to
destroy Ravana, the Brahmana king of Srilanka,who
became the emperor of the universe with the blessings
of Shiva, even today worshiped as =koraga= forest
dweller!That such insinuations are not research does
not go into the brains of Hindu jet set glob trotting
young shamans!
As for the encyclopedia of Hindu gods, one need not
go to Germany. There close to Bombay and Pune is
Nashik. At this place a marwari business house
well known as Somayyas have established decades
ago a museum of Hindu gods. There is however,
no heavenly nandana vana gardens but there is
garden house displaying replicas of gods of all
kinds inside the house and out in the garden.It is a
tourist place for Hindus who visit the ancient sites
of Dandakaranya.The Somayyas are the same family
of Marvaris, who set up at Ghatkopar, the Hindu
University called Somayya Vidya Vihar,where in the
secondary level schools, there was an illegal practice
of taping girls´ mouth shut by the ugly female principals,
since they believe Hindu girls should be protected
savagely as the Wahabis do of their female children
in sand land Saudi Arabian kingdom of the custodian
of unholy places.(end)
1 comment:
I am the person who forwarded the link to Mr. Kulamarva Balakrishna.
In the intro to the forward I have said :"This is a wonderful compendium of info on Hindu Gods and Goddesses, apparently written by a German. After the first two or three pages of German, it's all in English. Here it's like a virtual tour of Indian temples and full of anecdotes of various Gods, like the 100 names of Shiva, 100 temples list, various forms of Shiva, Ganesha, so on. Some of the fotos seem to be rare ones.
Do see at leisure.
I am a practising Hindu. I sincerely believe that a lot of people write about Hinduism and India without really fully understanding what they are writing about.
What is applicable in Germany is definitely not applicable in India, where the weather, culture, language, the very air are all different.
Yes, agreed, Indians have a lot of things to improve themselves in, so do the rest of the world! Hindus have a lot to learn and unlearn, but so do the rest of the world! If someone is a Hindu, it does not mean that he or she follows all the foolish things done by some Hindus in some corner of India, just as all practising Christians do not follow everything said in the Bible. If one reads the sort of violence and all sorts of denigrations advocated in the Bible against non-believers, one would shudder! Then what about the right of a person to just be, say he does not believe in God?
If everyone eats a McDonald's burger or X brand as it seems to be a very sophisticated thing to do because of the beautiful advertisements and the way it is packaged, what will happen to the freshly fried vadas? (It's a different matter that both may not be good for you!)
Diversity in cultures, approach, religion, life itself, is what keeps the world running.
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