where was election commission
when this worthy accepted
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,Thursday, February 14,2008: I am surprised at
the split personality of Indian Election Commission. Some
obscure legal man P.Rajan of Kochi, from homogawd
Ayappan´s Kerala has doubted Sonia Gandhi´s loyalty
to India, just because she got a foreign honour for her
services to India. If she were not the uniting factor
of India, Belgium King would not have noticed the
poor Widow Sonia.But was this legal boy P.Rajan
in his mothers womb in 1990 when Morarji Desai,
the =total revolutionary= with =sarvodaya monkey=
Jayprakash Narain, who set India back into the dark
days to help ISI, was crowned Nishan-e-Pakistan,
the highest civilian order that neighbouring =enemy=
country bestowed on an Indian Prime Minister?
Where was this Kerala legal luminary when Pakistan
unleashed four destructive wars on India and continues
to wage a low intensity terrorist war on the country?
Author Seymour Hersh alleged and got away with it
that Morarji Desai worked for CIA for 20,000 dollars
a year! Where was this third world third class lawyer
then? And what was Gopalaswami then? Navin Chawla
and Quiraishi? Tomorrow I am sure, when Pakistan
awards the same prestigious Pakistan Ratna,i.e.
Nichan- e- Pakistan on L.K.Advani or Atal Behari
Bajpayee for enabling them to attack Red Fort and
the Indian Parliament what would be the position of
the legal patriots?
What is the precedent?
Chief Election Commisioner
Namadhari Gopalaswami
Apart from Morarji Desai the other foreign award winners
of Nishan -e-Pakistan included that disgraced White House
President Richard Nixon and watch listed former U.N.
Secretary General Kurt Waldheim.Have a perspective.
All the awards inclusive of Nobel Prizes unrelated to
scientific achievements are on consideration of convenience
or what you call in India =match fixing= pure and
simple.Would the Election Commission of India like to
degrade itself =match fixing= level by citing Sonia just
because she married an Indian.Indian majority trusted
her and loved her golden children Rahul and Priyanka
is that not a clear case of petty jealousy?
Is the legal boy from Namboodari Kerala is hunting
publicity?What is the motive behind? We had accepted
Annie Besant,a woman judged by the British judiciary
as unworthy of guardianship of her own daughter.
We have accepted scientist J.B.S.Haldane, Mother
Theresa, anthropologist Verier Alwyn, journalist Dominique
Lappierre, to cite only a few.There is a limit to sheer
witch hunting.Many an honours are bestowed on Indians
by foreign bodies. For example Kiran Bedi, dozens of
others.None of their patriotisms are in question why then
Sonia Gandhi is being singled out? Is it because she
holds country together as a cementing factor of
unity?That too at a time every today criminals with a
label of a politician goes about preaching hatred against
other Indians as now being witnessed in Maha(neech)
rashtra!Does the Election Commission feel concerned
when citizenship rights are trampled under foot by
Raj Thackeray? Election Commission needs a petition
to perform its mandated assignment? (end)
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