yesterday P0keray above
why do you shun
all india respect?
Bal Thackeray today
By Kulamarva Balakrishsna
Vienna,Wednesday,February 6: Gopalalkrishna
Gokhale,Lokamarna Balagangadhara Tilak,the
two great Maharashtrians of all times, Dadabhai
Naoroji,Pherozshah Mehta, the two great Bombnay
polititians of outreaching capabilities, and the great
builder of Modern India Jamshydji Tata all
belonged to Maharashtra who were great Indians
of modern times,loved and revered by Indians
everywhere.Any one of them and every one of
them could have won India´s heart massively to
lead the country in their times.But in today´s
Maharashtra,leaders of politics of mafia mobs
led by my friend,Bal (Musalmani=saheb=) Thackeray
the frog, Salman Rusdhie´s =Meinduck= and
his fighting kids empty brain mates have killed
the chances many generations of Maharshtrians
to lead India.Sharad Pawar was sidelined
because of these fools. Maharashtra does
not deserve unruly mobs, despite their show
of hollow unity among themselves.
What a pity. Pune was considered once
India´s capital of intelligent people.Ranade,
Paranjape, Bhandarkar,Karve,Jyotiba Phule
and Babasaheb Ambedkar do they deserve
these successors of today? When Bombay
was still a fledgling port town, It was Jamshydji
Tata who built it up.He could get no Marathi
labourers for his industrial units or reclamation
work then.He went deep north into Madhya
Pradesh and U.P. that was known as United
Provinces to get people from the interior
to work in Bombay.He made for them special
apartments to live.Offered good wages.
That is how Bombay became Urbus Prima
Indis. Gujarati,Sindi and Marwari traders,
even Muslim Persians made Bombay home
and helped its growth.There were no =Hindu
hridayasamtrats= (emperor of hindu hearts)
then. Bal Thackeray´s father was an anti-brahmin
demogogue,no more.For that he was called
Besides,Bombay became Bombay because
of the Prarthana Samaj, the reformist movement
of brahminism.It became the center of woman´s
liberation as a Maharashtra origin Mangalorean
girl, Pandita Ramabai Saraswati to chose the
city to establish her Seva Sadan (home of service)
in addition to joining hands to strengthen
Prarthana Samaj.In such a city now rats rule.There
are now no proper sewage discharge facilities.
Rural Konkanis and Chandraseniya Khatriya
Pathare Prabhus, popularly known as CKPs
led by Bal Thackeray clan have drowned
=mumbadevi= temple in human discharge
excreta making it a pinjarpole.There is no provision
for the citizen for the supply of adequate pure
drinking tap water.Even fresh air from the sea is
polluted by industrial wastes of different origins.
Bombay has become not a place worthy of
human habitation overtaking Louis Malle´s
Calcutta. This subhuman substandard city is
only patronized by job seeker bachelors.
Because of that it has also become a heaven
for slave traders organized crime syndicates
and underworld dons.A shame.
One man, I should not neglect to mention,that
Dadasaheb Phalke, the pioneer of motion picture
industry attracted creative people from all corners
of the country to make the city Indian Hollywood.
It was Prithviraj Kapur,and his clan, similarly
a great many number of Muslim men and women
made Bombay the center of entertainment
industry.Sane Marathis would have used the
advantage to lead India politically. Instead
drinking Goregaon based buffalo milk,
(buffalo milk is said to make drinker worse half
wits than the thick skinned animals themselves!)
have the marathis gone idiot nuts? Why do they
shun all India respect and credibility? Can any
mumbaikar answer me please? (end)
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