disciplined volunteers
Dr.Narayan Subbarav Hardikar (1889
May 7,-1975 August 26)
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,Wednesday, February 6,2008:Harnessing
human resources of India for country´s freedom
and development was the goal of many a constructive
politicians of the past.Dr.N.S.Hardikar was one such
model Indian. He had no interest in self promotion.
He gave up higher studies in the United States to
join the national freedom movement with Lala Lajpat
Rai and follow Mahatma Gandhi.In America he worked
for the Indian cause and on return he set up Rashtriya
Seval Dal, a deovted band of disciplined workers.DrHardikar
lived till his death on August 26,1975 model citizen.He had
established a health care centre at Ghataprabha,
There was a separate Congress Seva Dal, a volunteer
force, evolved to popularize the ideals of congress that
is promotion of hand spun textiles,known as khadi
and village industries besides mobilizing public opinion
for Indian independence.
I am sure just having taken the responsibility of re-
invigorating the Indian National Congress, as its
General Secretary,Rahul Gandhi will pay attention
in attracting the young in this man power development
area to wean away young people from going on streets
sloganeering and stone throwing.That is what is needed
not dividing the country but uniting so that every
Indian can have food,home and feel proud of his country.
We do not need mob rule.That is not democracy.
Democracy involves both participation and sharing.
A sense of belongingness to a nation,India being part
of the human community all over the world,irrespective
of sex,race,colopur or religion.All belong together
enjoying equal rights and responsibilities.In =sanatana
dharma= unknown to langoti monkeys =ma kaschid
dukhkham apnuyat= (let no one suffer unhapiness)
remained India´s classic slogan.
I want to know, which of these =falthu= leaders
of India have dedicated themselves to the common
good.I see hope in Manmohan Singh and the maligned
foreign born mother of our two golden Indian children.
Sonia Gandhi,when she fell in love with Rajiv Gandhi
did not think of a political career.It was thrust on
her as was the power fell on her husband Rajiv
Gandhi,the eldest son of the =new soul of India= as
described by poetess Sarojini Naidu,when she got
the news that Jawahar Lal Nehru had become
a father!
I remember Vijaya Lakhshmi Pandit when she was
the Governor of Maharashtra, telling me her
disappointment about general rut of politicians
of the day.She was not a socialist like her brother.
But she was good in her judgement of men around
the corridors of power.She loved her brother and
the country. But the current monkey mobs menace
is the limit.The time has come to save the country
from langoti monkeys.(end)
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