By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,Tuesday, February 12,2008:Sudheendra
Kulkarni´s excuse in is an
attempt at unpardonable fifty fifty. For one thing
politics and violence should be kept separate.
Breaching the public peace is a serious crime.
Politics is about managing public interests.
If Bombay now has about two crores of Indians
including some illegals, they should be provided
by politics by making the infrastructure not by
breaking the bones or organized mass murders.
If Sudheendra Kulkarni is educated enough he
should stop playing the double game.If Raj
Thackeray is a politician, who indulged in the
past making Mumbai chaotic as he served
himself by all means, he needs to be disciplined.
Just like Puratchi Talvai or Mayavati, Raj he is
accountable to his wealth.The influx of people to
Mumbai/Bombay was generated by the Late
founder of the Tatas, Jamshydji Tata. During the
last 60 years India has grown from 33 crores
into 120 crores.Slow rural growth has led to rapid
urban growth.In much more rapid rate has grown
irresponsible criminal politics.Abandon that
path of Ghasitaram Kotwal politics of lawless
public or private behaviour.
Mithi river encroachment was the result of closing
its entry into the sea without diversionary route.
In other words ineffective urban planning and
negligence of public utilities like drinking water
and sewage discharge.Mumbai has no plans to
meet man made emergencies or natural catastrophes.
Those who ruled that city during the past 60
years have proved themselves to be incompetent,
B.G.Kher downwards,Raj Thackerays underlings
included.Then why Sudheendra Kulkarni does
not see this? It is a pity almost 75 to 85 percent
of Mumbai politics have been street violence in
any and every found excuse.There is no excuse
for breaching the public peace.Period.If organized
parties indulged in this kind of politics of violence
the Election Commission should step in to de-
recognize them. New parties should be acknowledged
only on provisional basis under certain criteria.
One sided destructive mob management should
be banned. Illegal voters should be weeded out.
Those making noise about social kissing may
do something about natural pissing and shitting
everywhere, which is the rule in Mumbai now.
Amend it.Attend the ugliness where it is.That
is the lesson for Raj Thackeray and Bal (asaheb
half Muslim by choice full arbitrary by design)
meinduck Thackeray and other rats of Mumbai/
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