arun gandhi in front of grand father´s photo
heavens, no segregation
apartheid not even jewish!
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,Thursday, February 28,2008: I know Arun Gandhi
was in Bombay yesterday and was briefly arrested as he
approached his grand fahter´s statue with a group of
people, =to touch his opa´s feet=! There it is a statue
in the public in front of the legislature.That is a guarded
place covered by the dirty blood soiled uniforms.What else
do you expect Arun? If the statue of apostle of peace
and non violence is imprisoned at home you should not
take bad after you handed over M.K.Gandhi Institute
for Non-Violence to the semitic Jewish Kosher savages.
You should not complain, on the contrary be happy you
have grand father´s blood alive in you.You are not young
any more.No one remains young excepting the jihadists,
Hindu,Muslim,Jew and all other kinds, who gate crash
heavens where beautiful girls are awaiting them like in
Alexander Kuprin´s Yama, the Pit.There is no old age,
death or suffering.Char Minar smoking pantie less girls
make you feel you are the Lord Shiva as they play Parvathi
on your lap! Where there is a huge garden surrounding
the =golpitha=.Where they indulge in mass love making.
Even sons are welcome to make love to their mothers there.
So it is written in scriptures, I mean Q´uran, Puranas,
vertical gossip and what is that Torabora or some such
thing.Where all funny dirty things are considered not
obscene, blasphemous, hurting the faiths and sentiments
of mere mortals.If you are virtuous you are welcome there.
If you infringe Jewish Trade Mark of Hitler there no one
will bother you. If you are a Satan of course they reserve
you the best place.The heavens are but the unknown,
known only in dreams.Ideals.Are not for this world.Take
a promissory note or Nishan e Pakistan doubled up Bharata
Ratna Morarji Desai´s gold bond or make a saving chit
funds offered by all crooks. In heavens they do not
discriminate between caste,sex, religion, race etc.It is on
earth even modern garbage dumps practice segregation,
apartheid.Your host there is none other than true guest
lover Pasthu speaking Khan from the tribal areas,
who has special rights monopoly to charge interests,
keep girls in heavens, offer you a chandu pipe etc
without violating =sharia laws!=(end)
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