maharishi mahesh yogi
was one gawd man who proved
empty talks do not sell
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
2006 file photo
Vienna,Thursday,February 7,2008:Typical
of India creating a false certificate to go
cheating.That is what The Times of India
has done by posting part of my tributes to
Mararishi Mahesh Yogi,who died yesterday
in the Netherlands at the age of 91,after
proving empty talks do not sell.I had avoided
paying a tribute to the =guru= who claimed
powers to fly on air like birds, but did not
because of silly excuses in the seventies,
to take refuge in trade mark =maharishi
ayurveda= TM is trade mark not for Transcendental
Meditation for selling.I am aware of this
never angry man organizing the =cult of
creative intelligence=.I know some thing about
true yoga I am engaged in writing a contemporary
commentary on sage Patanjali´s yoga sutras,
to trust walking on water or flying in the air
I had written about this unsuccessful yogi but
successful propagandist for sanatana Hinduism,
whatever nonsense it may mean,on the occasion
of announcement that seclusive man indeed
had taken seclusion since January 8 this year.
True yogis remain secluded.It is natural.But
going about jet set beating humbug drums
do not make any one a yogi.Maharishi Mahesh
Yogi was nothing but an individual identity
of a clever man claiming to possess extra-ordinary
powers of yoga achievements.
My only unflattering tribute to Mahesh Yogi,
which was published by The Times of India
was that =this one godman had not become a
law and order problem in India=.The rest have
since the death of our great Home Minister Gulzari
Lal Nanda especially.He had taken sadhus or
godmen off the roads by organizing =Bharat
Sadhu Samaj=.Even then because of the first
President of India, Babu Rajendra Prasad´s
superstitious belief bathing in holy sangam that
is the thigh joint of Ganga and Yamuna rivers,
as described by classic sanatana pandits,
=ganga yamunayor madhye ye vasanti=
(meaning one thigh is ganga another is yamuna,
the pandits explain for the reason of living there)
at Kumbha Mela to ensure a reserved room in
heavenly abode of gods after death,naked sadhus
rushed at the two rivers langotiless langoti joint
known as triveni sangam near Alahabad causing
over a hundred deaths by stampede.
In today´s context, I do not know him, I would not
include him, Swami Agnivesh among the unruly
=langoti monkeys=, that is man monkeys wearing
wrestlers tied slips causing stampede deaths
in places of pilgrimages! (end)
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