By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,Wednesday,February 27,2008:Yesterday
I have said that belief with a basis,Shraddha
protects and motivates some one who seeks
to achieve the yogic goal of the most valuable
abstract =samadhi= in unawareness.The belief
is compared to mother.The mother baby
relation is clear mutual trust,which is the basis
of the sound health of both.This belief then
leads the student of yoga with energy,memory,
samadhi and knowledge to obtain =asamprajnata=
samadhi of abstraction.Like remote sensing
covers a wide area as territory, samadhi of
unawares also has a much wider range to grasp
and file in abstract form.The student of yoga
using this method covers the whole universal
nature to save in his computerized consciousness.
It should be noted memory and knowledge
both are part of the tainted and untainted
quintets of mental activities meant to be
=suppressed= as generally misinterpreted by
trade mark yoga gurus.There is therefore no
suppression of mental activities involved in yoga
but a training of harnessing the mind unobtrusively.
It is then can be compared to mind irrigation,
for gardening and energy generation.
The mind gives away nothing but absorbs
everything for use all the time.At the same time
the consciousness remains the boss.As we go on
we would see the student would be asked to
define fresh territories for gain for particular
results.The third and fourth chapters of the
yoga sutras spell them out.The student goes
on practicing =samprajnata=,close up and
=asamprajnata= remote sensing samadhis
alternatively to make the technique a
spontaneous nature of the mind,without disturbing
the five fold duel mental activities, namely
knowledge,false knowledge,imagination,sleep
and memories unhindered.This allows the
mind sharpen focus where needed for blow ups.
The next sutra, the twenty first of the first
chapter emphasizes the importance of mental
density,guiding into nine pauses as the student
climbs the mind science up.The sutra reads:
=teevra samveganamasannah=.We look at
the detail at our next view. (end)
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