Rahul Gandhi
protect future
By Kulamarva Balakrishna
Vienna,Monday, February 18,2008:Yesterday I read
in The Tlegraph daily of Calcutta, a sibling of Aveek
Sarkar´s Bengali Anand Bazar Patrika, that a member
of parliament under investigation for human trafficking
came with a group of followers and successfully disrupted
a constructive political meeting.Sad if it is true.It is up to
the Election Commission of India not let the human
smuggler suspect to participate in politics until his name
is cleared. But who cares? Raj Thackeray, a man promotes
street violence,which is crime has been let to run a political
I wonder what
IAS man of Gujarat cadre, with a red vertical expressway
painted on his face above nose as if for Vaikutha of
Supreme Vaishnava godhead is busy with.It is up to him
and his two colleagues Navin Chawla and Dr.Quraishi to see
that their =new initiative of checking criminalization of politics=
takes off.
I am aware, it is a fashion in India today to throw stones
on the graves of Mahatma Gandhi down wards and on
Nehru among middle and half educated caste classes as
if they are in Makka throwing stones on Satan.Sad indeed.
I have read BJP´s Prime Ministerial Candidate L.K.Advani
pleaded for Bharata Ratna award for Atal Behari Bajpayee.
As for the award itself, I read in public domain that Morarji
Desai, a known own urine drinker, former Prime Minister
of India, Bharata Ratna =awardee= allegedly got 20,000
dollars a month from the CIA.He tipped off personally by
a telephone call to usurper President General Zia ul Haq
like George Fernandes girl friend Mrinal Gore calling
police during the emergency times of the seventies
=here I am hiding catch me= in kinder garten play istyle,
about India´s knowledge of Pakistan´s nuclear weapons
activities at Khan Laboratories in Kahuta,thus causing
the death of informant but earning for himself the
Nishan-e-Pakistan award!The highest civilian award of
that country.Morarji,born on February 29, had only a birth
day once in four years.He had a girlfriend who was, his junior
colleague´s wife,who left finally for Pakistan,creating an
impression that he got the highest civilian award from
that because of that gain under Raju Bharatan logic of
presenting Lata Mangeshkar to future Prime Minister
Zulfiqr Ali Bhutto to get Kashmir problem solved!
The once former Finance Minister of India,had also played
Shiva´s role in Hollywood by taking the Hungarian origin
actress Zsa Zsa Gabor as if she is his Parvathi on the lap!
Perhaps this should have got him his Oscar Award!Sad
he did not get it.
In western India now, the Rajput caste is up in arms
with against a historical but creative film involving a Rajput
girl and a Mughal prince. This assault on cinemas is worse
than that decades ago Kartar Singh Thatte launched on play
wright journalist friend Vijay Tendulkar on his Lok Satta
editorial office for writing the play Ghasitaram Kotwal! His
grudge was Vijay =defamed= his Peshva rulers! Vijay
Tendulkar was hit on the head with a cane charge.Thereby
Kartar Singh Thatte intruded Vijay Tendulkar´s office, then
assualted him,two criminal acts at one go.But that
was a single man crime initiative.Today such crimes are
being organized against creative film makers as political
initiatives!Where are we heading? Rajputs themselves
are historically said to be immigrants to India from already
Islamic Persia! With Persian blood.There are allegations
former dismissed Minister of External Affairs Rajput
Jat leader Natwar Singh financed last year January 19
funeral celebrations of hanged Saddam Hussain in Bangalore
causing death and destruction in that city.There are no
indications of any investigations on this man´s patriotic
activities.Should we not clean for once the uniforms of
our services, administrative,police,etc soiled so badly by
playing in mud sumf of corruption?
An anti Maoist operation is continuing in Orissa as I write
these lines. If reports are to be believed more than 500
so called =Mao= guerillas are involved. There are no
reports of Mao guerilla activities in China! Strange!
How did the Friday´s Mao attack take place in the
first place? What was the police force of Orissa doing?
Singing Bhajan of Puri Jagannath and dancing wearing
saris and bangles? Who should explain?
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