Monday 31 December 2007

hopelessness elaborated

can pakistan be rescued?

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Chheminitz,Germany,Monday,December 31:Reports
coming from Pakistan and its zam zam oasis of inspiration
in Saudi Arabia does not give any confidence to outsiders
about its future stability.Only a few days ago some interested
analysts were quoted by Agence France Presse news agency
as assuring the country remained hale and hearty its stability
was not in danger.I disagree.Developments of election
for the leadership of Pakistan Peaple´s Party remind me of
Adolf Hitler,who nominated his successor before
committing suicide in a Berlin Bunker.It was that Hitler´s
nominee who surrendered to the Allies after defeat in the
war.I do not impute Benazir committed =harakiri= but her
will and testament is so close to her return to Pakistan
is suspect.What kind of a democracy is meant by some
one who nominates his/her political heir?Karan Thapar
is biased in favour of her late friend.Benazir´s family
is in no way comparable to Nehru family although it has
become a popular fashion in the media world.Here
a comparison by contrast is valid for example,Bhutto
got Pakistan cut to suit his size for being worshiped,
by so called Left Pakistanis and hated by the military,
who hanged him without considering world wide
mercy appeals.Indira Gandhi strengthened India,her
national emergency saved India.When she realized,
it was misused by her son´s cronies, she withdrew
the measure to be booted out of power by popular vote.
Then she was =witch hunted= by =total revolutionaries=.
Indira Gandhi bounced back to be silenced by centrifugal

Her father and grand father were leading lights of the
freedom movement.They donated even their residences
to the country.They did not name political successors.Jawahar
Lal Nehru whenever he was asked the question =after nehru
who= would answer =it was for the people of India to decide=.
His last public rally in Bombay´s Chowpatty sands, he
said this and elaborated in a democratic society there was
a political process.I had the privilege of recording these
events of history.

But the modern media is led by the West which created
Pakistan dividing a single people on purpose.But South
Asian Media followed them blindly,without realizing where
they were heading.I can but cite one example.As the
=obscenity= initiated by the U.S,got a sibling =obscenity=
known as International Atomic Energy Agency, to prevent
the military exploitation of nuclear technology,the .S. and
U.K.were secretly promoting Pakistan´s =strategic assets=
development policy.Britain helped in promoting financial
mobilization through the fraud bank Bank for Credit and
Commerce International (BCCI) based in Luxembourg,
the privileged EURATOM members of the =obscenity2=
were helping with know how and spares, the Uncle Sam
sat silent as the =obscenity2= safe guard inspectors
whispered that in the land of pure safe guarded civilian
reactors watched by cameras supplied blue film reels
from the sites,implying that between the cameras and
the reactor and under watch were Islamic purdah/curtains
were set up to show blue films!Now the same global
leaders are confronted by purdah/curtain terrorism of
Islam!Chup/Silence/please do not rub in so hard on
the intelligence of the bullies!

As for Nawaz Sherrif is no choice and he has no options.
It is his chance to regain respectability as against the
brave general, who showed him his place.Thus the
military got the cards.Among the civilians,whoever shows
ability to get the good majority of citizens to get calm and
disciplined will make the country safe and secure.Even
the uniformed army has so far proved its inability to
stabilize the situation during the last six years.Extremist
explosives and guns are still matching with army´s
power giving the appearance the army is fighting on
two fronts.Unarmed stone throwing civilians and
armed mullah mobs.The armed mullah mobs appear
to enjoy approval from Saudi Custodian of =only two
holy places= on this earth.No one cares to call there
actually is a =genocide= in Pakistan, the land of pure.

Even in the sand land, the indications are that the mullah
mobs are defiant of the one vote gawd King and Custodian
and his suspect judicial council which permits punishing
girls gang raped.I read reports one Mullah (deliberately
left unidentified) just defied even the established Sharia
court asserting his right to preach Islam meaning hatred
including Jihad against the non Muslim rest of the world.
He is on appeal against 150 whiplashes and three year
prison term.It looks an eruption is not far away.It is in this
context,I say that the whole responsibility of world peace
rests with the mother Queen U.K. and her great boasting
democrat son,the United States of America, who has
reduced his own creation, The United Nations into an
expensive,what in his own raw language is being described
as =obscenity= original! He is averse to reform it since he
needs the blue film for his own taste as entertainment.
I do not rule out a change with the change of The White
House occupant.It will take place despite Israeli lobby
opposition.The question however,remains can the
world afford to wait that long, a span of one year? (end)

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