Thursday 27 December 2007

what cruel gawd?

virtue king goes calling

Pope Benedict XVI and King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia at the Vatican.

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Chemnitz,Germany,Thursday,December 27,2007:As we discuss and debate on the
desirability of subsidizing Haj/pilgrimage,which had become a tradition in India, what
is known in Hindustani =mamul= with implications of rights for usage,we have to take a
few things into consideration.First the reality of our world centred around artificially
on Makka.Whether we are believing Muslims or non believing Qafr we had been
giving due or undue respect for the faiths of fellow citizens.This has been especially
taken as a matter of right by practising Muslims led by all sects of mullah mobs without
showing any signs of reciprocity.Because of this Makka has become the centre in
our lives.As for persons who care for humaneness more than the religion centring
a dissected gawd, it is a matter of liberal understanding.For believers,it is a matter of
showing a sense of spiritual plurality of agreeing to disagree.As mullahs remain
inflexible causing others to resent, India wide a new situation has arisen. It is
growing fast,although held back a bit during the past few years.The events of 09/11
has changed the scene all together creating new awareness that world wide
appeasement do not help.Instead fascism thrives on it.Thus making the common
man clear that he has been pushed to the wall.

He is led to a fresh evaluation of the situation,rather reluctantly.As was the case
in the Second World War the decision to fight was taken reluctantly. But once it
was taken, the war was fought resolutely.Between Islamist mob and the rest of the
world we have reached such a situation,with the promoters of Islamist separatism
themselves having felt being cornered by their prop ups.Thus the British and U.S .
partnership is convinced it needs to put Islam finally where it belongs. But the anti
authoritarianists had been finding =democracy in want= only in convenient places.
Even today, public opinion organs of the West place Saudi Arabia the fifth worst
authoritarian dictatorship,although in real terms it holds the first position even before
Sudan.That may be a concession the media makes to its leadership who still proclaim
Saudi Arabia´s King Abdullah is a friend and partner as President George Bush
unashamedly acknowledges.How long will he do it?

Monitoring the media,opinion makers world wide,I get the impression that the media
works with kid gloves and the opinion makers far spread out to be effective.I notice
a sense of frustration to accept reality as inevitable among the public.A defeatism.
A sense of guilt for being as a Saudi girl writes in the open =the Saudi woman is guilty=.
For the king and his 5,000 odd princes and their tens of thousands of hangers on
=the land of holy places= is a holy cow yielding milk and honey.They are the bosses
of the Virtue Commission.If the king is the virtual living gawd, his underlings play the
roles of gawd´s page boys.

No girl in Saudi Arabia marries out of her choice.Even after marriage,girls are forced
to divorce the husband against their will to land in prison with their innocent children!
Rape victims are punished cruelly not the rapists.Sex slaves,drug dealing, arms
smuggling promoting social unrest beyond the sovereign territories are taken for
granted.Labour and services are not compensated even by bare minimum standards.
President Bush´s own State Department puts the land of holy places anything but
holy from any standard.

During the festival days when over three million pilgrims gather including about a half
from inland with all the publicities given to the grand arrangements made for fairness
deal for foreign pilgrims and orderliness criminality and corruption for opportunities
for the survival of pilgrims as well as their holy rituals like shaving off heads are real.
The question comes who are the beneficiaries of this state of affairs?Not the alleged
invisible All Mighty but the visible gawdly king and his male underlings.Why should
then foreign governments subsidize the king,unmentioned as living god like Dalai Lama,
who remains after all a noble human personality.

This king,the living gawd had over 30 wives in a short time of 84 years of life, may
be he get the idea of the worth of his Israeli specialist serviced testicles around
when he became ten years old.That means in lss than 75 years, he fathered more
than 15 princes and 20 female door mats as countable children!The number of
harem inmates gathered from near and far is another story.King Abdullah himself
is the son of the founder of the Kingdom´s is the son of eighth wife of the sixteen
Ibn Saud cared to call his wives! To keep the tradition uninterrupted,during the
post cold war era, the over 5,000 acknowledged princes getting monthly pocket
money of above 1.5 million dollars, are abducting and smuggling world wide male
and female children for gratifying their own virtues of culture.They have built a
global mafia business running into several hundred billions.Do we need to finance
this, as a developing country? Haj subsidies mean just that.Even from that cash the
monthly salaries of less than 250 dollars to chamber maids serving daily beyond
fourteen hours remain unpaid.How the maids can complain when daughters of the
house themselves are at the mercy of hired virtuous door keepers. Exiled former
Oil Minister Sheikh Yamani´s daughter,who also lives under exile in London
and writes books to point out the exhibitionism of cruel hearts of the =Royalty=
of the Holy Places. As for India of today, we are still bleeding by low intensity war
unleashed on us by the gawd´s agents internally.Just across our borders,our own
kin who chose for a separate =the land of the pure= home land,are victims of a mindless
genocide of a scale unknown in history,to be attributed all to an insane gawd.

We can not hope to survive with a sinking Pakistan or Bangla Desh.But we are told
from abroad officially and by the media we are ill advised to deal with a democratically
elected religious state Iran.There is however, no objection but approval of our
financing the worst the land of the devil the =kingdom of Saudi Arabia=.
Unbelievable double standard.Why this? I think Saudi King Abdullah is a
reincarnation of the old Shankara Namboodaripad, who treated his own
sisters as worse than vegetables so he went go courting ceremoniously with
oil lamp in hand other people´s wives! Indeed we should insist sending a
Jyoti Basu led Communist Party of Marxist delegation to holy Haj to Makka for
their ill treatment of a human, for a moment forget she is a medical doctor
of highest integrity and a poetess and an author,Taslima Nasrin.(end)

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