Saturday 15 December 2007

in search of

indian host family

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,Saturday,December 15,2007:I am indebted to Prof.
Sree Sreenivasan of Sotuh Asian Journalists Association,
Columbia University,for passing on information that BBC is in
search of Indian families with teeners to host a British
teenager for a documentary series. The host candidates
are welcome to contact BBC direct.Details are below.

In Prof.Sreenivasan´s own words:This came into SAJA this
morning. Please pass onto any family in India that meets the
criteria who might be interested in participating (they are also
looking for journalists/fixers who might be able to help).
Anyone who writes should mention that they heard about
this through SAJA (South Asian Journalists Association,
Columbia University).

Cheers, Sree Sreenivasan for SAJA


The BBC are casting for a major new documentary
series about families around the world. We are looking
for Indian families who would be willing to accept
a British teenager into their home for two weeks.The
teenagers will want to immerse themselves in Indian
life and see what life is like growing up in India. The
family must uphold traditional values, (like the typical
Hindutva,Muslim fatwa,OBC,Dalit Mahajan,faking gawds,
etc denomination immaterial) speak English and have
at least one teenager in the hosting family.Filming will
take place around April 2008.

And Journalists

We are awaiting interested families in taking part to
contact us and we would like any journalists who
think they can help us to get in touch as well.

Applicants can send their details, including full
location information,family details, etc, to:


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