Thursday 27 December 2007

some like it hot

power without perception

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Chemnitz,Germany,Thursday, December 27-12-2007:Flies into lamp
fire.That is not strange.But humans with their endowed intelligence,
why should they kill themselves indiscriminately and continuously?
Unbelievable.In just 60 years of independence South Asians are
racing to prove themselves they are unfit for self rule.I would not
venture to say India is an exception.Since,there are no indication
from among the candidates for power of the awareness without
the rule of law, that is a dependable system no power can be
harnessed.Electricity involves,generation, transmission and
application.It is the same with power of the ruler.Force or vote
catching are only the beginning.The second point is safe
transmission.The third is a standard for applications.

In Pakistan some have the know how to get power.They are
unable to transmit the power and apply it profitably.Nepal,
Sri Lanka,Myanmar and finally all have unsafe transmission
lines and worst know how of harnessing power profitably.
Power hungry all are.No one can help the society, which can
not still the hunger without the application of power.

It requires not emotional commotion but cool head.Ability to
understand reality and communicate with fellow humans.The
blind baggage of superstitions do not help.Explosives or stone
throwing help no one. Induced madness does not make fools
intelligent. If today Pakistan suffers, by following that route
India is not going to gain.If what is happening in Orissa is
an indication,India is imitating Pakistan.

An opinion piece in Hindustan Times, not long ago said, it
was Benazir Bhutto´s chance.I was right to disagree.I said the
business of governing was a joint venture.Absolute and stable
power does not exist.It is by nature volatile must be handled
carefully.Zulfiqr Ali Bhutto did not see it that way.He plunged
himself with Pakistan into deeper and deeper whirls. More
flood stronger and vicious whirls. No escape from them.
Martyrdoms are no solutions.

Keep watching,the kingdom of holy sands and its one single
vote democracy´s living gawd king Abdullah is going to face
surprise sand storms approaching fast.A disabled Pakistan
is no help.Nor his friendships or clients can remain permanent.
It is all darkness even at noon for the blind.Power without
perception can not help.I do not think it is time to pay homage
to Benazir Bhutto.(end)

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