Tuesday 25 December 2007

unknown outside the u.s

curb the =princely= Criminals

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Chhemnitz,Germany,Tuesday,December 25,2007:I had a good look of
over 40 news letters some eight printed and the rest put only on website by
Americnans against the seduction of Washington.The newsletter owned
by the Americans is =sauduction@saudction.com= co-chaired edited
by Mr.Herb Mallard, a National Press Club Member, P.O.Box 3762,
Arlington,Va 22203, USA is devoted to protect American children both
male and female from being abducted and sumggled into Saudi Arabia´s
for over 5000 male princes as sex slaves.A total of one hundred thousand
involved. The reportage cover news report quotations from the American
and British media,specialized books on the subject,U.S.Department of
State reports, leaks and silence,feed backs from affected families,connected
links in about a dozen Arab capitals,South Africa,and even Jewish/Israeli
sources,claiming their specialists helping out the =Saudi Royals= on
financing, investments,money laundering and drug crimes on side,and
providing medical expertize on keeping the royals from the King Custodian
downwards´ genital health including testicles.

The amazing collection of information is illustrated by comic strips,
colour photos of alleged victims and some of the princesses said to be
enjoying the U.S.pleasure points like Southern California joints.The
newsletter claims to maintain contacts with some Saudi princesses,
via London,a poor quality photo here is sourced to a princess who
allegedly sent it to the news =sauduction@sauduction.com= from London.
Just as the newsletter quotes from the media,it also claims some media
take information from its site without identifying it as source.

Aapart from the sex slave angel,the news letter also indentifies an American
Mafia don a certain Lansky whose unnamed second in command is
described as son in law of the Saudi King,probably having married
Fahd´s daughter with his his and associates´ disposition a rayal special jet
for transport, running a drug trade to route billions investments world wide.
TheLand of the Pure sponsored Bank of Credit and Commerce International
functionaries also figure in the narrations.There is a hint some of the Saudi
maladies are related to a rivalry between the Royal face of power in the
sand land and the Wahabi-Sheikh-Mullah power base of the Royals. It is
as if the devil/Satan hiself acts as the flag bearer of Islam.That may explain
also partially,why in that country where the rampant lawlessness,beggary,
corruption and cruelest of criminalities prevail to this day.

Looking from any angle this ineed the American ruling class´s proportionately
grander aquisition that Shah in Shah of Iran ever was.As per the newsletter,
the U.S.immigration authorities as well as =VISA EXPRESS=,after all not that
strict as they were in the case of India´s Defence Minister Gerorge Fernandes.
The newsletter proclaims it is not an agency of any government.According to
it Washington is available for sale for the right price.It estimates about 40%
of the oil takings are used by the Saudis for this purpose.It is as if an item that
should be clubbed under =belive it or not= headline, even then, mind bogling.
It is claimed the parents of the children shown in the photo below believe their
dear ones were kidnapped from schools and playgrounds.


Quotes from the newsletter:



It seems that Saud family members gravitate towards the free loving lifestyle of Southern California more than any other area of the US. Hypocritically, this is the opposite of what they subject those Arabs under their control within the Middle East. We do not want to detract from Princess Michel’s desire to enjoy a US college education in her chosen anything-goes Los Angeles area. She special orders clothes while the Princes special order US children, all to be brought back to Saudi Arabia. She has been given US freedoms which are being denied the US child sex slaves confined to the palaces of Saudi Arabia. These US children are incapable of receiving their inalienable rights as US citizens. Their parents have been shunned and demeaned by the Saud family Washington retainers. Again, one has to be amazed at the power Bandar (Saudi Ambassador) has accrued through his Washington retainers.When will the US establishment media ever
be allowed to air these matters?

Dear Sauduction.com ( a princess writes):
Royal wives, American palace child sex slaves and me are telling you that sauduction.com is right and has been stopped in Saudi Arabia by our family because they are afraid of you. The Saud family do not like that you get the truth and tell it to Americans. We go to London and download your sauduction.com all the time. The American child sex slaves are helping us write all that we give you in American English so your readers can understand what we say. We thought of this idea after reading about Saudi princes who give you information and nature protestors who take off their clothes. What you say about the Royal family stealing American children and making them into sex slaves is true. Most princes like little boys for sex. They use little girls for making babies and to give to foreign officials when they visit Saudi Arabia. We think it is bad that Bandar and his Washington employees have kept these things away from the American citizens. We would be a better government if princes could not buy so much in Washington but everybody wants our oil money in his pockets. We saw pictures were powerful by telling the world of American intelligence agents torturing and raping Iraqi Moslems. We send you our pictures.


We work for a foreign embassy in Washington and like reading your knowledgeable information. You people see the Saud family and their partners for what they really are. We see that overseas Israelis have been taking American secret documents for years and years. We can remember Rosenbergs, Jonathan Pollard, John Deutch and his secretary, the Neocons and now Sandy Berger who stuffed secret documents in his shoes. Their Neocon group in the Pentagon controls the American war against Muslims. We know the Saudi royal family has secret deals with them that allow the royals to steal from Arab oil reserves in the Arabian Peninsula and have special status in America. You scratch my back and I scratch your back. Did you also know American drug companies were told to give Israelis a 40% - 60% discount over American Muslims and Christians? What is wrong with American media that Muslims and Christians don't get to know these things? Please continue to write the truth. (quotes over).

All I can say is if it is true =curb the princely criminals= . My additional comments would
be later,after I get a chance to digest it. (end)

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