Tuesday 29 January 2008

erotics & temples (conclusion)

gawds enjoyed their
sexual freedom

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

(I am open to discuss the subject and even
debate it.This in sum would be the introduction
if I ever issue new edition of my translation of
Jayadeva´s erotic ashtapadis. The late
Srilanka artist George Keyt has published original
Gitagovinda with English translation with his
sensuous illustrations.)

Vienna, Tuesday, January 29,2008:Then there
are a number of godly castes,which includes
devils as well.Gods,angels,singer gandharvas,
instrumentalists and dancers half men half
horse male female couple,siddhas etc about
half a dozen sky-and heaven bound people
maintaining social intercourse with humans
make an exotic crowd.They are many in
number with individual identities.All these
deserve prominent locations in adorning
the architecture of a =sanatana= temple.
When temples were begun to be erected
from the early Christian era,most of these
are visualized by sculptors and their stories
got to be illustrated.Some of them for example,
bhuta ganas of Shiva included nandi bull
and other sacred lives. If Shiva temples are
decorated by them Vaishnava temples had
their own favorites of sub gods.

They all enjoyed greater behavioural freedom
than normal mortals, which included sexual
freedoms.Some kinnaras with human face
sang,male and female couple only kissed
each other.But they made love like animals.
Temple sculptures tend to depict these.These
are not based on Kamasutra of frogs or horses
but godly kinnara couples.

It would be indeed an interesting study if made
the sociology of Hindu gods and semi gods and
their sexual moralities.Just as in todays world
we have here in Vienna, a reserved places
for societies believing in naked bodies.It is the
same for Yugoslavia.In Germany and elsewhere
during summer days men and woman remove
cloths to absorb sun rays to the body.One can
see people on river beds, sea shores resting
on stones or benches free of cloths.In some cases
with only exotic panties printed or painted with
figures like krishnas or gopies.In saunas, men
and women sit naked on towels close to one
another.No one takes offence if a black, brown,
or any other colour race or women sits naked
for less than 15 minutes until they sweat well
and go for foam and warm and cold showers
all in birth day dress.

But in church precincts there are dress codes.
Heads should not be covered inside.Until
recently women in pants were not allowed in
ortodox churches.Skirt or saris ok but no
manly dress.These are then social ethics.

As for Indian temple sculptures,they also serve
as educative.If one reads Kannada Ratnakara
Varni´s Bharatesh Vaibhava, there is a very
descriptive chapter in =sangatya= metre
called =stree ratna sambhoga sandhi=,which
narrates openly how Tirthankara Bahubali
enjoyed his sex with his jewel of a woman,queen.
He is one to Jayadeva who wrote Gitagovinda
the lyrics on the krishna gopies dances and
love making, even repeating the noises of
love making couple and the noise their bedstead
makes.That is not part of Kamasutra. That
holy love of holy men and women!

Now please do not curse if some one depicts
Hindu gods as they reportedly enjoyed.It is
normal to see them so.May be it is because
indu Purohitas worshipped gods as men and
women ever since the sacrificial rites were
fully abandoned following the advent of Buddha
and he was accepted as a Hindu incarnation,
avatar and his slogan =ahimsa paramo dharmah=
was acknowledged by the rest of the hindus.

Let me point out the late Bollywood humourist
I.S.Johar.He used to say sexual exuberance
was a Hindu divine behavior which we should
respect.He would say we should not transplant
Islamic tenets into Hindu culture.(end)

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