Friday 11 January 2008

sutras yoga (6)

contemporary commentary

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,Friday,January11,2008: Sutras or cryptic
sentences of yoga are based on a tradition
comparable to the most advanced one.I said they
are like sub headings.If one should elaborate
they can be compared to the legends of slide
show visual lecture.But sub headings or slide
legends are immediately followed up by elaboration.
In other words sutras are key into the theme as a
whole.A definition of the sutras are given by the
traditional teachers as =alpaksharam, asandigdham,
saravat,vishvatomukham,astobhyam,anavadyam cha
sutram sutravido viduh=,meaning with minimum
of words presenting all round information without
room for doubts in a profound manner is the form of
sutra.In this system of teaching there are three layers.
In the second layer comes =vartika= which intends
to give key additional information to the students.
Finally, in the third place there comes =bhashya=
which is all elaborate.

In classical Hindu system of thought, sage Panini
of around sixth century before Christ, made about
2000 sutras to cover the structure of grammar
for the Sanskrit language,which is considered a
part of Vedic literature. He based them on an
inspiration from sounds he heard of the fourteen
beat rendering of a mini drum,believed to be
devine.These fourteen beats are also considered
as original sutras summing up phonertic alphabets.
I say this all to show the architecture of articulation
in classical edifice of Indian thought.These were
then touched up by sage Katyayana in =vartikas=
to be followed by Patanjali´s Mahabhashya.
We have no evidence to prove or disprove that
yoga sutras were his copy right.If we see in
Mahabhashya a challenging articulation of Samskrit
grammer integrating it to the vast Vedic literature,
here in yoga sutras we get introduced to the technology
of application of our mind within and outside to the

Our life is in our heart.Our heart gets motivation
from the air we get in from outside.Then we give
out breath.Thus we live in environment.The pumping
air is our link to the environment. It is basic.Then we
learn to maintain compatibility and application of
our pure consciousness for ourselves and environment.
In other words it is a love affair pure and simple
with the nature which enhances happiness and holds
us at permanent peace within ourselves and outside
nature.This yoking is yoga,both words are of the same
etymological trace,so in broader sense yoga is
defined here itself.How the ancients yoked and
worked the system is all about yoga,which is being
explained by the forthcoming 186 sutras divided
in four chapters 51 sutras in the chapter on =samadhi=
roughly translated occupation, 55 sutras in=sadhana=
or logistics preparation for the occupation, 56 in=vibhuti=
winning of the consecutive battles,and finally 34 in
=kaivalya= pure and simple peaceful mastery.Since
Buddhism has overwhelmed us, this stage can be described
in Buddhistc term =nirvana=,corresponding Hindu
word is =moksha or kaivalya=.

There are a total of eight stages in the struggle.In fact
the first five stages are the real struggle,which
constitute logistic.The last three stages,like a military
operation, attack,occupation and peace are
made simultaneously.Together the three are known
as =samyama=.In yoga language these are
called 1)yama,2)niyama 3)asana,4)pranayama,
5)pratyahara 6) dharana,7)dhyana, and 8) samadhi.
Yama are principles.Niyama are rules and regulations.
Asanas are suitable sitting methods.Pranayama is
the steady breathing.Pratyahara is the status of
alert.Dharana is comprehension.Dhyana is the
process of submerging what is under comprehension.
Samadhi is the conclusive comprehension.The
last three which work concurently are called in yoga
language all together as =samyama=.We will look
how it all works gradually in the continuing
contemporary commentary.(end)

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