Monday 7 January 2008

india as whipping boy

are you a mental case
jonathan power?

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,Monday,January 7,2008:I had this morning an
opportunity to read an opinion piece by Jonathan
Power in the arab news supposed to be on Benazir
Bhutto´s sad end.In th first part of the article Mr.Power
finds fault with Benazir Bhutto.I have expressed similar
views myself in all my writings ever since Bhutto took
the opportunity to rehabilitate herself in Pakistan´s
difficult times as if it is good if the house burns there
is no need for a match stick to light a cigarette even the
cheap char minar type.Then her widower Asif Zardari´s
attitude is much more cynical in that he would not hesitate
to set fire to the neighbor´s house so he can lit his char
minar there.

In the first breath Benazir and Zardari did not hide their
lack of confidence in the Pakistani government.In the
next, without offering any co-operation to the uniformed
regime,in fact rudely brushing it aside, Benazir held
her darbar rallies on her own responsibility.She suffered
by paying through life.Now her husband Zardari blames
the government for not providing protection even hinting
that the government itself was behind the deadly attack
on his wife!He wants the United Nations hold investigations
into the killing under the chaotic circumstances created by
themselves.May be later he would ask the world body
arrange transfer of power to his democratically willed
teenage son as ruler in Pakistan.Very good logic indeed.
Or is he a nut case?It never occurs to him take out his
and his wife´s past record to place on table.On this score
I do not blame Mr.Jonathan Power. He is on the right track.

Then by sheer out of context, he bashes the bambu on
India´s Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on the issue
of Kashmir.Fortunately,he did not accuse India of
meddling in the neighboring country´s internal turmoil.
What I do not understand is why the colonialists and
single vote democrat Islamists stand shoulder to
shoulder together.How and what would they gain if
Pakistan´s genocide gets an additional human canon
fodder from Indian side of Kashmir? In fact,Pakistan is
illegitimate sick baby of the colonialists. With the rude
shock of crude oil price shock Islamists adopted the
sick baby to lead their own rival United Nations of
Organization of Islamic Conference, Islamic World Bank,
Islamist Human Rights whatever this all may mean after
being the parties of United Nations Charter for over 25
long years!Even here colonialists in their neo-colonialist
incarnation,supported the terror mongers in their craze
for strategic nuclear assets!

Come new century, the Islamo-fascists stood exposed
in front of their own illegitimate parents,thanks to the
events of 11/9/001.Even at this late hour,scribes like
Jonathan Power find India,a victim of a low intensity
war unleashed by the very Islamo fascists, a convenient
whipping boy ,without any pretext whatever.Are you a
mental case Jonathan? (end)

Mr.Power responds promptly:
you shouldn't use abusive titles! besides your article
is full of non-sequiters. go to journalism school or read
some good novels.
regards, jonathan

If your answer is in affirmative that headline fits your
cap.Otherwise it is just a question that you created
in your readers´ minds.
I have taken note of that Sir.In case it interests you,
teacher Patanjali Sethi, I use a living language.Are
you aware of all the kinds of marriages accepted
today? Some times, I write =hisbend= =herbend=.
Even during the Queen´s time George Bernard
Shaw asked for reforms in English language.He
left a fortune behind for that purpose.You are
untouched by all these.
Do you know your International Herald Tribune
Publisher in India Muhammed alias Mubashar
Javed Akbar celebrated hanged Saddam Hussain´s
funeral in Bangalore on January 19,2007 causing
riots and killing of the innocents on the streets?
You can read details in this blog by scrolling deep
All the best,
kulamarva balakrishna

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