Tuesday 29 January 2008

our global responsibility

environmental engineering

By Jamais Cascio
(courtesy Foreign Policy Magazine
Carnegie Endowment.org)

Posted January 2008
It may sound like science fiction, but it’s only a matter of time before the world’s militaries learn to wield the planet itself as a weapon.


Preventing global warming from becoming a planetary catastrophe may take something even more drastic than renewable energy, superefficient urban design, and global carbon taxes. Such innovations remain critical, and yet disruptions to the Earth’s climate could overwhelm these relatively slow, incremental changes in how we live. As reports of faster-than-expected climate changes mount, a growing number of experts worry that we might ultimately be forced to try something quite radical: geoengineering.

Geoengineering involves humans making intentional, large-scale modifications to the Earth’s geophysical systems
in order to change the environment. These can include
sequestering atmospheric carbon dioxide in the oceans,
changing the reflectivity of the Earth’s surface, and pumping
particles into the stratosphere to block a fraction of incoming
sunlight. Many of these proposals mimic natural events, so
we know that—in principle—they can work, although there is
insufficient understanding of their potential side effects.

Unsurprisingly, geoengineering is highly controversial, and
even proponents view it as a “Hail Mary” pass, to be
considered only after all other options have failed.
But geoengineering presents more than just an environmental
question. It also presents a geopolitical dilemma. With
processes of this magnitude and degree of uncertainty,
countries would inevitably argue over control, costs, and
liability for mistakes. More troubling, however, is the
possibility that states may decide to use geoengineering
efforts and technologies as weapons. Two factors make this
a danger we dismiss at our peril: the unequal impact of climate
changes, and the ability of small states and even nonstate
actors to attempt geoengineering.

For a variety of political and natural reasons, global warming
affects some countries differently than others. Fragile
economies and weak infrastructures tend to worsen the
results of climate disruptions, a problem exemplified by
Bangladesh’s vulnerability to monsoons, accelerating
desertification in northern China, and, most visibly,
Hurricane Katrina’s devastation in New Orleans. At the
same time, warming and altered rainfall patterns may—
temporarily—improve conditions for countries in extreme
latitudes, increasing harvests in Canada and Russia for a
few years. Similarly, intentional changes meant to fight
global warming would also have differential results.

start up climos
=ocean iron fertilization=
with india participating

At the same time, the resources required for
geoengineering projects can vary dramatically. A
start-up company called Climos and the government
of India have each begun to prepare tests of “ocean
iron fertilization” to boost oceanic phytoplankton
blooms, in order to extract carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere, at a cost of just a few million dollars.
At the other end of the spectrum, projects like the
injection of megatons of sulfur dioxide into the upper
atmosphere to simulate the effects of a volcano would
easily cost in the tens of billions of dollars—still within
the means of most developed countries.

It’s this combination of differential impact and relatively
low cost that makes international disputes over
geoengineering almost inevitable. Even if there is broad
consensus that geoengineering is too risky, research
into environmental modification will happen simply out
of self-preservation—nobody wants to fall behind.
Moreover, it’s not hard to imagine some international
actors seeing geoengineering as something other than
solely a way of avoiding environmental disaster.

environment as weapon

It wouldn’t be the first time states looked at the
environment as a weapon. In the early 1970s, the
Pentagon’s Project Popeye attempted to use cloud
seeding to increase the strength of monsoons and
bog down the Ho Chi Minh Trail. In 1996, a group of
Air Force and Army officers working with a theory
=weather as force multipler=.The Air Force 2025
program produced a document =owing the weather
in 2025=and a similar project was launched by the
Soviet Union as well.But it got nowhere,there remains
the story.The idea of a geoengineering arms race may
superficially parallel this line of thinking,
it’s actually a very different concept. Unlike “weather
warfare,” geoengineering would be subtle and long term,
more a strategic project than a tactical weapon; moreover,
unlike weather control, we know it can work, since we’ve
been unintentionally changing the climate for decades.

The offensive use of geoengineering could take a variety
of forms. Overproductive algae blooms can actually sterilize
large stretches of ocean over time, effectively destroying
fisheries and local ecosystems. Sulfur dioxide carries
health risks when it cycles out of the stratosphere. One
proposal would pull cooler water from the deep oceans to
the surface in an explicit attempt to shift the trajectories
of hurricanes. Some actors might even deploy counter
-geoengineering projects to slow or alter the effects of
other efforts.

The subtle, long-term aspects of geoengineering could
make it appealing. Because the overt purpose of
geoengineering would be to fight global warming, and
because complex climate systems would make it hard
to definitively blame a given project for harmful outcomes
elsewhere, offensive uses would likely be hard to detect
with certainty. And, in a world where nuclear deterrence
remains strong but the value of conventional military force
has come under question, states will look for alternative,
unexpected ways of boosting their strategic power relative
to competitors.

thinking the unthinkable

Despite the global impact of geoengineering, the differential
climate patterns and the resilience of local technological,
economic, and social infrastructures guarantees that some
states will fare better than others.Much as Cold War nuclear
strategists could argue about “winning” a nuclear war by
having more survivors, advocates of a Global Warming War
might see the United States, Western Europe, or Russia
as better able to “ride out” climate disruption and
manipulation than, say, China or the countries of the Middle
East. It’s a new version of “thinking the unthinkable.”

Smart policies could lessen these risks. The 1977
Environmental Modification Convention, produced by
the United Nations in response to Project Popeye,
prohibits the use of engineered weather or
environmental changes for military purposes;
signatory countries may wish to look at ways of
monitoring and enforcing this treaty. Outright
banning of geoengineering research is highly unlikely,
as it offers a last-ditch hope for staving off climate
disaster. Instead, putting research into the hands of
transparent, international bodies could reduce the
temptation to “weaponize” geoengineering;
internationalization could also help to spread the
liability and costs, reducing one potential source of tension.

The best strategy to avoid the possible offensive use
of geoengineering techniques, however, is twofold:
First, embrace the social, economic, and technological
changes necessary to avoid climate disaster before it’s
too late; and second, expand the global environmental
sensor and satellite networks allowing us to monitor
ecosystem changes—and manipulation. This strategy
may not reduce the temptation to look at geoengineering
as an offensive capacity, but it would ensure that
experiments and prototype efforts couldn’t readily
be hidden under the cover of fighting climate change.
We know all too well that the international contest for
power will continue even in the face of a growing global
threat. It would be a tragedy if, in seeking to avoid
environmental catastrophe, we inadvertently enabled
a new quest for geopolitical advantage. The risks of
turning the Earth itself into a weapon are far too great.

(Jamais Cascio is an environmental futurist and a fellow
at the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies.
He blogs at Open the Future.)(end)

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