Saturday 12 January 2008

yoga definition (7)

antaratma & paramatma

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

(questions are welcome-kb)

Vienna,Saturday, January 12,2008:In the second sutra
the definition is being given.The four Sanskrit words
read =yogah chitta vritti nirodhah=.If yoga word is traced
to yoking, chitta denotes mind.It is neutral in gender.
In Vedanta philosophy,everything had begun with =aum=
=tat= =sat=,meaning aum that is it, the reality.The
existing =sat=reality was pointed the word was used
as substance =chit=.Its true nature was noted as
=ananda=, happiness.Yoga now takes us on the route
of realizing the happiness.This mind substance is
mercurial.The tendency of the mind is to keep moving.
Some for comparison suggest it to that of a monkey
that is because of superficial knowledge. Another
temptation for comparison could be to nuclear
movement but there the problem is nuclear atoms
are many individual mind is one.Besides,they keep on
collision course.Mind´s mobility is fast, but no collision
is involved.Yoga is the method of harnessing
the mind´s moving energy.It is done by the use of
reverse force to prevent uncontrolled movement.
Thus making it clear by nirodha,restraint,a suppression
is not meant.Minds mobility is retained but guided
towards, the goal.

What is the goal?The is goal is =ananda=,happiness
constant,like switched on light.This light interacts
radiating all round.The motivation for the pursuit is
happiness,the goal,a subjective experience.It is
pure love.That is why Amarasimha, in his Sanskrit
dictionary listed =chittam tu cheto hridayam,
dhee prajna shemushee matih=as mind,
consciousness, heart,intelligence, knowledge,
understanding,and will.The heart is the key for
hapiness,love and will.Amarasimha serves as

In the reality,chit,which is being the experience
and the one experiences, itself is =antaratma=,
the boss of the human body showing the individual´s
will. This antaratma is the same as =paramatma=
who is the boss and will of the universe,call
it nature.By yoga,the boss of the body is able
dance in tune with Paramatma,the boss of nature
in complete happiness.Yoga is not inhibiting the
mind as some claim but guides it on how to team
up with outside boss,paramatma.Samkhya
philosophical system explains the relationship
between =antaratma= some call it =jivatma=
meaning life.(end)

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