Friday 25 January 2008

erotics & temples

gawd as conman

By Kulamarv Balakrishna

Vienna,Friday,January 25,2008:There are
other tributaries to the temple architecture
of India.In yoga (13) piece I just mentioned
about Nachiketa being donated by his father
Vajrashravas,I can not say it definitely
because another vertical gossip says he
was the son of Uddalaki, it could be Uddalaki
is another name of Vajashravas making him
a son of the known Uddalaka, after a fire
sacrifice.Nachiketa learned the nature of life
after death without going through the yoga route.
As he came to the buffalo rider´s palatial
bungalow, alloted by the parliament secretariat
of gawds, the yama was away, in search of
new carcasses.The young Nachiketa had to wait.
As there was no service in the bungalow,for
three full days the = brahmachari= celibate
teenager had to wait without food or drinks.
He was compelled since he could not return to
his miserly father who had donated him.When
yama returned home riding the buffalo the
first thing he did was like dictated by =sanatana
dharma= to ask the well being,=yogakshema=
of the young guest.Refreshments over, the
gentleman death gawd, apologized to
Nachiketa for being away so long and asked
what he can do to him in compensation
that as a guest he had remained thee days
unattended with out food or drinks.For three
days he could ask three compensations.

Nachiketa was quick may be quicker than this
21st century poor journalist bla bla.He asked
first forgiveness for his father´s dishonest
behavior.Then he asked about heaven for
information. Finally he asked the gawd of death:
= Sir, I have the final question, you are responsible
for taking away life or what is left of life.You sure
know what then happens to life.Could you tell me
please what after that?Where goes life after death?
Body you take care give warm feather quilled bed
or send it to torture chamber of yours, the hell.
But Life?=. The buffalo rider was surprised
by the young man´s rare curiosity.He said:
=I tell you young man, relax, there are beautiful
girls here,the chariots are ready, music like
nadasvara or shahnai in attendance.Instead
of enjoying your young life why do you want
to know this.Can you ask some other question
please?= Nachiketa was not a poor journalist
to look for alternative formulation of the question
or ask another question on a different point.
He was asked to say how he could be
compensated? He took the opportunity to
say =by answering the question=.
He insisted on the answer.So began the story
of all radiating sound of =aum=, the muezzine´s
call if you want to be an Islamist, as it is fashion
today among the =Hindu Jagruti Org= mobs.

So he told him the secrets of the radiating sound
of =aum= which was sum substance of the
universal life.No one cares about that now
especially if they are Hindoo reincarnation of
the ancient and classic =sanatana dharma=
of compassion followers.I am not saying the temples
are bereft of the universal life but what you see there
glaringly are the ruins of =ima ramah, sarathah,
saturyah, naheedrushah lambhaneeyah manushaih=
that is the girls here,chairots,music in attendance,
which humans can not get.These are the things
visualized by sculptors guided by architects
to put in place around the temples.

Yet another story,the way king of gawds the clever
conman deceiving good women into bed instead of
raping.There was a puru princess named Ahalya.She
married a brahmin intellectual sage Gauthama. When he
was out the conman gawd king Indra dressed
exactly like Gauthama appeared to take her in bed.
Then she came to know he was not her husband.
But it was late.Then abruptly Gauthama returned
home.Then king of gawd instead of becoming
a dog became a cat.Gauthama asked his wife,
who was it she said,who else but a cat.But he
was not deceived. He cursed her to become a
stone and the king of dogs sport a thousand
yoni like holes on his whole body. When Shri
Rama came that way by the touch of his feet
the stone again became princely Ahalya. All
these did not stop the king of gawds being a
very mean debauchee.When Nishadha king
announced for the self selection for his love lorn
daughter Damayanti, the king of gawds was
there as well dressed perfect like her lover,
Nala, the great horse specialist charioteer.
Damayanti was perplexed on how to identify
Nala from among the gathered princes,some
of whom looked like Nala himself including the
con man god king and his goldy associates,
who were always willing to share the loot.
Then the situation for her was saved when
she was advised by a well wisher that gods
did not bat an eyelid before being cheats.

Naturally such godly behaviors go recorded
in illustrations of sculptures around the temples
to warn the visitors these are cheats here not
trustworthy.The message is the same as Count
Leo Tolstoy told almost 115 years ago that
=The Kingdom of God Is Within You=.Please
Hindu Jagruti.Org boys including Tarun Vijay,
the trumpeteer, write it on your walls.
Here is a list of five great women cheated by
none other than gawds and their underlings.
=Ahalya,Draupadi,Sita,Tara, Mandodari=.
You know already about Ahalya.She brought
up two adopted princely monkey brothers
Vali and Sugreeva.Draupadi is Panchali
princess,who married five husbands
because one of the gawd king´s gigolo son
won her in self selection of mates procedure
known to princes of the day,= svayamvara= by
a shooting competition.Who then obeyed his
mother to share her in turn with her four in laws,
four other gigolo sons of gawds,brothers.She was
an honest and intelligent woman of her time.
She told honestly, when a woman meets a
handsome,she wets her yoni at once! Besides,
she is attributed to have confessed:=What of
my five =hisbends=? I can take on a sixth as well=.
=shashtopi mama rochate=.The third is Shri
Rama´s wife Sita, a girl rescued from the burrow
in the field by the yogi king Janaka.The fourth
is Tara, the queen of first Vali, the monkey king
and later after his murder by Rama,the queen
of his younger brother Sugreeva.She was a
great monkey woman indeed, since she accepted
both brothers on an agreement even before
the elder was assassinated by Shri Rama.
The fifth and the last Mandodari, is said to be the
biological mother of Sita forced to abndaon her
female child.She was the daughter her time´s
greatest town planner architect Maya.Those days
Maya clan architects were world leaders.They built
ancient Babylonian cities.Indus cities now
submerged ruins.Her father himself built the most
beautiful city of the time,Sri Lanka.It is the
visual representation of all thes ancient personalities
that adorn Indian temple architectures.(end)

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