Friday 22 February 2008

roots of


By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,Friday,February 22,2008:My dear friend
Khalid Hasan has sent me the quote from Lord
Macaulay´s address to the British parliament
after his return from his evaluation visit to India
in 1834/35.This took place just after the Britiish
eradicated thuggery in India, where Hindu and
Muslim criminal gangs joined innocent pilgrims
to kill them with the help of a coin placed inside
a kerchief a la Charles Shobharaj of 1970s.
The part quoted is sourced to a Tamil file preserving
Lord Macaulay´s report to the parliament.

Quote:= I have traveled across the length and breadth
of India and I have not seen one person who is a
beggar,who is a thief.Such wealth I have seen in this
country,such high moral values, people of such caliber,
that I do not think we would ever conquer this country,
unless we break the very backbone of this nation,which
is her spiritual and cultural heritage and therefore, I
propose that we replace her old and ancient education
system,her culture, for if Indians think that all that is
foreign and English is good and greater than their
own, they will lose their self esteem,their native culture
and they will become what we want them, a truly
dominated nation.=

Lord Macaulay has succeeded.That is why we lost
our system of humanistic studies based on yoga
and we got the replacement of simplistic caricaturist
education.This made us trust only cash as value.
We buy some toothpicks just from the shop,which
it displays when an importer distributer brings
the shop to sell on a commission but paying for the
stock in advance.Our individual home computer,
our brains remain incapacitated to think for itself.
It is easier to exchange value for cash instead
of creating any substantive value by one´s own
efforts.We are pampered by our =foreign craze=.
The craze for the American is not different from
the craze for the British. The Americans are
the same British colonialists. That is the secret
of a socialist Tony Blabla following blindfold
on the footsteps of Chimpanzee George Bush.

Now there is a situation in India today we
believe even the sand land Saudi pittance is
more worth than our own wealth.Thus we,as
Pavlov´s exprimental cat, have got used to
down grade the value of voluntary love and
upgrade the disgraceful savage crime of rape.
We have begun to disgrace voluntary
democracy of sharing and togetherness
instead taken to present rape of democracy
by force by a criminal gang as true and real
democracy. In the sand land of Saudi Arabia
there is let alone democracy,not even is
there a benevolent dictatorship.There rules
the worst savagery pure and simple.Women
have no rights.Citizens have no votes.Even
queens or imported harem are subjected genital
mutilation by force so they can do without
any experience of happiness whatever. All
the happiness if reserved for one man, the
ruler. May be after him his several tens of
thousands of criminal princes.Not even
princesses have any right for happiness.
When should we understand that love and
democracy involves give and take on
voluntary basis that is sharing a common
happiness? (end)

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