Saturday 23 February 2008

yoga satya (21)

hidden and

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,Sunday, February 24,2008: It may
be better at this stage itself provide some
insight into what is meant by =satya=,truth
fullness,which is the heart of yoga as Patanjali
puts it as one of the =souvereigns= of ten
elements involved in the system.It is part of
the=yama= quintet.In the second =sadhana=
pada chapter,30th sutra mentions truthfulness
as the second only to non violence.That also
explains why Mahatma Gandhi wrote his
autobiography under the title =my experiments
with truth=.

=satyam bruyat, priyam bruyat, na bruyat
satyam apriyam; priyamcha nanritam bruyat
esha dharmah sanatanah=, meaning one should
tell the truth, one should speak pleasant,one
should not speak unpleasant truth;also one should
not speak pleasant being untruthful this is the
ancient universal principle.This principle is known
to almost every higher caste Indian by culture.
But this principle has a key.That key has been
revealed by the first poet, Valmiki who wrote
Ramayana epic.He repeated it more than once
on two occasions. Once it came from the mouth
of a savage Mareecha magician uncle of Brahmin
Satan villain of Ramayana, notorious by the name
of Ravana. On another occasion also it was addressed
to Ravana by his cousin Vibhishana,who before
deserting him to join forces with the hero Rama
just before the war broke out,in the same words.

=sulabhah purushah rajan satatam priya vadinah;
appriyasya cha satysa vakta shrota cha durlabhah=,
King, the form of address is noteworthy,formal not
as =my nephew= or as =my cousin later= but as
king holding authority,= it is easy to find men who
speak always pleasant.but it is rare to find men or
women who would speak the unpleasant truth;
rarer still who would listen the unpleasant truth=.

It is one consideration basing scientific treaties are
made and so can be brought to notice at the appropriate
time to present onself as being neutral.Yoga system
serves as such a treaty to project truthfulness
for focusing in front of some one who needs and
who is in a position to understand the message.
Now here is the link up why I am frontal, while
focusing on the reality.It is worth remembering
Patanjali was not fore runner to Buddha in time.
He may be few hundred years after the Buddha´s
time. But the teacher has not created the yoga
system,which is even older much older than the
Buddha.By Buddha´s time, there were several
versions or brands of yoga as we have several
car brands.For the trade mark´s sake slight
variations in technique were incorporated that is
all.In essence however, the principles are the

There is a third dimension to truth.It involves
hiding the truth.Hiding can be done by silence,
or by misleading as is done in spreading false
news, for example the false news of the death
of Ashvatthama, the son of Drona, the teacher
of two war cousins Kauravas and Pandavas of the
Mahabharata vertical gossip. The guru Drona
was unconquerable because he held key to
the application of boomerang technology, the
pre-curser of the present missile technology.
To be impartial to his disciples he made it
clear to the both warring parties, he could not
survive the death of his only son Ashvatthama.
It is easy to spread false news but make it
credible the one who plants false news has to
trace it to a credible source.In this case, the
truth ful Pandu prince Yudhishthira´s forged
certificate was used to make the death news of
Ashvatthama trustorthy.Cheated Drona fell in
the war.The means used was the noise made by
the gawd player Krishna blowing his conch
shell, =panchajanya= not the Rashtreeya
Svayamsevaka Sangha (Hindu Hitlerite party)

Link up this to today´s events.In India forged
certificates are being used to spread false news.
That is Indian media from top to bottom. I say
this as the head of =Taravadu Taranga Trust
for Media Monitoring= (TTTMM). To some extent
this is true of the International media. In truth
manipulation world wide, The Washington Post
and The Guardian give the lead.Sorry to say this.
They both are taken to be credible media and
that is the reason, they are often used for obtaining
forged credibility.This will also help my readers
to take a perspective view of Arun Gandhi being
branded as the grand son of =purported follower
of non violence= Mahatma Gandhi. They have no
shame in subverting and arranging a false Nobel
peace prize for Menachin Begin. (end)

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