Thursday 21 February 2008

yoga (20)

linkage with

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,Friday,February 22-2008:Prof.K.P.Rao
has asked me a question in one of his comments.
At the time I answered him that current scientific
education and the old yogic education system
both are valid in time context. I gave him a cryptic
example that pistach paste mixed chocolate ball
and Indian traditional home made sweet ball
known as =shukrunde= both are tasty and they
should be eaten separately.In my earlier writing
I gave the instance of Einstein´s education as
a reference.Just interconnecting I say in the olden
days the young had a massive body of knowledge
to absorb.But there were no external help as we
have today.That is why internalization and remote
sensing of a kind was necessary.That was made
possible by developing the individual.Ego, ahankara
or self identity which can be had only for one who has
taken birth in human body.Without that asmita, I am there
awareness, which is individuation in man, is nothing.
Yoga teaches this ego with a body to link up with
the bodyless ego that is universal consciousness
including the mobile lives and the immobile like the
plants,rocks,rivers,ocean etc.

There are over 1331 or so schools of classic brahminic
education.They all sing at the thrice a day prayer time
=yam sada sarva bhutani sthavarani charani cha;
sayam praternamasyanti sa ma sandhya abhirakshatu=,
meaning whom all matter, living mobile and immobile
always at dawn and at dusk pray humbly may that time link
protect us.The significance of samadhi pada sutra
19 then is related to this awareness. Discarnate is body
less consciousness.Submerged in nature are birds,
animals,rivers,oceans,rocks etc.These two classes of
life are exempted from learning.By their existence itself
they get what they need from nature.But humans need to
learn.Yoga, then is the mode of humanistic studies of
the ancient.That is why Bhagavadgita says =yogah
karmasu kaushalam= in very simple way. Because of
the simplicity of expression the profound meaning got
lost with the majority who went for caricature eduction!
I hope I made clear I have no enmity against Mr.Anant
Pai or the late Mr.M.T.V.Acharya. (end)

I have said about the process of abstraction.Now let us
take the abstraction in reverse.Then we get all the
minutest atomic details of the object,like the google
mapping of the earth.What details disappear in abstraction
reappear at the time of analysis,which takes place
spontaneously when needed.That is made possible by
practice and dettachment.In other words our consciousness
is =sarvantaryami= is inhabitant every where.Within
the unit of individuated ego that is =antaratma or antaryami=,
inhabitant. Outside the same consciousness is =paramatma=
the great universal consciousness.Yoga teaches us to belong
to the universe.There is then no miracle or mystery is

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