Saturday 2 February 2008

yoga samadhi (17)

love & peace

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,Saturday, February 2,2008:For hair
splitters,there are many forms of samadhis.
But for some one who is set on yoga course
it should be clear,samadhi is single and
continuous one binding the the individual
human to the universe he lives in harmony.
The binding is not only valid to humans but
also moving animals,birds and n moving
nature in general.In any case, I would like
give a list of nine stages of samadhi some
experienced practitioners pointed out for
help.In fact once the human heart is opened
up then it knows how to unfold further so it can
submerge with the universal consciousness
being part and parcel of it.Then the the mass
of granite rock and the space walking human
are integrated.This achievement makes the
intelligent capable of enjoying life immeasurably.
Unfortunately, as Vajrayana Buddhists will
let you know, they like to be the last get out of
the sinking ship of life after saving every one
inside.That is not exactly Buddhahood, but
closer to it, identified as Bodhisatva hood.
A close reading of the Tibetan Book of the
Dead will confirm this.

With the three tier assault on the human interior
by =dharana=,=dhyana=, and =samadhi=
simultaneously the yogi comes to possess
himsef in true sense.The nine stages pointed
out are: 1,samprajnata,savitarka and nirvitarka,
2.asamprajnata,3. samprajnata -vichara,
4.asamprajata,5.asamprajnata- sananda,
8.nirbija and 9 dharmamegha. If you will notice,
these are denoted for identification with the
logistical parts named earlier as vitarka,
and asmita (I am,ego present individuation).
The final stages are devoid of any differentiation
of identity after the submerging of the individual
in universal unity of oneness.

It is a progressive process that one finds no
difference whatever between the self and
environment.There are no miles stones set
or any necessity for them as the individual is
drawn in the one non distinguishable whole.
It is very important to remember, Patanjali
has opened up a key element of the union
when he deliberated in the nineteenth sutra
of the first samadhi pada =bhava pratyayo
videha prakriti layanam=.Even learned
yogis find it difficult understand the significance
of this sentence coming immediately
after describing the =asamprajnata samadhi=.
Now here is the yoga link to the human,animal,
as well as static world of plants and rocks or
flowing rivers and surging oceans. Bhava
means appearance,pratyaya meaning focus,
videha denote identifiable body less ness,
prakriti is nature laya means incorporated in.
Patanjali means that the entire nature is bound
by yoga to the universe.This can be discerned
by the appearance. In nature appearance and
disappearances are normal.Sanatana dharma
visualists used these as a theater to present a
fashion of show of gods and goddesses
in temples or homes, to make available
every man and woman his or her own pill.
In reality for a healthy heart no pills of this
kind are necessary since he has already
integrated himself to the environment
being part and parcel of it.That is love
and peace. Love resides at heart and
peace in mind.(end)

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